How to kill your roommate

Kuroko pov

It's been three hard months with...

''why does it sounds like you eat in your sleep, why do you snore'' Mika asked. in front of her friends, it's like she doesn't want me to be friends with them. Natsuko Mika... my roommate... god I wish Kagami-kun and Aomine-kun didn't end up moving away together. wish both of them moved in with me. I live in a normal small apartment with only one bedroom... we sleep separately thank god! but still this is a nightmare.

I wait two hours after she has gone to bed because every day she complains about this in front of her friends and every day they come here to visit her. the bad thing her friends are my friends.. what I would give to make her go away. Every day we start hating each other even more.

''you do realize you do the same Natsuko-san'' I said back a bit annoyed.

''yeah but you do it loudly like I can wake up by it'' she said as a matter of fact

''anything else about me you like to share with your friends'' everyone sensed my annoyance I walked away.

''he is just rude sorry about that'' Natsuko-san says to her friends... it's as if I don't even live here. sigh.. I don't normally bother to hate people but, Natsuko is a HUGE exception.

there is not a thing I haven't tried, I tried cooking together but she won't have that, I tried cleaning up after her not even a 'thank you'. I have stopped praising her when she wash the floor since that is the only thing she does. now she is annoyed by not getting a thank you from me.

after 2 months I started trying to kill her. but she won't go in any of my traps. I tried food poison at a restaurant once... it went to a wrong person luckily he survived and, to be honest, that was how me and Kagami-kun met... Aomine-kun still laughs to this day that I food poisoned my best friend.

I tried killing her in her sleep. she hit me without knowing it. I tried to see if I could scare her of by walking around in my boxers for a week... the result in that was her boyfriend asking me out on a date... and they broke up. this is enough... I have even asked her to move in with a good friend of hers that lives close by four times.

when she is home she acts like I don't even exist. no 'good morning, goodnight or just morning' no 'hello nor goodbye' or ''how was your day'' we talk about nothing. I am sick of trying when it's clearly nothing will ever work. sigh... that's right.

Nothing work.

I need a serial killer or an assassin. I grabbed the keys and walked out the apartment. where do I get one? I started walking down the stairs. opened the door and walked out.

where do I get one? maybe the bad alleyway can help. since I have low presence I can do this. other then that I could have got raped by now.

I was about to ask a cute guy with blond hair if he knew someone.

''ano.. '' I started

''GHOOOOST! GHAAAA'' why must this happened every time...

''Kise! Shut up'' a green haired guy with glasses said annoyed.

''um..'' I tried to continue

''GHAAAAAAAAAAAAA how long have you been here?!'' sigh.. I even scared him too...

''I have been here the entire time, I just...'' I said simply

''You do realize how badly things can go for you if you stay here?!''

''I have a low presence so that's ok stranger-kun, I walked in here on purpose, I just wonder If you knew about a place that can help me kill my roommate? without someone knowing she is gone'' the two of them blinked, a bit in shock.

''WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! why would you want that?!'' they said in unison

''Do you want a list? because that can take all day stranger-san''

''sigh... let's just take him to Akashi'' we started walking. wow! this is a business building so high? what if it breaks or something? sigh if I die here, I know I died trying.

we got to a waiting room.

''ok here we are. wait here blue'' did the green haired guy just pat my head and called me blue? I gave him a small smile before he left.

''you know midorimacchi, that's flirting'' Kise said teasing.

''Ohasa predicted a bad day for you today'' Midorima said glared in response, Kise sulked

Akashi POV

they both look like they have really messed up on something.. they are way too quiet.

''Ryouta, Shintarou. what do you need'' I said more like an order

''Akashicchii, we found a new client, but please talk him out of it'' Kise said. interesting...

''for once Kise is right the new client, he is too young Akashi. will you please change his mind.'' making the two of them so stressed for a client is something far from normal. hmm maybe this can be a fun challenge

''I will choose what to do with him, for now. send him in.'' I said. both of them walked away. sigh.. lately everything here has been so boring. I really hope this guy spice things up.

the door opened. hmmm. what... how.. he is right in front of me... so he got low, presence.

''ano.. hello.. Stranger-san'' oh... damn... he is really beautiful... blue... blue eyes... light blue hair, school uniform he is a college student. he may look extremely young but... he must be a college student. I wonder who has made so much trouble for him. he looks so tired, so weak... but at the same time... he is hiding a talent.

''Hello, now tell me your name'' If he is smart he won't give me his full name

''I can't do that if I do you will have a way, too much information on me later on.'' heh. he is clever. well I will find out eventually

''at least, give me your first name'' he will know I can't use that against him.

''Tetsuya'' it's suits him

''Tetsuya'' I tested the name. I like it.

''So what is your problem?'' I asked.

''I need someone to kill my roommate'' he said with a serious look in his eyes.

''so you can't work things out with her or him?''I asked, knowing full well the answer would be no.

''there is not a thing I haven't tried... trust me I tried killing her too but I failed'' he is sulking. cute. fun to see someone trying so hard to get someone to disappear but failing.

''Tetsuya there is only one problem in this''

''Oh? do you mind telling me?'' he asked looking at me with worry.

''can you afford it?''

''how much will it cost?'' Kuroko asked tilting his head to the side.

''500 000 yen'' interesting he isn't even shocked over the price.

''sigh... seems like I have to go back continue killing her myself then, thank you for your time stranger-san'' he pouted. so cute.. heh. no matter what I have to have him. Kuroko was about to leave, when he felt a hand around his wrist, he looked up meeting Akashi's eyes. he can't leave, I am frozen?! was the only thing running through his head.

''Tetsuya. ''

''yes?'' he looked at me, tilting his head to the side.

''there is another way and please call me Akashi'' Akashi said giving Kuroko a smirk. Kuroko smiled brightly to Akashi, with hope in his eyes.. budum... my heartbeat? only for å smile? how badly is his roommate

''it is? what do I have to do Akashi-kun?'' Kuroko asked. continue smiling brightly! Kuroko is not known to show much emotion but, to get rid of her made him so happy!

''that's easy, all you have to do...'' Akashi got closer to Kuroko until both of them was only an inch apart.

then Akashi took his arm around Kuroko's waist and whispered seductively in Kuroko's ear

'' is to marry me, dear''

End of chapter 1

I am not dead I am almost done with the next two chapters in two other knb stories that I do. So don't worry! the school has been killing me lately. so sorry for the waiting.

anyway! everything I write here between Kuroko and Mika... is basically how me and my roommate had it, (she moved out the second week of November 2015! OwO). so it's based on the two of us, don't worry I didn't go to an assassin or serial killer and I didn't try killing her, but sometimes that was a huge temptetion-.-... and we got back as some sort of friends I think I don't care. xD so don't worry^^ and it's thanks to her that this story come, to life xD

anyway, hope you liked the story.. ^^

please review