A normal day like any other for Jack and Maddie Fenton, working on the latest ghost hunting gadgets in their very own laboratory. About half an hour of examining blue prints and designing weaponry the two Fentons hear something, something like a banging wait no maybe even knocking coming from the ghost portal.

But how could that be.

Jack warily stands up and inches over to the door of the portal and surely enough more knocking. Curiously Jack makes his way over towards the control panel of the portal.

Luckily they had installed a security system for dilemmas such as this, ever since the box ghost played a ding dong (well more of a boo open the doors) ditch with a ghostly flaming box filled with ghostly flaming.. well lets just say the lab didnt get burnt down but Maddie sure needed new hazmat boots, anyway this new security system is like any front door security system camera and microphones to see and hear any activity from the other side of the portal door except with a few ecto missile launchers to keep pests out.

Jack bought up the visual and audio feeds to the monitor to see a smug Phantom looking directly into the camera. Suspicious jack hovers his hand over a giant red button which was so obviously the missile launcher then audio starts coming in.

"Hello it's me." The phantom says

Jack stares at the monitor in confusion.

"I've been wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet." Phantom proceeds

"Phantom step away from the doors and caese these strange actions" Jack announces via the intercom hand slowly lowering towards the button.

Phantom stops and whispers to himself 'screw it i'm going straight for the chorus'


The doors of the portal burst open during Danny's beautiful musical display.

"Shit." The phantom exclaims. Jack slams the button and Danny begins running well flying for his afterlife from the ecto-seeking-missile or fenton finder whatever stupid name his parents gave it.

The Fentons stand and stare in utter confusion of the events that just unfolded, ringing silence accompanies their astonishment followed by a faint 'Totally worth it!' coming from the gaping portal in their wall.