"My fellow citizens of Jump City," The mayor said from behind his podium, "It has come to light that certain heroes of our city have thought themselves to be above the law, and have acted according to those incorrect assumptions. Earlier today, it was broadcasted to the entire city that this team of superheroes took down a group of Jump City Police officers once exiting a power facility. Along side them were the two criminals Control Freak and Red X during this fight, so it is safe to assume that these heroes that we once thought to be on our side, are not anymore. As a cause for such a betrayal, one can only presume that it has revolved around the escape of Control Freak."

The mayor took a long pause as he stared at his audience and they all stared back. "After we see these 'heroes' true colors, it is broadcasted that they saved a building full of innocents from a tanker that was primed to explode. Now, we as a city are caught doubting ourselves of these self named 'Olympians' intentions. Are they good, or are they bad? My fellow citizens, I would like to inform you that this newest act of heroism is not what it seems. This tanker that crashed into the building had started a fire, that seemed like it threatened the integrity of the container, but that is not the case. The tanker full of gasoline could not have been heated to a point of collapse sitting outside in the open, with flames only near it. I believe that we have not witnessed an act of heroism, but a calculated move to curry favor."

"That was a little bit of a jump right there." Raven muttered.

"Let me explain further." The mayor said from the screen as if responding to Raven's skepticism. "The tanker driver, when interviewed said that his truck, which was made in 2015, had suddenly lost control and careened into the building very suddenly. This seems out of place for such a new vehicle. Along side that, when asked, the bystanders said that these so called Olympians were on the scene almost instantaneously. Further more, the rogue hero team member, Beast Boy, push a water tower over, causing not only needless property damage. but this water tower later almost fell on a civilian, who was saved by none other than Starfire. Why was it Starfire that saved the man instead of Kid Flash, who is obviously better suited for saving the man? This is because it looked much better on camera and was entirely planned out by these Olympians. The Olympians caused the damage and saved the civilians from what they had done, just to be in the spotlight to clear their names."

Robin looked at Raven, with the story sounding a little less far fetched now.

"Lastly, why did they suddenly disappear in a cloud of smoke? The team disappeared when first responders were just minutes away from the fire. Once disappearing, gas canisters with red x's on them were found to be the cause of the smoke, which can only belong to one villain. It is hard to believe this to be anything other than an organized plan to curry favor, because they came to save the day, said what they needed to to be seen as good, and disappeared before the police and fire team were there. This can all be a coincidence, but I find that hard to believe."

The Titans in the room began to talk amoung themselves, no longer listening to the mayor talk.

"He makes some good points." Speedy said after thinking over what the mayor had just spoken to the entire city.

Aqualad nodded and agreed, saying, "That does make a lot of sense what he was just saying; it's not too far of a stretch."

"No, it is. There's no way that they would do something like that." Raven said with confidence.

"¿Por qué?" Menos asked.

Raven looked at them all in the eye and said, "Do you really believe Starfire would go along with that? Tricking the entire city isn't something she would ever do."

Robin spoke up without looking at Raven, "I would have put breaking villains out of prison on that list of things she would never do as well."

That was a solid point, but it didn't sway Raven. "Yes, but she still brought Control Freak to the tower after she did that, so she still wasn't trying to deceive anyone."

"Hold on, weren't we just debating if Beast Boy had his lines practiced before hand too? That goes with the whole planned heroics thing." Speedy said back.

Raven paused again, but was still sure that her friends would never do something like that. In the silence of the moment, the Titan's became aware of the mayor's speech again.

"Further more, we will not back away from these super humans, but instead press even harder against them. The police have been able to crack down and catch more villains here in Jump City. Professor Chang, the one who supplied the Olympians with plans about their break in to the power plant, has been caught, tried, and sentenced to death. Another villain that plagued our city, Johnny Rancid, has been brought in as well, and has been sentenced to death. Where ever these Olympians are, the ground is shrinking beneath them, and we will find them."

On the very outskirts of town, the Olympians shouted their disagreement.

"Dude! Who does this guy think he is?!" Beast Boy yelled at the t.v. "He says we do everthing as a show, and then announces that he's killed more bad guys! Why are people okay with this?!"

"This is insane! The guy's a total nut job!" Bumble Bee added loudly.

"I'm actually a little flattered that he thinks we can pull off a plan like that." Kid Flash added nonchalantly.

"Good to know, Kid." Red X said with words dripping in sarcasm.

"Friends, we must not let the words of the mayor reconfigure, in a distasteful way, our heads." Starfire said trying to keep her teammates in check.

Everyone became quiet. Not because Starfire made a good point, but because they were trying to decipher what she was saying.

After a few moments, Kid Flash snapped his fingers and said, "Mess with our heads!"

Starfire gave a big smile and said, "Exactly!"

Beast Boy nodded. "Yah, he's messin' with us, and tryin' to make it still look like we're the bad guys, but we know he's the bad guy."

"So what's the plan?" Kid Flash asked, now ready for some more action.

"We must sleep, because we have had a most strenuous day, and we will face our problems in the morning." Starfire announced

Everyone was caught off guard by the extreme passive suggestion. "What do you mean 'goin' to sleep'? With what just happened I think I'm gonna be a little to worked up to fall-" Bumble Bee said, but couldn't finish because of the giant yawn that escaped out of her mouth. "Okay maybe I am bit wiped." She conceded.

The rogue team began to discover their own weariness, and began to yawn themselves. Today had been very eventful and they were all very tired. All protests to Starfire's suggestion died before they even came out of their mouths. Red X took the lead in herding the rest into beds.

He turned off the t.v. and said to the team, "Spare rooms are this way, but someone's gonna have to sleep in the couch in here."

There was a quick argument between the rest of the team that resulted with Beast Boy getting stuck with the couch. With how tired he was, it almost didn't matter, but he still let out a frustrated final comment.

"Why do you even have enough beds for four other people?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Because I hold meetings for all super villains of Jump City here." He Red X responded, drawing a wide eyed look from Beast Boy. "Or maybe I just like company." He finished up with as he left the room, leaving Beast Boy to wonder what the real reason was.

The expert thief led the rest of the team to spare rooms, dropping Control Freak and Kid Flash, in one room, Bumble Bee in another, and Starfire in the last. He decided to make a stop in his kitchen for a small snack and a glass of water before heading to bed himself. Walking back to the kitchen, he saw that Beast Boy was already passed out on the couch with out need of a blanket. He made it to his fridge, opened the door, pulled out a cheese stick, and closed it, only to find Starfire standing right where the open door rested when open.

The sudden appearance of the alien caused Red X to jump slightly and yell out, "Jesus! Where'd you come from?"

Starfire didn't expect such an out burst, but still responded, "I come from the planet Tamaran in the Vegan system."

"That's not what I meant at all. It's an expressi-you know what, never mind. Why are you in the kitchen?" Red X chose to say back.

Starfire hesitated to answer the question and instead looked down at the food that her teammate was holding. "What is this food that you possess in your hand? Is there more?"

Red X looked down at what he was hlding and replied after a skeptical look at the girl across from him. "It's string cheese. Are you hungry?"

Starfire nodded, and Red X turned back around to get a second cheese stick from the fridge. He gave it to the alien, and she opened it.

Starfire looked at the food in front of her and asked inquisitively to boy across from her, "Why is it called 'string cheese' when there is no string in this bar of cheese?"

Red X chuckled and opened his own in response. He peeled a piece from the top of it and pulled down revealing why the food was indeed named string cheese. Starfire's look of amazement puzzled the thief as he watched as she did the same with her own.

"I guess you guys don't eat these back at your place." He said.

Starfire responded back in between mouthfuls of cheese. "We do not have these most fantastic cheese stings in our tower. This is a most wondrous snack that you have, Red X!"

"Yah, you can thank Kraft, not me for the idea." He responded back as he worked on his own cheese stick. He watched the Tamaraean as she made her own snack quickly disappear, but after she had done so, she still looked at the expert thief across from her with a perplexed look. He noticed and said, "You didn't come in here for a snack, did you?"

Starfire looked away before conceding, "No it is not, Red X. I actually have questions for you that I was hoping you could answer."

Red X shrugged. "Okay, shoot."

Starfire still hesitated before continuing on. "After you first took us from the site of the burning building, I had done the confusing of you with Robin." She now looked back at the boy across from her and asked. "You said that you were almost brothers, why is that?"

Red X had been hoping that none of the other heroes, or single villain, on the team would have mentioned it. He hadn't meant to bring up that fact at all, but in the moment, the comment slipped out. "It's a long story, but I'll say that we both trained by Batman."

His answer only intrigued Starfire even more. "You have also been trained by the Batman? Were you his 'side-kick' as well?" She said, making sure to use side-kick correctly.

Red X really did not want to talk about it anymore. "Look, if I answer this, no more questions. Okay?"

Starfire nodded back enthusiastically.

"Yes. Robin hasn't been Batman's side-kick in years, so he got another Robin that happened to be me. Something bad happened, which I will not talk about, so I'm not anymore. Does that cover everything?" Red X said with finality.

Starfire nodded, but still had a confused look on her face.

Red X gave a heavy sigh and asked, "What?"

"You were Robin as well? I cannot call both you and Robin, Robin." Starfire said, voicing her confusion.

"So you just call me Red X then. Woo-hoo, problem solved." Red X said with false enthusiasm.

Starfire pressed on, not heeding Red X's suggestion. "What is your real name?"

Red X became defensive, and crossed his arms. "Why do you need to know? You call the rest of your teammates by their superhero names: Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, and so on."

"In truth, Raven's real name is Raven." Starfire pointed out.

Red X cocked his head to the side and arched a brow. "Really? Huh. You know everyone's name?"

Starfire nodded her head. "It is easier to use my friend's 'superhero' names all of the time, so I may not accidently use their real names in the public." After a brief pause she added, "And friend Beast Boy is most embarrassed by his name."

Piquing his interest, Red X asked, "Beast Boy has an embarrassing name? What is it?"

Starfire was hesitant to reveal her friends name, but she also saw an opportunity. "I will reveal his name to you, if you reveal your name to me.

Red X shook his head, not seeing it as an equal trade, and began to walk out of the kitchen. Right before he exited he stopped, and turned around. "It's gonna bug me for the rest of my life to not know. Fine, I'll tell you my name. What's Beast Boy's"


Red X chuckled to himself. "Garfield? That's unfortunate. Was he born in the sixties or something? (Ha!)" He turned back around and walked out the kitchen door before peaking his head back in. "And the name's Jason."

Red X pulled his head back and walked off to his room, now equally tired as the rest of his teammates.

Starfire stood in the kitchen for a moment more, and whispered to herself, "Thank you for telling me this, friend Jason." Starfire then headed off to her room, content with all she had learned about Red X and string cheese, and fell asleep almost immediately.

The next morning, it was almost as busy at Titan's Tower as the day after they defeated the Brotherhood of evil, and every Titan and honorary Titan had to stay in the tower for a day. The day started with Thunder and Lightning banging at the door at 4:30 in the morning. They managed to get there before Robin had risen, which was a first time achievement for any visiting hero, so Robin was roused from his bed and came to let the two heroes in. The new, spirited energies in the house were enough to rattle Raven from her sleep as well, and she spent the next hour staring at her ceiling with a sour expression. Now completely sure that she was not going back to bed for the day, she rose and got ready for the day. Once exiting her own room, she prepared herself to see the state of the living room, seeing how destructive the two brothers seemed to be during every past encounter. Raven walked into the main room already tensed, but was surprised to find the room in pristine condition. Looking around the room, she found that the brothers were just sitting quietly on the couch. Come to think of it, she hadn't felt excitement from the two of them in a while, but was too busy getting ready to really pay attention to it. In fact, she could feel that there was some inner trouble that the two were sifting through.

Raven approached the two on the couch, but neither acknowledged her, so she took the initiative to start the conversation. "Um, hey Thunder and Lightning."

Slowly, the other two looked up and gave simple waves in response, a very different reaction than the empath expected.

"Everything okay?" she asked, knowing very well what the answer would be.

Lightning was the first to speak up. "In truthfulness, pale one, all is not well for my brother and I."

Raven cringed slightly at the name given to her, but she thought that correcting him would have been in poor sport. "Uh, care to share?" she asked, feeling the sadness emanating from the two.

Lightning responded again but with much less energy than his usual bright demeanor, saying, "We rushed to aid our fellow Titans when the spikey-haired one announced that there was trouble in your city, but we came without knowing the reason of your distress. We have been informed what is the cause and we are troubled by the news we have been given."

Raven nodded, knowing that it wasn't good news to hear what the situation was. "We've all had a lot of trouble handling what's been going on."

Silence filled the room, as no one was quite sure what else to say. Eventually Thunder spoke aloud, not knowing who exactly he was speaking to. "I am conflicted because the green one was the one to point out the error of our ways. If he is the one to be making the erorrs, how will we know what is good and what is bad?"

Now that is a question. Raven thought to herself before speaking aloud. "That's exactly it. Seeing what's good and bad is difficult right now with all that's happened."

Thunder only nodded back slowly. Lightning looked at his brother and gave himself a slight shake before putting an arm around his shoulder.

"There will be time for disheartened talk later, so we do not have to right now. Let us go do something fun." Lightning said with a little more energy that he had been lacking.

Thunder looked back at his brother, and was able to give a slight smile. Raven knew what their definition of fun was, but could not shoot them down again so she only gave a slight suggestion.

"It may be a good idea, to have some fun outside." She monotoned, hoping the two would follow her words.

The brothers gave an understanding nod and took off to exit the tower as fast as they could. Raven was glad that the two had both improved moods, and agreed to keep it outside. She now thought she could enjoy some peace and quiet for a while, but was sorely mistaken. Robin came through into the main room with both Argent and Hotspot, and from then on until 9:00 there was a steady stream of Titans coming into the tower. Along with the heroes, came their emotions that filled the entire tower, and it was starting to get the the resident empath. The very loud emotions from those like Hotspot and Pantha were able to make up for the calmer, more steadfast heroes such as Red Star and Herald in creating a constant racket in Raven's head. Had it been for a less dire reason for the teams gathering, there would have been little problem, but with how it was, the empath realized that she was going to need a breather from the rest of her teammates.

Hatching a plan, she yelled out in a loud voice she had hardly ever used, "Quiet! I need all of your attention!"

The rest of the Titans quickly complied, hearing the typically quiet Titan yell.

Raven continued, "There's a lot of people here, so are going to be needing some more food. I'm going to go grocery shopping so I'm going to need all of you to tell me what you want." She immediately and loudly corrected herself when everyone began to talk at once. "Actually just send it to my communicator!"

Raven sunk through the floor and arose back from the ground in an alley next to the closest grocery store to Titan's Tower. As she walked in through the door, her communicator began to buzz with the multitude of food requests pouring in. She took it out, and immediately began to find every food requested to her by her teammates. She was able to find everything fairly easily, and had found every edible item requested to her, and was now reading over the list to make sure that everything was accounted for. After reading it through for the third, she still found herself having the feeling that something was missing. After reading it through for the fourth time, Raven realized that the feeling came from the fact that three of her past teammates were not in the group of people that sent her requests for food. She thought back to her conversation with Cyborg about having bought tofu, just in case, and before she knew it, a portion of tofu, a bottle of mustard, and a rack of ribs were added into her cart. Now sure that everything wanted had been added to her cart, she went off to the check out lines to buy the food.

With few other shoppers in the store, she was able to begin unloading her purchases immediately. The cashier was busy ringing up the food to realize who exactly was buying them and didn't look up until he was finished.

"Alright, your total is-oh my god! You're Raven!" He said in a shocked voice.

Raven had hoped that she would have made it through the entire trip without having to deal with over excited civilians, but now saw that that hope was now dead. "Yes, very astute of you for finding that one out." She said sarcastically, with politeness not in the forefront of her mind.

"I just didn't expect to see you here doing something… so normal." The cashier said.

"Yes, we do indeed eat food that we buy from grocery stores." Raven monotoned.

The cashier kept going with it. "I mean, that makes sense, but it's not something I picture you guys doing. Do you guys budget for it? Do you each pay for your own food individually?"

Quickly tiring of the conversation, Raven gave a brusque reply of, "Don't pay attention to it. You pay for it with your taxes."

The cashier was finally picking up on the hometown hero's distaste of the subject, and just finished the rest of the transaction, and sent Raven on her way. The empath walked out of the store, and disappeared into the ground once more, only to reappear again in her kitchen, with the shopping cart filled with bags. Using her powers to remove the bags from the cart, she was able to empty the cart quickly and return it back to the store parking lot. With the shopping cart back in its rightful place, Raven was able to return back to begin putting the food in its rightful place, but she was pleasantly surprised to find Argent and Pantha already at work doing so. Raven joined the other two heroines after a small thank you for their help.

"It's nothin', thought you could use a little bi' of help, love." Argent said with a wink.

"Indeed, my friend, Pantha feels sorry for you for having to live with all these men for such a long time." The feline hero added.

Raven gave a short chuckle and responded, "It's been hard to breathe with all the testosterone in the air."

The comment drew laughter from both of her friends and teammates as they continued to finish their work. Speedy soon walked into the kitchen once there was only one bag left to unpack, and he made his way over to finish the job.

"Don't want to reinforce any gender stereotypes now. I got this one!" He announced with a smile, and only receiving eye rolls from the rest of the group.

"Wow. Your contribution has been monumental to the feminine movement." Raven replied without emotion.

"I know right? You ladies can thank me by any means you deem necessary." The archer replied while striking a masculine pose.

"An' now you're back to square one." Argent replied.

Pantha gave a hearty laugh and replied, "Oh, Pantha will thank you… With the Tongan death grip!"

Speedy wasn't up to date with wrestling terms, but he could tell that that definitely did not sound fun from just the title. "Uh, actually, I think I need to go help Bushido, um, get unpacked, or something, so I-I gotta go." He said before taking off out of the room, leaving the three ladies to laugh.

"The bugger didn' even unload the bag!" Argent said as she walked over to the last bag. Taking out the contents, she looked at Raven with an arched brow. "Tofu? Who's the vegetarian on the team?"

Raven paused for a moment, not really wanting to give her reasons as to why she had purchased that particular item. Not wanting to risk making it worse with a lie, she came forward with the truth. "Beast Boy. I bought it just in case, you know, he and the others came back… I got the idea from Cyborg."

"That's really kind of you, actually." Argent said with a warm smile, as she replaced the old, untouched tofu, with the new.

Pantha threw an arm around Raven, to her dislike, and announced, "Yes, you are a good teammate to have at my back!"

Raven was happy with her teammates response, and realized she was just happy to have friends around. She had been surrounded by friends the entire time, but with how stressful things had been, it made it easier for her to forget that. With the food now in it's right place, the girls moved over to the couch to relax, and make small talk. They each talked about crime in their specific area, any recent, intersting fights, and Pantha's still undefeated wrestling record.

"Oh, you should have seen the last wrestler to try to take the belt from Pantha! He ended up being thrown into the crowd in the first thirty seconds, and was unable to get back into the ring before falling over in a daze!"

"Well done, Pantha. I see you've been keeping in peak fighting shape." Robin said from behind the girls. He had entered so quietly, and the others had been absorbed in the story that they didn't notice his entry into the room.

"Indeed! Pantha is indestructible!" Argent said in her best Pantha voice as she stood flexing her biceps, drawing a small chuckle from Robin.

After Robin entered, the rest of the male Titans came in soon after, and the three ladies noticed Speedy stay a comfortable distance away from the three of them.

Once everyone settled down, Robin began to address his fellow teammates. "Good to see that everyone made it to Jump City safely, and I wish we could just relax and hang out, but we still have business to get done. Now, I've been trying to come up with a plan for some time, and I think I have one that will work, but I would rather not use it."

Over the next five minutes, Robin gave a brief description of his plan, but before he could even open the floor for questions, Titans began giving feedback in a way that could have been more polite.

"You can't be serious about this plan!"

"That would be a new low for us."

"That seems pretty messed up to me."

"That does not sound good, but it does sound necessary."

"There have been worse plans."

"It will at least get the job done."

Robin raised his hands and spoke out, "I told you that I would rather not use it, but I haven't been able to think of anything else that will work as well as this. I told this plan first, so we can all spend the time to think of something else in the meant time."

"Are you sure it's not just a plan that will make sure this is all finished up before Batman can get involved?" Raven asked with her arms crossed.

"This isn't about some feud between Batman and I. Bringing in other superheroes could just escalate the problem. Ever think how much harder it would be if Wonder Woman or a Green Lantern decided to help out the others? It could cause a huge amount of superheroes to all come to Jump City, leaving the rest of the world unprotected and could end up hurting a lot of people outside Jump City." Robin quickly explained back.

No one had anything else to say, so Robin decided to press further. "Looking at another angle, ending this… whatever we're going through right now, needs to be a priority because we've been lucky that no one has taken advantage of the situation and put some plan into action while we're all down. The longer we wait, the higher the chance of someone like Slade or even worse coming to this city and doing as they please."

Raven spoke after a small silence. "You're right. I shouldn't have said that, and I'm sorry. It's a solid plan, but I think that you're also right in taking the time to think up alternatives."

The Titans quickly began to brainstorm any and all ideas that could bring in the Olympians. Starting at first to all give ideas in a single, large group, but they slowly began to split into smaller groups to come up with ideas idividually.

As the Titans planned to take down the Olympians, Cyborg and Jericho were comfortably resting in the latter's home, engrossed in a conversation of signing to each other.

So you're saying that Batman could take Superman in a fight? Cyborg signed to Jericho, who gave a quick yes in reply.

Okay, yah I guess the guy probably has some plan buried somewhere in the floor of the Batcave to take down Supes or something. Cyborg agreed.

The real problem for Batman would be Wonder Woman. She's basically as strong as Superman, but she doesn't have a weakness. I think she would destroy Batman. Jericho signed back.

Cyborg nodded in approval. Yah, I think you're right on that. It's a good thing they aren't having to fight right now though.

Jericho nodded back again with a smile, but the conversation reminded the half machine that there were currently heroes fighting in their own city, that they knew personally. Jericho saw the turn in emotions on his friends face, and could guess at the reason. Jericho thought of a way to change the subject and snapped his fingers at the generation of idea and to regain his friend's attention. Jericho didn't necessarily want to talk about the new subject, but he knew he had to at some point in time.

You asked about who I was yesterday, and I said that it was for another time, but I think now is a good time as ever. Jericho signed.

Cyborg only nodded back, ready to hear (or see) every word his friend was about to tell him.

Jericho began. Well to tell my own story, I have to start with my parents. The mute boy paused, not sure how else to move forward in the story. Well, I said I had a rich dad, and that's true, but he didn't make his money in the most righteous of ways.

Jericho paused again, knowing he was just putting off the inevitable. Fed up with how he was acting, he decided to just go ahead and sign the truth to Cyborg.

My father is Slade.

[End Chapter]

*Deep sigh full of copious amounts of regret*

Here it is my readers: my next chapter that I am so terribly sorry for getting to you late. Took an exact two weeks to get this chapter out, which I know was way too late. From the very bottom of my heart, I, Ax4, apologize for having you guys wait more than twice as long as usual. In my defense, finals week was two weeks ago, and I left for camping immediately after that, so I was only able to begin writing this chapter late Tuesday night. Technically, I've only been writing this chapter for six days, but still, NO EXCUSES! I thought I'd just post it right now in the dead of night, than wait till morning, because I've kept you all waiting long enough.

Now, how'd you like it? I hope it's on par with the rest of my work. The mayor's accusations? Starfire learning a little bit about Red X? A hero filled tower? Jericho's huge (very much cannon) announcement? I hope it was all good!

About Robin's plan, I know exactly where I'm taking this part of the story, and I think you're really gonna like it, but if you just have the most amazing, borderline between bad and good plan in your head that you think would just be absolutely perfect for the story, who am I to not want to hear it?

Now, let me answer your thoughts…

FanficFan920, thank you, but I don't know the character Jesse Quick well enough to accurately portray her in writing correctly, so I don't think I will be adding her in. Sorry!

THeUltimateStar, I really liked Civil War! Thank you for thinking that the adding that was a good idea, and just thank you for the kind words in general.

Welovenails, thank you so much, but… sorry for breaking that regular update streak! Haha I thought it was pretty ironic! Also, I'd like to know the story behind the name. When I first read it, I read it as wolverine nails, but then I realized that was wrong, but we love nails, didn't make much more sense than when I first read it. Is it a band name, or just acknowledging the fact that nails are a really integral invention for making society work?

JP-Ryder, I hope you liked what he had to say! Thank you, and maybe they will…

Apologetic, well… If I'm too late, I hope the mistakes aren't so glaring that there are taking away from the story. I will definitely be keeping all of that information in the back of my mind for later though.

Jovan2013, I think you just put my exact thought process for how I put each hero on each side in that review! Seriously, that's almost exactly what I was thinking!

vanessa isaacs, your wish is my command.

Guest reviewers, glad I'm making you think about sides, yup, thank you, "friendship fluff to roll around in" is a beautiful string of words, and do you really want to know if you called the plot correctly and have part of it spoiled, or just jeep reading to find out?

Whew, thank you all for all the reviews!

I hope that the lateness has not affected what you think about this chapter. Was it Above Average in your book?