The final chapter of Gaster's Visit! I hope you all like it!

I own NONE of the characters!

Gaster awoken with a smile.

He sat up and stretched a little before looking around the room. His smile grew when he saw Toriel bringing a basket of laundry into the room. He could practically smell the sweet, flower scented detergent from his crib, telling him that they were cleaned recently.

The queen noticed the skeleton and waved, setting the basket aside and walking over to the bed. "Good morning sweetie!"

"Hi Mommy!" he piped, reaching up to her. "Uppy pwease!"

Toriel gladly obliged by grabbing the skeleton and bouncing him on her hip. She gave him a little kiss on the forehead before walking with him into the living room. In there, Asgore was reading his newspaper with a cup of tea beside him.

He looked away from his reading and greeted the two. "Good morning."

"Hi Daddy!" Gaster waved before reaching out to the larger goat. "Can I read with you?"

"Sure thing."

Toriel chuckled as the king grabbed the scientist and placed him on his lap so that he could read the paper as well. She smiled at the two and then asked. "Don't you want breakfast Gasty?"

"Baba." he answered simply. Turning to her, he added. "Can I have milk in it?"

She nodded and headed into the kitchen.

Honestly Gaster wasn't really there to read with the king. None of the stories in there was really all that interesting. He just wanted to get comfy in his daddy's lap. Feel his warm and soft beard. Hear his soothing heartbeat.

It made him feel good.

"Here you go~!" Toriel chimed sweetly as she came back from the kitchen with a warm bottle of milk.

The skeleton took it and smiled in thanks before slipping the nipple into his mouth and sucking on it while watching Asgore read.



The goat was in the midst of washing the dishes from the breakfast that she and her husband ate earlier to turn to Gaster. She smiled down at him. "Yes sweetheart?"

"I um..." he began to fiddle with the sleeve of his purple footies. "I..."

She nodded as she grabbed the skeleton and noticed the area between his legs were really wet. "My my my. Looks like someone leaked through their diaper."

Gaster blushed heavily as he looked down at his feet shamefully. "I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. I can get you changed."

She then started to leave the kitchen, humming a little tune as she went.


Gaster laughed as Asgore laid on the floor, throwing him into the air like a ball. As the king continued this, the skeleton laughter intensified.

He was having so much fun with this.

"My, you are such a giggly monster aren't you?" Asgore cooed, stopping his tossing to nuzzle him. "So giggly~!"

Gaster continued to laugh as the tossing resumed. "Higher Daddy! Higher!"

"Oh you want to go higher eh? Here. We. Go!"

The skeleton whooped as he went a few inches higher. He squealed and giggled as his daddy continued with this until suddenly, he was caught. Gaster blinked as he looked over and saw Toriel holding him.

She was glaring down at her husband as he smiled sheepishly back at her. "Howdy...?"

"Give me one good reason not to hurt you right now." she stated, clutching her baby close like a valuable possession.

"Because you love me...?"

She sighed, setting Gaster on the floor. "That is very true but don't do that again. He's very fragile and precious. I don't want anything to happen to him. Is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am." he replied.

Toriel then turned to the skeleton. "And as for you sweetie, don't get into games that could get you hurt. Alright?"

"Okay Mommy." he nodded. "Won't happen again."

"Thank you." she bend down to kiss both of them on the cheek. "Behave yourselves!"



Toriel and Asgore jumped at the sound of the skeleton crying. They looked at the floor to see Gaster bawling his eyes out. Immediately after that, a horrible scent reached their noses

They looked at one another and then turned back to the bawling skeleton.

"Not it!" the king exclaimed, raising his hand.

His wife crossed her arms. "No. You're doing it. I changed him this morning."

He slowly put his hands down and sighed. "Oh alright..."

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll be here to help you out."

He nodded and she left out of the room to get the supplies. As Toriel went to go get it all, Asgore grabbed the skeleton and held him in his arms. His nose wrinkled in disgust as he put the diaper mat out from the closet.

Using one hand, he rolled it out and laid Gaster on it. The skeleton slipped his thumb in his mouth to soothe himself from this uncomfortable experience. The king moved the scientist's digit from his mouth and replaced it with his pacifier.

"I'm back." Toriel chimed as she brought all the things they needed.

Asgore nodded, getting on his knees as he gently took off the scientist's diaper. His nose immediately filled up with the awful stench and he gagged. Quickly, he wrapped the poop filled diaper into a ball and used some baby wipes to clean up the mess that was left over. Toriel grabbed all of the dirty items and rushed to the trash can.

He then opened the new diaper and placed it under his bottom and between his legs. The king then grabbed the baby powder and sprinkled it all on the cleaner garment.

"Make sure you rub it in." Toriel suggested. "So all the powder spreads evenly."

Asgore nodded, rubbing the powder into both the diaper and his body. Afterwards, he pulled it up and taped the tabs. He beamed. "I'm done!"

""Almost." she chuckled, pulling down the purple T-shirt the skeleton was wearing and lifted Gaster up on her lap. "And now you're done." she gave him a high-five. "Great work dear!"


Toriel blinked as he heard a bit of snoring. She along with Asgore and Gaster were sharing a blanket and watching a movie. As the movie went out the trio were starting to get a bit sleepy.

She was about to drift off until she heard the snoring. She turned and smiled as she saw Gaster up against her arm, drolling just a bit as he slept. She gently placed his pacifier into his mouth before picking him up and was about to leave the room with him before turning to see Asgore dozing off as well.

"Good night my love." she said, kissing him on the lips before walking upstairs.

She reached the nursery without any trouble and gently placed the skeleton in his crib. The queen then covered him up with a blanket and kissed his forehead.

"Good night Gasty." she smiled down at him as she left the room. "And welcome home."

The end! Another story COMPLETED!

See you guys in the next update!
