"You saw her!?"

"Yeah! It was weird... She just showed up in the office and left as soon as she came!"

Various murmurs were heard throughout the classroom, the students were so occupied that they didn't, or Couldn't hear the door to the room opening.
The first thing the boy realized was the loud chatting that filled the room, next was the giant crowd around one student, A boy with blonde hair, unattractive, but thats not the point, the teachers desk looked like a rabid dog had ran over the top of it while trying to get comfortable. He was... Shocked to say the least. Everyone surrounding a boy that isn't him, the teachers desk is trashed and it wasn't to find seating plans for the next term, and the excessive chatter that wasn't about him.

His ego couldn't have been more deflated.

This narcissistic boy was the one called Oikawa Tooru. The great, -annoyingly- popular captain of the Aoba Jousai boy's volleyball team. And being his selfproclaimed (and fangirl proclaimed) popular, extremely attractive, strong self, he felt a bit conflicted and hurt that not even his fangirls were paying attention to him.

So he decided to see what was so amazing about this guy, or whatever he was talking about.


A short pause of silence.

"OIKAWA-KUN!" "OIKAWA-SAN!" Followed by a barrage of screaming fangirls and their gift throwing, that appeared out of nowhere, who finally noticed the self loving idiot as he makes his way through the crowd of bodies, trying to understand the amount of excitement and wonder flowing out of the male in the middle.

"O-Oh Oikawa-san? What, do you want to hear about her too?" The blonde haired (Oikawa proclaimed) Unattractive boy asked.

"Hear about what? And how come I've never heard of this before?" He replied, confused. The blonde in front of him sweat dropped and sighed before replying to the idiot in front of him.

"Well the last time someone tried to tell you, you weren't listening to them... So they didn't bring it up again, Oikawa-san"

"...Huh~" He brought his hand to the back of his neck, scratching it nervously. "Ahaha~ Sorry!"

"It's fi..." "Oh yeah, who's this girl everyone is interested in?" Oikawa replied, cutting off the blonde boy.

"Uh.. Oh um she is a student at this school, in this class actually, but since she never shows up to class and no one has ever seen her face or Her in general, she is regarded as a mystery to everyone, she even has the nickname, 'Ghost Girl' since we don't know her name. The only time she has been sighted is after an exam or before." He pauses taking a quick look at the now extremely interested Oikawa.
"She walks from somewhere down to the administration office and grabs an exam paper or gives in an exam paper. She then vanishes right after giving, or taking the paper. If she takes it, she returns exactly an hour after to hand it in... Um Oikawa.. -san. How have you never even heard of her before?"

Said person looks up to the ceiling in wonder, a hand on his face.

"I... Don't know"

All day in class, all he could think about was that girl. What was her name? Her hair? What did it look like up close? Was she pretty? Why doesn't she attend class? Maybe if I scout around? Does Iwa-chan know about her?

He was completely zoned out all day, ignoring his fangirls and talking to himself while he was scouting around school for the girl. He secretly knew that he wouldn't find her that way, But its worth a try He thought to himself.
And for the next hour, instead of attending class, he roamed the halls looking for the girl. Soon, he made it over to the administration office. After being scolded for not being in class, he asked them if they knew anything about her but unfortunately for him they weren't allowed to give out personal details, but he was assured that she existed. He asked them if they knew her name. It was considered personal details apparently... But he wasn't going to give up, and he vowed that by the end of the week. (Its Thursday) He would have her name.

He then began wondering what her name would be, Something mysterious or dark... Like Kuromi? Akumi? He was so involved in his thoughts he didn't realize class, and the day, was over. That is, he didn't realize it until he walked right into someone.



"OI BAKAWA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING, IDIOT!" The 'someone' who he bumped into shouted... Rather angrily.

"Kya! Iwa-chan!~" He innocently said with a big smile on his face, overrun with sweetness.


"Iwa-chan, dont make that face, you'll get wrinkles and you'll never get a girlfriend.."

"..." If it were possible Iwaizumi's face got even darker, his expression even angrier. Oikawa then took that moment to leave, fearing for his life. Though he failed to hear a quiet laugh from behind him and Iwaizumi.

He failed to hear it, however Iwaizumi did hear it, loud and clear. He just didn't look into it, or care.

Oikawa slowly made his way to the gym for volleyball practice, his mind still lingering on the girl.
He walked into the loud gym, with the resounding noise of volleyballs hitting the floor and the squeaking of shoes, he entered silently, not with a sickly smile or a voice laced with innocence, but completely serious and in thought. His eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth in a small frown as he remembers the staff in the admin office not giving him her name. He was so in thought that he didnt notice the sounds gradually halting.

The team, unknown to Oikawa, froze in place staring at their 'carefree' captain waltz into the gym in very, very deep thought. Matsukawa was whispering to Hanamaki about how their captain was 'broken.' The first and second years stood in astonishment at their usually loud captain being quiet. Some of them thinking that he was scheming something for the team, like strategies.

Iwaizumi however walked over to the opposite and asked him why he was so focused. And how it was creeping him out.

"Oh, Iwa-chan!~" *Tch* "Gah! SO RUDE!"

"What is it Kusokawa" He bluntly stated. Taking a seat beside him.

"Theres this girl Iwa-chan.." "Of course there is" Oikawa gasped dramatically, being the drama queen he is, "Seriously Iwa-chan! I dont know her name or what she looks like but..."

He felt a dangerous aura rising beside him, scared to look he just chuckled and explained the situation,

"No wait a second Iwa-chan. Haven't you heard of that mystery girl who doesn't attend classes, and only does the tests!"

Iwaizumi made a sound of understanding, he too was now in deep thought. By now half the team had come over to listen to their captains... Unbelievably... Girl trouble.

"That girl..." Matsukawa started, "She has black hair right?"

"Yeah why?" Oikawa asked, in obvious question as to why Matsukawa knows it.

"Pretty sure I saw a girl with black hair sprinting up to the roof earlier today.." He replied nonchalantly, oblivious as to how much of an impact it had. He then put on a 'friendly' smirk, "Why~ You want to find her, ask her out and then be dumped in a week?~" he teased, laughing along with Hanamaki, making continuous jokes about Oikawa's failing love life.

"OOH! MATTSUN!" He burst up onto his feet with a clear, genuine smile on his face. Clearly ignoring Matsukawa's last comments.

"Huh?" He turned to see his captain but instead saw him running out of the gym at... Inhuman speed. "Woahoho..." The entire team had wide eyes at their captains unnatural behavior. All except Iwaizumi.

"OI DUMBASS YOU HAVE PRACTICE!" He shouted after him, in vain because nothing was stopping him. And he was way too far away now to hear.

"The roof, it's off limits to students. Its the perfect place to go to without being noticed!" He whispered, But I'm sure other people have broken that rule and gone up there, so surely she couldn't have hidden from them? he relayed the worst scenarios he could in his head, assuring himself that they wouldn't happen. And at worst. She wouldn't be there.

He eventually made it to the stairs going up to the roof. It was on the far, far side of the school.

When someone says 'roof' you would automatically think of a big buildings roof. But it was impossible to get onto the main buildings, and Matsukawa said she was running up stairs, and the only stairs that lead to a roof are the ones in the far corner of the school. Where there used to be a social area on the small courtyard located on the top. But was soon shut down because it was too far away from the main building, and was the reason for students being late to class.

He took a deep breath and ran up the stairs, hoping, praying that she would be there, or that she would let herself be seen. He was almost at the top, sweat was visibly dripping off his face like a river and saturating his shirt. He was quite obviously out of breath, but he wanted to meet this girl so badly. And he didn't even know why.

He gripped the handle to the door, leading to the abandoned courtyard of just plain grey concrete. His heartbeat felt louder and more rapid, his breathing was fluctuating. He could feel the cold radiate off of the door handle. He gradually pulled it open, hoping she hadn't left school yet. If she was even situated here.

"Please let her be here. I want to see her" I mumbled quietly to himself. Where this passion and excitement came from, he had no idea.

He slowly walked out into the desiccate yard, rotten weeds were sprouting out from the gaps separating and decorating the concrete slabs. He took in another deep breath to try and stabilize his breathing. The only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat, now louder than the wind that swept along his messy brown hair.

"So you found me? Its been so long since someone has taken an interest in me" The melodious voice rang out, breaking the silence. He let out the choked breath he had been holding and slowly turned around to see the owner of the angelic voice. His eyes widened at the sight of her graceful form.

Her black hair, tied in a ponytail just like told, flowed gently through the wind. Shining black orbs staring right at him, joyful and filled with happiness, yet sad and lonely. her uniform was messy, her shirt un-tucked from her skirt that ended just above the knee, her bow was lopsided, but she didn't seem to care, the blazer she wore was blowing around behind her, dusted with dirt, her socks rose to her shins and her hair ended around the middle of her back. Her stature was straight and she seemed to have a well kept body, and had curves in all the right places. The only thing on his mind was the enticing smile on her face, as if saying, "You found me"

"Beautiful.." Was the only word he could utter out of his mouth. She grinned for a second before reverting into a small smile. Though in that second, Oikawa swore his heart stopped.

"You know its been a while since I've talked to someone" She said, an air of melancholy surrounding her.

He was speechless, he couldn't even talk.

She gave him a soft smile and jumped down from the elevated structure encasing the staircase.
"It's nice to meet you. My name is Fujimoto Mochiko" She bowed a little and smiled at him once again. Her eyes were happy still, yet that happiness was hiding her sadness, and Oikawa could tell.

"Oikawa Tooru" He managed to say, he bowed his head for a second before bringing it up to look at her once more.

"Thank you for finding me" A small sad smile graced her lips before she stepped forward and brought her arms around his body, before he could process what was going on his arms had already found themselves wrapped around her. He was confused at first but that doubled when he felt his shirt dampening.

"I-I'm sorry... For ruining your shirt, Oikawa Tooru-san" She mumbled quietly into his shirt, "I'm just so happy you're here"

"But... I could've just been anyone who was curious.. How did you know I was looking for you?"

She let go and took a few steps back, facing him with a small smile on her face.

"I was watching you, I noticed someone who saw me run off towards his classroom after I dropped off my exam, I followed him quietly and saw you question him. I then noticed you were distracted all day, and it made me think that you were the person I was waiting for, the one who would take me from solitude and learn all there is to know about me. You know, be there for me, and me for you. Someone I could reside with. I followed you all day and noticed you talking with someone about me, you seemed like close friends but your comments about him made me laugh, which kinda blew my cover so I ran back to the roof, but in doing so I think I made a lot of noise. But I didn't think anyone was around so it didn't matter to me at the time... I know I've just met you, but I wouldn't want it to be anyone else. But you" She said, getting happier and happier as she went on. she walked over to the fences encasing the area.

She looked up to the sky and whispered quietly to herself, "Hey Mom,"

"I think I've found that person you told me about" A sad smile replaced her happy one, and a single tear ran its way down her face.

Unconsciously, Oikawa saw and walked up to her, raising his hand and gently wiping the tear away.

A small, gentle smile made its way onto his face, a rare sight. "I'm glad I found you in only a day"

She hummed, still looking into the now dark sky.

Oikawa smiled slightly to himself, "So you are real" He whispered.