The small, fallen human lazily opened their eyes and looked up at the chasm they fell through. It was quite dark around them, but the light from above blinded their eyes, and since they liked having eyesight, they quickly covered their face with their hands. Their hands, however, were much different than they remembered. They appeared to have one fewer fingers, and the rest of their fingers were more chubby and covered in soft, white fur. Confused, they sat up and looked down at their hands and tried to focus, wondering if they just hit their head too hard after falling. Sure enough, their eyes told the truth, because instead of average human hands, they had plush, soft paws.

Looking down, the human soon realized that not only did their hands changed- but their entire body changed as well! Their legs and feet were covered in the same fluffy, white fur, and the bottoms of their feet had cat-like pink 'beans'- and, because of this, their feet could no longer properly fit into their shoes. Their head became somewhat elongated, almost dog-like, and their new ears hung by each side of their head. And, yes. Their head was indeed covered with the same snow-white fur. The last thing that they noticed about themself was a new, poofy tail that was placed right above their bottom and stuck out from under their blue and pink striped shirt.

The 'human' stood up and walked away from the bed of golden flowers that broke their fall while clutching onto a small stick that they found in their pocket. They knew that nothing would be answered if they stayed in the empty room, so they went for a walk down a nearby hallway with some sort of purple structure around the exit at the end. Through said exit was a small patch of grass and a suspiciously happy flower in the middle of said grass.

"Howdy," the flower declared in a cheery tone, "I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower! Hmm.. you must be new to the UNDERGROUND, aren'tcha? Golly, you must be SO confused. Somebody ought to teach you how things work around here. I guess little ol' me will have to do."

Before they could even grasp the concept of what was going on, the fallen human was thrusted into a pitch-black room with what appeared to be a white outline of a square on the ground. The square wasn't all that large, but there was enough room for the human to run around in. For some reason, they were unable to leave the square, almost as if there was an invisible wall surrounding it.

Directly in front of their body was an upside-down red heart with a white crack down the center of it. Whenever they moved, the heart moved with them. It was only about three inches in front of their body, and trying to touch it only resulted in their paws/hands going right through it.

"See that heart? That's your SOUL, the very culmination of your being. Now, a normal human SOUL looks like a heart and has a specific color, while a monster SOUL is upside-down like yours, but is always colored gray. But you? You're very special."

Flowey appeared just outside the mysterious white square. He was smiling just like before as he continued his explanation.

"Mmm... your SOUL appears to be cracked. But, that's ok! It can become strong if you gain lots of LOVE. And, down here, LOVE is shared through... little white 'friendliness pellets'." Several of the mentioned white 'pellets' appeared above Flowey and slowly made their way towards the 'human's' SOUL. "Are you ready? Move around! Catch as many as you can!"

Feeling uneasy about Flowey's tendencies, the human avoided all of the pellets on purpose. Something about all this didn't feel quite right.

The pellets missed the human's SOUL and their body. Purposefully doing what they did made the flower look almost annoyed.

"Hey, buddy. You missed 'em. Let's try again."

Not wanting to upset the flower, the fallen human stood still in order to catch each pellet. They wanted to become strong, after all. But, as they soon learned, not everyone with a smile can be trusted. As soon as the pellets touched their SOUL, the human felt incredibly weak. They could still move around just fine, but they just had a gut feeling that if something else touched their SOUL, things would not end well. This feeling, along with Flowey's malicious smile, sent the human into shock.

"You IDIOT." Flowey's tone changed dramatically from sweet to horrifyingly scary after he attacked the human. "In this world, it's kill or be killed. Why would anyone pass up on a opportunity like this?" The white outline surrounding the injured human became quite small, and dozens of Flowey's pellets surrounded it, effectively trapping them with death being their only escape. "Die."

The pellets closed in, and all the human could do was move around in a panic as their moving space became smaller and smaller. There was literally nothing that they could do, and Flowey knew it while he laughed and laughed at the poor, helpless human that was trapped in an animal's body while also being trapped in a box of death.

Just before the human gave up all hope, they felt a strange sensation. It almost felt like they had more endurance, and when they looked at how close Flowey's pellets were, they noticed that they were all gone. Looking at the flower himself, they could see that he was just as confused as they were... right before they were hit with a ball of fire and flung aside in a rather cartoonish manner.

From the darkness of the fight scene emerged a tall, feminine creature who spoke in a soft, comforting tone. As everything returned to normal and the odd darkness and square dissipated, the child could see their saviour much more clearly. The humanoid creature had long ears that hung from the sides of her head, a set of small horns atop her cranium, and she wore what looked like a purple and white robe or mumu with an odd symbol embroidered on the front of it. "What a horrible creature... Ah! Do not be afraid, small one. I am To-"

The woman took a step back from the child with a shocked look on her face. She held a hand to her mouth and stared at the child, unblinking for several seconds before she resumed speaking. "Oh dear. You... are not human anymore, are you? Forgive me for my rude behavior, it is just... very odd to see a monster like you again. You must be terribly confused. My name is Toriel, and I am the caretaker of the RUINS. Every day, I come here to see if anyone has fallen down. I would say that you are the first human that I have seen in a long time, but that would be a lie, as you are not quite human anymore."

The fallen child tilted their head and looked quizzically at Toriel. If they were no longer human, then, what were they?

Toriel smiled lightly and turned around, signalling the child to follow behind. "I shall explain everything once we get home. Come along, now."

[Author's Note: I thought I'd start something new for the time being. Is this any good? Is it bad? Should I write more or delete this? Opinions? Tell me everything. I must know.]