I didn't plan this, but I am uploading the final chapter to this story on the 104th anniversary of the Titanic sinking. Remember all the ones who were lost.

You will not be forgotten.

My eyes popped open, and I gasped as I started shivering violently. It took a good several minutes for my shaking to stop. I looked around me and saw that I was in my bed in my apartment wrapped in several blankets, one of them being an electric blanket that was turned on as high as it could go.

When I had calmed down and my shivering stopped, my thoughts traveled back to everything I had been through in the last four days. I buried my face in my pillow and I began sobbing.

When I had finally stopped crying, I got out from the blankets and went out to the living room.

"Myndi!" my roommate, Sara, said, noticing me from the couch. She got up and came over to me. "I'm glad to see you're okay!"

"What exactly happened?"

"Kyle and I came back and we found you unconscious on the floor in front of the TV. You know he's a nurse, so he looked you over and determined that you had just passed out, but you hadn't injured yourself, so he carried you to your bed. You started shivering at one point, so I put some blankets on you."

"That's it?" I asked numbly.

"Yeah. Are you okay? You look like death."


I made myself some food, but I was silent for the remainder of the day.

I hopped into the shower, letting the warm water douse my body. I had forgotten how good hot water felt. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself. Then I immediately broke down onto the floor in sobs. I felt guilty that I got to take a hot shower while everyone I loved froze in the icy Atlantic waters. I was furious with myself for being so blasé about a horrendous incident that had taken so many lives in such a torturous way.

When I went to sleep that night, I had a dream that was very similar to Rose's dream at the end of the movie…

I was walking through Titanic's halls. Everything was broken and covered with algae. I slowly reached out and touched one of the walls, and immediately, everything began to change. As I walked forward more and more, the halls continued to change and become exactly as they had been when I was on it.

I went towards the Grand Staircase, and when I got to the door, a man smiled at me and opened it for me.

I stepped inside and there was everyone who had perished on Titanic. I could feel my eyes fill with large tears. The orchestra who had played An Irish Blessing for me smiled and nodded towards me. I waved and returned their smile.

"Aunt Myndi!"

"Cora, darling!" I said to the girl in her father's arms. I gently took her hands as she smiled at me.

I continued to walk forward, and I saw Fabrizio with his arms around Helga.

"Fabrizio," I smiled, more tears forming.

"Hello, mio tesoro," he laughed.


"Hello, Myndi."

On the bottom step of the Grand Staircase, tears rolled down my cheeks as I saw Jack. I went up to him and enveloped him into a tight hug. "Jack. It's so good to see you."

"Hi, Myndi. I'm glad to see you too. But I'm not the one you should be hugging."

"What do you mean?"

Jack looked up to the top of the Grand Staircase. Instead of Jack being there, like in Rose's dream, Tommy stood there waiting for me. I gasped and ran up to him, hugging him and not letting go for a long time.

"I miss you," I finally said as I faced him, tears pouring from my eyes.

"I miss you too."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You promised to catch me when I fell, but I couldn't do the same for you."

"Nonsense. You couldn't have stopped a fixed event. But you stayed until I was gone, and you sent me off the best way you could. You caught me. I know it."

"Please don't leave me again."

"I have to, lass."

"Then take me with you."

Tommy smiled sadly. "You know I can't do that. I'm not even real."

"You're real to me. You're as real to me now as when we were together on the ship."

"I know. But you were never meant to be with me. There's someone out there for you. Someone totally real who will love you just as much as I do. I helped you open your heart again, lass. I've done my job. Now you need to let me go."

As much as I hated it, I knew he was right. Because of Tommy, I knew that it was possible for me to find someone else to love. He helped me get over my experience with Nate, and that was what I really needed.

"I love you, Myndi."

I looked up at him. "I love you too," I said through my sobs.

I kissed him long and hard, remembering each and every second of the wonderful feeling of his lips on mine.

I woke up in bed with tears spilling from my eyes as fast as they had been in my dream. I turned over and continued to cry as I thought back to everything that had happened with Tommy and how much I loved him, despite the fact that I'd only known him for about four days.

He was right. I needed to get over him. It would take some time, but it was possible for me to do. He believed in me. So I needed to believe in myself.

"Myndi," Sara said to me as I passed her on the way to the kitchen. "I'm really worried about you. You've been acting really depressed lately, and I haven't seen you this upset since Nate. Did something happen?"

I couldn't tell her the whole story because she would think I was crazy for falling in love with a fictional character.

"I fell in love. And I got hurt again," I told her.

"You did? Who was it? Do I need to have a talk with him?"

"No. It's not like that. He died."

"Oh, that's awful. How?"

"He was shot."

"I didn't hear about any of this happening."

"No, you wouldn't. I really liked him, and he really liked me. We only knew each other for four days."

"Four days? I thought you were always talking about how it was impossible to fall in love so fast."

"I was wrong."

Sara looked at me sadly, realizing how much I had changed, and that I had lost another person who my heart belonged to. Tears began rolling down my cheeks as I began thinking of Tommy.

"I find myself wishing that I had never met him in the first place so I wouldn't be hurting so much. And I hate myself for thinking that. Because the days I spent with him were the best days of my life. He helped me get over my experience with Nate, and he showed me how to love again. And I just miss him so much!"

Sara came up to me and hugged me tightly.

"It's not fair! It's just not fair!"

I sobbed in her embrace, remembering how much I loved Tommy, and how much I wished that I was with him once more.

Some time later, I traveled to Halifax in Nova Scotia, Canada, and I visited the Fairview Cemetery where many of the Titanic victims were buried.

As I walked along the many, many markers that represented someone who had perished that night, all the memories of my time aboard Titanic came back to me and I felt tears pour down my face yet again.

Many of the markers only had a number and the date the Titanic sank because the body had never been able to be identified. What really hit me was the Marker of the Unknown Child where the body of a 19-month-old baby had been buried.

I realized that this was only a fraction of the people who had been killed by the waters that night. These markers only represented the bodies that had been recovered. Tommy and Jack, had they been real, wouldn't have been buried here.

"Excuse me."

I turned and saw a young man next to me. He looked embarrassed when he realized that I was crying.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you."

"It's fine."

"Did…did you know anyone here?"

I looked out at all the markers. "In a way…I knew everyone. Yet at the same time…I know no one." I shook my head. "I'm sorry. That probably sounds crazy."

"Not as crazy as you might think."

"Did you know anyone?"

"My great-uncle is buried here. He was only twenty at the time."

Just like Jack, I thought.

"I heard all about him from my grandmother who was able to survive the sinking. I come here every year on the anniversary of Titanic sinking to bring him flowers."

There was silence between us for a little while.

"I'll just…leave you to your thoughts. I'm sorry to interrupt."

"Wait," I said quickly before he left. "If you could just give me a few minutes, I'd like to talk with you."

The man gave me a small smile. "Sure."

After spending a little more time in the cemetery, I went outside and found the young man waiting for me. I learned his name was James, and we went to go grab a coffee together. He told me what his grandmother had told him about the night Titanic sank. She had been able to get on a lifeboat, but her brother could not and froze in the water.

"I knew of a woman on the ship," I said to him. "She was a Third Class member who was on the ship with her best friend. She met someone, and even though she tried not to, she fell in love with him."

James chuckled. "That sounds kind of like the movie."

"Yeah. Fancy that. He was shot by one of the panicked officers, and I never learned exactly what happened to her, but I know she didn't make it."

"That's so sad."

We talked for hours on end, and I felt very comfortable with him. Titanic was the main topic of our conversation for a while, but eventually, we switched to more regular topics.

We exchanged numbers before we left the coffee shop, and we stayed in constant communication.

After a while, I started dating him, and eventually we got married.

I knew that despite the fact that he was a fictional character, a piece of my heart would always belong to Tommy.

But like he had told me, I had to let him go because there was someone else out there for me.

And he was right. It was James.

I never told James how I had gotten to experience the Titanic tragedy firsthand. I never told anyone. It was a life-changing experience that no one would ever know except me.

I love James, and I always will.

But I will never forget what Tommy did for me in 1912 on Titanic. For as Rose said in the movie, "Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams. And it was. It really was."