I'm sorry that I haven't updated guys!

So lets start

OJeanette was about to put the next ep but then..it crashed making the all dis connect and everyone else were sent back home.

" Dude? What just happened?" Nino asked as everyone shrugged.

" I think they got disconnected" Alya told them making them nod, they were happy back home. AJ wanted them to come back, but Jeanette told him no.

" So now what?" Adrein asked them making them all shrugg once agian.

" Want to go on a date" Marinette whispers in Adreins ears causing him to blush a bit.

" um...sure" he responded as the walked away from the group.

" Did they just ditch us?!" Alya shouted as she pouted.

cute Nino thought

" They probably went on a date..." Nino told her making, her smile evilly.

" What are planing to do?" Alix and Kim asked at the same time,making them blush.

" Let's spy on them!" Alya told them making them all smirk evilly

" LET GO!" They all shouted running to Marinette and Adrein left to except the adults who just laughed at them, Tom and Sabine we're proud to have a daughter like her, and we're proud that she had friends like that. Now Chloe just went home whining like a baby.

After the date

" okay that's it! I'm never doing that agian" Alix said as they all walked away from spying

" Same.. To much kissing and fluffyness! Also Alya couldn't stop fangirling!" They all looked at Alya who was fangirling over pictures that she took, Nino sweatdropped and chuckled.

" I think we should go home now I mean it's turning dark!" Nino police need out making everyone nod

" Yeah, I also want to get all that making out they did off my head!" Alix dramatically yelled making them all laugh.

" bye!" They said pas they all walked away

Marinette and Adrein

" Hahah did u see their faces when we started to make out!" Adrein laughed making Marinette giggle more

" Yeah and Alya oh god!" They both laughed until they stopped and gave each other a peck on the lips

" I'm glad it was u Mari" Adrein hugged her as she smiled

" Me to Adri" Marinette giggled as he kissed her cheek.

The End!

I hope u enjoy and agian I'm sorry I haven't updated! Also I don't know how to put the complete thing, but I'll figure it out.