My name is Emily Rose. I'm a 16 year old high school student at Lakeside school for the gifted. Or at least I was till I was abducted buy two 'people' in black uniform and taken aboard some sort of ship. The last thing I remember was two people in white suits holding back my best friend Drake Peters. That's when the whole world went black.

When I woke up I was in a cold room on a mat. I could see my backpack against the wall. I sat up and realizes I was wearing a white turtleneck and gray pants, not my usual ripped black jeans, Pokémon t-shirt and hoodie. Honestly the change of clothes didn't bother me, but that my hair was in an uncomfortable bun.

"Looks like your finally awake." A voice says.

I turned towards the voice and saw a man with huge mutton chops. Honestly he looked like Andrew Burnside.

"W-who are you?" I said.

"I am Agent Kallus." He says.

"Okay, two more questions. One, where the sam heck where am I? Second why do you have those ridiculous rugs on your face?" I asked with my normal sassy attitude returning.

He growled and slapped me. Honestly it didn't hurt.

"You will treat me with respect and second you are on an Imperial star destroyer. " he says.

I honestly only understood half of what he said, all I could focus on were those mutton shops on his face. It's like he glued two guinnepigs on his face. The door then opened up and two men in white armor walked in wearing helmets and a kid in an outfit similar to mine but he had a helmet on.

" Sir We're ready to move the prisoner. " One of them said.

I examined them, taking out the kid would be a piece of cake but the bigger two were a problem. Then I had this feeling I should go with them. I know this may sound odd but I got this feeling and it always guided me down the right path.

They led me out of the room I was in, the kid carrying my bag which was comical because my bag was not only heavy but it was huge.

"Alright who are exactly are you people, because I have a feeling you people actually work with Captain hamster face." I whispered to them as we walked.

"We're here to rescue you." One of the taller men said, he sounded older.

I resisted the urge to laugh. I could protect myself.

"Kannan I think there's something alive in here." The kid said.

The out popped my black kitten Star. She jumped on my shoulder and mewed .

"This is my cat Star." I said.

"Hey stop right there!" another guy in a white outfit said.

"Run." The boy and I said at the same time.