I don't own Naruto in any way.


Kyuubi talking


Another day. Naruto thought in his head. Sometimes I wish I can just show my real self. Looking around he saw glares, and any kind of hatred being directed at him. Don't these people ever get tired of just glaring at me?

Stop your moaning and groaning. I'm starting to get sick of hearing these pitiful thoughts of yours.

Naruto just sighed. Not even bothered with the voice inside of his head.

Don't ignore me brat. You know how important it is that you keep everyone clueless about the plans that you are making.

I know. He thought, just gazing around keeping up his smiling idiotic mask. It's almost time at least. Konoha won't know what hit them when I finally drop this mask. I wonder though…

How people will react to your true power. Or the fact that you've been plotting against them for years know.

No more like I'll have to be more careful and carefully pick my words or else everything will be lost. Naruto pondered, looking up at the sky and seeing it's almost noon. We'll discuss this later Kurama I'm going to go get some lunch before training


Naruto just sighed knowing that he wasn't going to receive an answer anytime soon. For one of the most powerful entity in the world he sure was lazy. Looking around and seeing despite all the glares it was a relatively peaceful day. No one knew what was approaching all they could do was hope that they were prepared.


Looking out across the village seeing its peaceful nature was none other than the Third Hokage. Sarutobi Hiruzen the strongest shinobi in the village at the given moment. Sometimes I wonder if everything will come together like they're supposed to. He thought bemusedly, looking across toward the Hokage monument. Minato I hope that all the planning we did will work out and hopefully make us…

Knock, Knock sounded knocking him out of his thoughts.

"Come in"

The door swung open and in wobbled Danzo Shimura. Looking the same as he always did with his cane, bandages, and blank face devoid of emotions. "Hiruzen" he rumbled looking straight at the Hokage as if he were searching for answers. "How goes Project 11" he stated.

"Straight to the point as always Danzo" he sighed greatly. "As far as I know Naruto knows nothing about his tenet or has he suspected anything about his parents. He visits me three times a week and is still as clueless and loyal to me as he always was."

Searching Danzo's face for any kind of hint to what he was thinking was almost impossible for anyone. "Good as long as he is loyal to the Hokage he will always be our weapon in times of our greatest needs. Soon very soon we will be the greatest hidden village around. Not even Kumo will be able to stand up to us."

Hiruzen allowed an evil smile to start forming on his face. "Good as soon as he graduates he will have no choice but to obey and listen to my orders. Now if that is all Danzo I do have to get this paperwork done."

"Of course I will take my leave then." Standing up and walking to the door and swinging it open. He looked back seeing Hiruzen in deep thought. Soon not even you will stand in my way. We will follow Project 11 through, but what you don't know is that you won't be there to see it finish. Your days are limited HIruzen make your next steps carefully. Closing the door walking away with a small chuckle.


Gazing across the village in the dead of the night was none other than Naruto. The most peaceful thing was nothing but silence and the quiet sounds of nature emitting behind him. Soon very soon all my planning will be set in motion. They think that they can plan against me. It's all just a big joke. They won't know what hit them. They think that we were all lost and were exterminated in the war. They don't know how wrong they are. Standing and taking one last look at the village before walking off. Soon they'll remember to that they should've never betrayed the Uzumaki Clan. Soon kaa-chan ill save you and together we show them not to cross an Uzumaki.


"It's time Naruto. It's time to begin the first phase of your plan." Gazing down at Naruto. Seeing him deep in thought he raised a clawed hand and slammed it down on the metal gate holding him prisoner. "NARUTO PAY ATTENTION!"

"Huh…" Naruto moaned out coming out of his thoughts.

"It's time to begin your plans and go and save your mother to stupid brat."

"Huh oh yeah thanks for reminding me. I'll be on my way then. Remember to keep my chakra low and keep your senses at top notch."

"I know that already you stupid brat you don't have to keep on reminding me every time you go over the plan. It's not that hard you sneak in find the hidden room and free your mother that's all there is to it."

"Easy for you to say you aren't the one sneaking in." Gazing upwards in the two crimson orbs glaring right back at him. "And what's with the glare. Why can't you be happy instead?" Stated Naruto in a condescending way.

"Look brat we don't have time to be arguing back in forth. You need to go now before you run out of time. I will uphold my end of the bargain and keep you on alert."

"Aww you do care don't you Kurama. Well thanks I'll be going then." Walking off and fading from existence. Re-awaking in the real world.

Stupid brat I'll get him later. Let's hope he can pull this off.


Sneaking into the Hokage tower under the darkness of night was probably the easiest thing ever. It might also just be that his stealth skills are really good. You would think that there would be more security in this place. I mean I basically just strolled in and could do whatever I want with the place. Looking around he saw nothing out of the ordinary. Stretching his sensor ability throughout the room he sensed that there was no one inside. Kurama is it just me or is there nobody inside.

No I can't sense any life force or chakra anywhere. Strange you would think a place the Hokage office would have some more security.

Hmmm well this is easier than I thought. Well most of the security was placed outside anyways. Nowhere is this hidden room that should be in this office. Seeing a black marking on and realizing it was a locking seal that kept the hidden door from appearing. Well there it is. Now all I have to do is bypass this seal. Pulling out his sealing kit and drawing up the appropriate seal and placing it over the locking seal, he pumped a small amount of chakra into it. Clicking and clanking was heard and the door popped out slightly allowing access to the room. Walking inside there on a hospital was none other than Kushina Uzumaki. Put into a medical generated coma in order to keep her out of the way. Even after 11 years she retained her beauty, from her vibrant red hair, to her white porcelain skin that seemed to have a slight glow to it, all down to her perfect figure that would make others jealous.

"Kaa-chan…" sighed Naruto "what have they done to you. Don't worry ill wake you up and get you out of here.

"Naruto what are you doing here." A voice suddenly rang out across the room.