Hello! And thank you for clicking on my story! This is my first fanfiction, so I'll apologize before hand for anything that doesn't really flow well or doesn't make sense. I'm kind of nervous about posting this, and I feel like that made my writing skill deteriorate a whole bunch, so sorry about that. I'll also do a number of small time skips throughout this story. I try to make it clear how long it's been since the previous paragraph, and what the setting is, but if I leave that out or it doesn't make sense, be sure to let me know and I'll try to fix it. Well, I guess that's it, so on with the story!

Kuroko stared at the scene before him, silently wishing that the redhead he was seeing was some new student, but no, before him was Akashi Seijuro, his boyfriend of two years already. Or, at least he thought they had been together, but the way the redhead was currently kissing another person made him doubt that fact. "A-Akashi-kun?" He stammered.

The redhead turned around to reveal his face, and he let out a groan at who he saw standing there. "Hello, Tetsuya." He sighed, clearly annoyed at having been found, though that no the only emotion on his face, no surprise, and no sadness. "I'd have rather this happened at a more convenient time, as you can see I'm busy at the moment." Akashi said, gesturing at the silver haired Omega he had been kissing.

Kuroko now recognized the other male as another third year Omega. His name was Mayuzumi, Kuroko believed, but he couldn't be sure, and at this moment in time, he was too focused on Akashi to think about it.

"Anyways," Akashi said. "You can see that I've clearly moved on to better things than you. I got tired of waiting on someone as low as you, and I've chosen to spend my time with people socially qualified to be around me. I'm surprised no one else has told you before this, considering that at least the whole basketball team knows, probably more people. Chihiro and I have already spent his heat together, just so you know. I don't get why you think spending a first heat together is so important. I believe they're all the same for Omegas. That's all I have to say to you, so I would appreciate it if you made yourself scarce so I can continue with what I was going."

Kuroko couldn't move. Was this really happening? The Alpha he'd been dating, the Alpha he'd been planning to spend his heat with, was just up and throwing everything away, throwing him away. Tears started to form in his eyes, and though Kuroko tried to hold them back, they were quickly falling down his face.

Mayuzumi sighed as he stared at the other Omega. He was being such a pain, just standing there and ruining the mood. 'Oh well,' He thought, turning back to Akashi, who was looking at the crying boy as if he was disgusted with him. "Don't worry about him, Seijuro. He'll leave soon enough." And with that, Mayuzumi turned the redhead towards him and brought their lips together.

He could feel Akashi's surprise at his actions, but soon he felt the other's mouth curve into a smirk before the kiss was deepened. Mayuzumi melted into Akashi's hands, and just relaxed for a minute before he decided to open his eyes and see if the other Omega was still there. Lo and behold, he was, standing there like an idiot and crying.

He broke away from the kiss to address the boy. "Look, I can see you've got some unresolved problems, but you're really killing the mood, so could you just leave?"

Akashi looked over too. "Tetsuya, there is no reason for you to still be standing there. You're unwanted here, and anywhere else near me, and you're making a fool of yourself."

Kuroko stood silent as he slowly felt his heart breaking. What had happened to the Akashi that took him on dates every week, and took care of him when he was sick? What had happened to the Alpha he'd known before? He couldn't find a reason for the sudden change, and his thoughts were focused on that until Akashi spoke again.

"Tetsuya, I don't know why you're so sad right now. You must have known the whole reason I was with you was for your heat. You're a fool if you thought otherwise. Leave now. You're only going to annoy me further if you continue to stay."

Kuroko was completely broken now. He looked at the Alpha in front of him sadly before slowly nodding his head. He then turned and walked down the hallway. After he turned a corner, he started to run. He ran out of the school building and felt the wind greet him, cooling the tears still coming down his face. He didn't care about it though. He didn't care about the cold, he didn't care about missing the rest of the school day, and he didn't care that he might get sick because of this. He simply ran.

Kuroko finally pushed open the door to his house, having struggled to get the key into the lock with his hands shaking. As soon as he closed the door, he slumped down against the wood, burying his head into his knees.

He didn't know how long he stayed in that position, but eventually he dragged himself to his feet and then walked to his room. Walking through the threshold into his room had been painful, as he had immediately seen things that had reminded him of Akashi. Pictures, presents, clothes. Everything he looked at seemed to bring the redhead to mind.

He could feel the water building up in his eyes once more, and he shuffled to his bed until he collapsed into it and let the tears fall. His whole world had been shattered in just one day.

The next morning came and Kuroko went to the bathroom to stand in front of the mirror. His eyes were red and swollen from the crying he had done the previous day. He stared at his reflection for a few minutes before he made up his mind. He wouldn't show his emotions anymore. He wouldn't care about emotions anymore. If that's what it took in order to get rid of this pain, he'd do it. Anything to stop what he was feeling.

He practiced over the next few weeks, skipping school everyday so he could stand in front of the mirror and recall things. He thought about that moment in the hallway where Akashi had tossed him aside, and though he felt like crying, he forced himself to just stare. He thought about the dates Akashi had taken him on, and though at times he felt like smiling from the happy memories, and at times he felt like crying after remembering why he was doing this, he forced himself to remain neutral.

It was three weeks after the event that Kuroko returned to the school building, but instead of making his way to his classes, he he walking straight to the office. He could feel people staring at him, and he had no doubt that the news of his reaction to the breakup had been spread through the school, mostly likely a courtesy of Mayuzumi. He could tell that a few of the stares were of pity from Omegas, yet the majority of them were from amused Alphas and Betas, probably laughing at how weak he was, but he ignored them, he kept up his neutral facade, his face completely blank. He almost felt like laughing at how pitiful everyone probably thought he was, at how pitiful he really was, but he forced those emotions back down with willpower alone.

He opened the door to the office once he'd reached his destination. A female teacher,one he recognized as a Beta who taught the third years history, looked up at him, and he could see the change in her face from questioning to pitying. He stood tall and walked over to her desk. "I'd like to request the papers required to transfer from the school, please."

She looked at him with understanding, but she questioned him anyways. "Are you sure? You're in your third year already. Transferring out for the half year of school remaining doesn't make much sense."

Kuroko didn't even ask how she knew what year he was in. He guessed that pretty much everyone who'd heard about his relationship with Akashi at all, before or after their breakup, probably knew his age. "I realize that this is a bit of a swift decision, and I apologize, but I would still like to transfer if it would be possible." He said.

She nodded. "I understand, Kuroko-kun. I'll get you the papers and mention this to the principal. If you could get these papers to me as soon as possible, we could get this transfer finished by the end of the week. Do you know which school you want to transfer to?"

"Seirin Middle School, please. I plan to continue into their high school division as well."

"Alright, I'll help you get this request in. Like I said, just drop the papers off here when you finish them."

Kuroko nodded and then bowed. "Thank you." He said, before he turned around and left the room.

One week later, Kuroko was standing at the entrance to Seirin Middle School. He had spoken with his parents about the change, telling them that he'd gotten into a problem with some people at school and he didn't want to continue. They hadn't really cared considering that they traveled most of the time and weren't with him very often. It had been a fairly short conversation.

The problem was the money it took to get to Seirin. He'd taken the train here today, and he figured that's what he would do for the rest of the school year, but he hoped he could convince his parents to switch houses for next year.

He was shaken out of his thoughts when he bumped into a wall. Or, he had thought it was a wall. When he backed up to look at it though, he was face to face with tall, red and black haired guy. He had weird eyebrows.

The guy glanced down to glare at him, but he seemed confused for a moment. Kuroko had been surprised at this for a moment, before he realized that things were just going back to how they'd been before he met Akashi. People had barely taken notice of him until he was standing near the powerful redhead who forced attention to him. That was all gone now.

Though, instead of continuing on, he took a step back and bowed slightly at the taller teen. "I apologize for running into you." He said, monotone.

The redhead jumped back in surprise before his eyes zeroed in on the Omega. "Wha-? Where did you come from?!"

"I was just walking into the building." Kuroko said, standing back up. "My name is Kuroko Tetsuya." He held out his hand.

"Kagami Taiga." The redhead said, reaching his own hand out to shake the other's.

Kagami looked down at the smaller male. He was small, and he had blue hair, but the thing that stood out to him most was the look he had in his eyes. Or rather, the fact that there didn't seem to be any emotion in them. He looked completely blank.

Kuroko noticed Kagami staring at him. "May I help you?"

Kagami jerked from his thoughts. "No, no. I was just… wondering who you were." Kagami mentally winced. He realized then that if this guy had been around all three years of his middle school life and he hadn't even notice him, then the guy would think of him as extremely rude, along with the fact that this guy had already told him his name.

Kuroko was slightly confused. Who he was? He'd already told the guy his name, what else did he mean? "...My name is Kuroko Tetsuya."

Kagami turned red. "I know, I know." He stuttered. "I just meant, like…" He scrambled for something to say. "Umm, I just meant like what class and year you were in, that's all."

"Oh… I'm a third year. I just transferred here, so I'm not aware of what my class is yet."

"Oh, good to know!" Kagami felt extremely awkward. This guy wasn't even trying to carry on a conversation, what was he supposed to say?

Kuroko nodded. "It was nice to meet you, Kagami-kun. I'll be on my way now." And then Kuroko made his way past the redhead and into the school building.

Author's Note

Hey! Like I said, this is my first fanfiction, so I really want to know what you think. Any constructive criticism is welcome, along with pretty much whatever else you want to say. If you notice any spelling or grammar errors, please tell me, 'cause I'm pretty picky about that sort of thing. I'll try to update this about once a week. Anyways, thanks for reading this!