Danny walked out of the pod room with Sally helping her to keep her balance, her new body shape and height made her very difficult to walk, because her gravity center changed totally.

- Take it easy Daniela, you'll get used to your new gravity center in a few days.- Sally told her.

- Yes, I hope so, my god, it's like learning to walk again.- Danny said tightening her grip on Sally's arm to keep standing.

- Sort of jeje.-

They got to where Vlad and her family were waiting for her. The moment they laid their eyes on her they gasped, Maddie, Jazz, Sam, Daisy and Dani started to cry silently, Jack, Tucker and Dash had their mouths and eyes wide open.

- Hi everyone.- Danny said sheepishly.- It's me, Daniela Fenton, how are you?-

The first one to react was Maddie, she ran to her and gave her a bear hug, she was crying in joy, Danny cried too and hugged back, and then everyone else joined in.

When they separated Danny finally got aware of some things around, first, her mother got fat over the time.

- Mom, you've gained weight!-

- Sort of honey.- she answered.

- What do you mean mom?-

- Mom's pregnant Danny.- Jazz told her.

That made Danny gasp.- Re… Really mom? You're pregnant?-

- Yes honey, I'm pregnant, you're going to have a little brother or sister!-

- WOW! How… Uhm… How long?-

- Three months sweetie.-

- Just the time I was in the VENUS pod, by the way, what day is today?-

- It's March 10th Danny, you came out with enough time to be ready for school, isn't that great?- Jack answered.

- YEAH! Right! That's why I asked, I'm really excited to get back to school dad.- Danny said sarcastically. And everyone laughed.- Well dad, what do you say?- Danny said turning around delicately, and looking at him.

- You are gorgeous Danny. You're my beautiful and cute daughter…Sniff… I love you dear.- Jack said kissing her on the forehead.

Danny went to her sister and daughters.- Hi girls, how do I look?- She said extending her arms and smiling widely.

- You're stunning sis!- Jazz said smiling back and giving her TWO thumps up, Dani and Daisy just nodded at her smiling, they didn't want to slip up.

- She looks great! Isn't it Dani?- Vlad asked the little girl. Danny looked at him weirdly.

- Yes uncle Vlad, She looks amazing.- Dani answered as if it was nothing. This time Danny was the one who gasped.- What?- Dani asked her.

- Since, since when you two…- Danny tried to ask.

- Three months is some long time Danny. Many things happened when you were asleep my dear.- Vlad answered smiling.

- Y… Yes, you're right, I guess.- Danny said finally.

- But still, I'm not totally comfortable being alone with him.- Dani said with some fear.- I need someone with me if he's around.-

- That's perfectly understandable Dani.- Vlad said with some sorrow on his voice.- But at least you and I can talk, and play and be close to each other, and that's good enough for me.- Vlad said smiling and lightening the mood. Danny nodded and then she looked at her friends, Sam was sniffing holding hands with Tucker.

- Hi guys, did you miss me?- Danny asked them.

- Hell yeah!- Tucker answered happily.

- We missed you a lot Danny.- Sam said wiping her eyes with her free hand. Danny proceeded to kiss her on the forehead; they locked eyes and smiled at each other.

- No kiss for me?- Tucker asked pouting.

- Sure!- Danny said confidently.- Sam kiss your boyfriend.- She said laughing and then she went to Dash. Everyone laughed, Tucker pouted blushing and Sam kissed him on the cheek.

Danny stood in front of Dash.- So?- She asked.

Dash looked at her from top to bottom and back, then he smiled at her mischievously.

- It's creepy to just look at a girl that way and you know it; you better stop it because my father is right here and he doesn't seem very happy with you right now.- Indeed, Jack Fenton seemed upset, he was standing there, looking at Dash with fire in his eyes, said teenager smirked, he then proceeded to pull Danny to him and embraced her with his both arms, he kissed her on the forehead and whispered on her ear.- I missed you a lot.- He kept the hug and Danny didn't protest, she was leaning on his chest.

- Was he so tall?- Danny asked herself.- I'm pretty sure I was almost at his eyes level, but now I barely reach to his chest; mmm… I can hear his heartbeats, it's so soothing.-

- Ahem.- Jack said calling their attention, this made his wife to nudge him for interrupting them, but the teens got the hint and separated, looking at each other eyes, smiling.

- Well, Sorry to interrupt you guys, but there's some other tests Danny needs to do.- Vlad said.

- What do you mean Vlad? Sally already made me physical tests.-

- Yes, Sally helped you with the basic health tests Danny, heart beating, breath rate, blood pressure, height, by the way, you lost almost a feet, pretty normal so far, women are "supposed to be" smaller than men jeje, weight, where you…-

- NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW THAT VLAD!- Danny interrupted him, pouting and blushing, making everyone laugh.

- Jajajaja! Ok, ok, but you need some other more specific tests Danny, tests that just a specialist can perform.- Vlad said, now he was the one blushing.

- Like what?- Danny asked dumbfounded, she didn't understand what Vlad meant, but all the others understood, especially the girls (except for Dani) and they blushed too.

- Uhm… Uhm…- Vlad didn't want to say it.

- Uh… Danny- Sally went to her and whispered something on her ear; right after that Danny blushed in a deep red color and lowered her head.

- Re… Really?- She asked her whispering too.

- Yes, we need to check if you're healthy… down there… too.- Sally whispered.-Please come with me.- She said loud enough for everyone to hear and took Danny's hand.- Please.- She turned to the others.- Wait for us in the lobby, we will be there in 45 minutes, tops.- She dragged Danny outside the room and went to another room close the lobby, the door said "OB-GYN".

- Is this where…- Danny started, still blushing.

- Yes Danny, your doctor will be here soon, how are you feeling?-

- Fine, I'm feeling fine, weird because I can barely keep standing, but fine.-

- Good, good.- They were in silence for a few minutes, it was getting awkward, when a woman in a white coat got in the room, she was looking at a chart and didn't see who was in front of her.

- Good day ladies, I'm doctor River Song.- The woman introduced herself to Danny and Sally.

- Hi River.- Sally greeted her happily, that startled the woman, who finally looked up.

- Oh gosh, hi Sally, how are you?-

- Fine, fine, how about you?-

- I'm great, so…- She looked at Danny for the first time.- Is she the…-

- Yes River, she's Daniela Fenton, she's a VENUS girl and she's here for her very first gynecological exam.- Danny felt very embarrassed at that moment.

- Ok miss Daniela, as this is totally new for you, I'm going to explain it. I'm going to check your vagina's health; that includes your clitoris, your womb and your labia, in order to do that properly, you have to lie down on the bed, and put your legs on those things in order to spread them as far as you can, you have to raise your skirt and take off your panties, come on, go ahead girl, get on the bed.- The doctor said and Danny did as she was told, slowly and embarrassed, but she did it, she took off her panties, hopped on the bed, lied on her back, took her skirt with her hands and pulled to her upper body and spread her legs, she was beyond embarrassment, but she breathe hard and closed her eyes.- Ok, here we go miss, just relax as much as you can.- The doctor said while positioning between Danny's legs. After a few seconds, Danny could feel something cold "there", she gasped but kept as quiet as possible, then she felt a finger poking it, she gasped again, even in the embarrassment state she was, she felt some pleasure, mostly when the doctor rubbed her clit, well, at least she thought it was the clitoris, as she felt a lot of pleasure and she knew beforehand that it's the only organ in the body, made with the only purpose of provide pleasure to its owner.- Amazing! Just amazing!- Danny heard the doctor say.

- What? Is there something wrong with me?- Danny asked a little scared.

- No, absolutely no, you're perfectly fine for a seventeen years old girl, what amazes me is exactly that, that you're a girl, I mean, if I didn't know what it's done in this place, and if I didn't attended Sally first, if you didn't tell that you were a boy, I would have never guessed it, or believed it in the first place, you really are a fully functioning girl.-

- Thank you very much, it means a lot to me to be acknowledge as a girl.- Danny felt tears on her eyes.

- Well, you're welcome my dear, well, we're done, you can get up and get your panties on dear, you are perfectly fine, but as you just have become a girl, I recommend you to be ready for your period all the time, we don't know when it's going to happen so, you are going to need tampons and sanitary towels, keep some in your purse all the time, until it happens and then you will just need to count and be ready for it every month, ok?-

- Yes doctor, I'll do it, thank you.- Danny said after putting her panties on, she tried to walk again but her legs were numb and she hasn't used to her new gravity center yet, so Sally had to catch her before she fall.- Thank you Sally.- She said.

- You're welcome dear, let's go.- Sally said taking Danny's arm and Dragging her out of the room.- Thank you very much River.- Sally said before leaving.

- You're welcome Sally.- The doctor said.

Sally dragged Danny to the lobby.

- I'm so glad it's over, I'm so embarrassed.- Danny said while they walked.

- You'll get used to them.-

- What do you mean?-

- Danny, a woman needs this kind of exams at least once a year, and even more if she's pregnant.-

- WHAT?!- Danny didn't believe what she heard.

- As you heard me girl, at least once a year you will need an OB-GYN to check you there, and more if you get an illness or infection there.-

- Unbelievable!- Danny said blushing in embarrassment again.

- Welcome to womanhood my dear.- Sally said just before they arrived to where Danny's family was waiting for her.- Hi, sorry for the delay, here she is, all yours to take her home, congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, it's a girl!- Sally said joyfully and handed Danny to her mother.- Be careful, she needs a little more time to get used to her new gravity center, so she has some problems to keep her balance.-

- Thank you very much Sally, we hope to see you soon, and Vlad too.- Maddie said holding Danny's arm gently.

- Yes Mrs. Fenton we hope that too.- Sally said right before her cell phone ringed indicating she got a new e-mail.- Well, if you excuse me I have to go back to work, see you later.- She said leaving, not waiting for anyone to said good bye to her.

- Well…- Jack Fenton started.- Let's go home family. We will have a welcome back home dinner tonight.- he said going to the door, followed by a very joyful group of people behind him.

Jack and his family got in the RV, while Dash, Tucker and Sam got in his mustang, they went to the Fenton's place.