AN: Each chapter is one of the prompts from the 31 Days of Swan Queen Fanon on Tumblr. I'm posting these short fics out of order from the prompt dates that are listed on the SQ Fanon blog. Don't ask me why that is because I don't even really understand why I'm doing it this way.

The prompt for the first chapter is: What weird habits do they complain about from the other but secretly miss when the other is gone?

She felt the inevitable kick and the soon-to-form bruise. It shouldn't have been a pet peeve of hers. Emma had explained why she did it and that she never meant to hurt Regina, but the younger woman hadn't been able to control it. It was something Emma did from time to time ever since she was a child being shuffled from one place to the other. And the group home was always the worst.

Regina was sympathetic, but aggravation set in after a month of non-stop bruises to her shins. She groaned and rolled away from Emma before she contemplated her next move, as she did most nights. She either stayed in bed and bared it or she moved to the guest room for a peaceful, bruise-less sleep. That night, she chose the guest room. As soon as she sat up, however, she felt Emma shift toward her in bed and drape an arm over her leg, seemingly too tired to wrap it all the way around Regina's waist.

"No. Please don't go," Emma grumbled into the mattress.

Regina looked over her shoulder and noticed the pout on the younger woman's face despite her closed eyes. It was evident to Regina that the blonde was trying to chase sleep even as she attempted to coax the brunette back to bed.

"Emma, you're kicking again."

"I'm sorry. Just heal it and sleep with me."

Regina sighed and took Emma's hand in her own before she turned around and faced the other woman. She remained sitting, but continued to hold Emma's hand. "What if I stay until you fall asleep?"



"When I kick, it means I'm already not sleeping well. If you leave, or if you even plan to leave, I'll never get to sleep."

"I can't suffer any more abuse," Regina pleadingly said.

"And it annoys me when you leave. I need you. Please?"

She opened her mouth to argue further, but Emma popped open her bleary green eyes and stared up at her with a face she couldn't deny. "It really annoys you when I leave?"

Emma stayed silent for a moment and then admitted with a rhetorical question, "Why do you think I told you why I kick after the first night you stayed in the guest room?"

"You wouldn't have told me otherwise," she asked with a furrowed brow and hurt expression.

"I would have, but not in the middle of the night when I got up and looked all over the damn house for you, scared something else had happened."

"I'm sorry."

Emma took a deep breath and pulled her hand free of Regina's grasp before she rolled onto her stomach and slid down the bed. She grabbed one of Regina's legs, the one closest to her, and stretched it out in front of her. She ran a hand up from Regina's ankle to her knee before she leaned in and kissed one of the already healing bruises.

Regina's breath hitched and she steadied herself as best she could with her fists clenched around the edge of the bed.

"If you lay back, you'll probably enjoy it more," Emma said with a warm and slightly teasing smile. "Stay."

Maybe being kicked in the shins every once in a while wasn't such an annoyance after all. Not if it meant Emma would rectify the pain with extremely enjoyable reminders of just how much the blonde loved her.

She pulled herself onto the bed fully and did as Emma had suggested. Emma moved with her so both of them were comfortable before the younger woman started to kiss her way up Regina's leg again. With Regina on her back, Emma dared to kiss higher than her knee and showed her immense love. Multiple times.

After that night, Regina never left their shared bed even if Emma accidentally kicked her. After that night, Emma always made sure to kiss her after every kick, make love to her after every bruise and cuddle with her as they both finally fell into a blissful sleep.