I noticed that the last chapter didn't make any sense when I re-read this story so I could finish it. Therefore I have re-done it so now it works. I hope you like it.

This is the last chapter so I want to take this time to thank those of you who have followed, favoured and reviewed. I know it has taken me a while to get here, but thank you for sticking with me.

Anyway enough from me, here it is, the end. I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural.

By the time Dean and Castiel returned to the formers apartment the sun had come up and was shining its light on the town, though they didn't really care too much. They instead fell into Dean's bed and continued what they had been doing on the roof of the tower, namely exploring each other's bodies. Neither of them believing that they could ever get too much of the man they were with. The man they loved. (Oh so with you there my darlings.)

It wasn't until Dean's stomach rumbled, forcing them both out of bed and into the kitchen that they spoke again of that which they had discussed on their 'date'.

"Did you really mean you are willing to tell everyone about us?" Castiel asked, because while he believed Dean, he was still needed more reassurance. Maybe they could come up with a plan so they could tell everyone now. He wanted more than anything for everyone to know he had gotten his man. (Ah that's so sweet.)

"Yeah. In fact, why not do it tonight? At the Roadhouse?" Dean asked thinking quickly. Half of him wanted to put it off a little longer, get himself used to the idea of everyone knowing he was with a man. But another part, the part that was still growling and gnashing its teeth, really wanted to make sure Balthazar knew to keep his hands off of Cas. (Hello jealously, so nice to see you again, how have you been?)

"Tonight? Are you sure?" Castiel asked choking on the coffee he had been drinking at Dean's words. I mean he had thought Dean would want to take some time so he could prepare himself. To give him time to feel out how his friends would take his relationship with a man when before he had claimed to be completely straight. (Ah well now, my friend Jealousy turned up and she is having some fun with Dean-o, sorry, not sorry?)

"Tonight. Think you can get Balthazar there?" Dean asked casually, it would be the perfect place for him to have words with the other man. You know, somewhere he would be surrounded by his friends. That idea caused an evil glint to appear in Dean's eyes, not that Castiel noticed it.

"But he already knows." Castiel responded puzzled at why Dean wanted him there. (Oh Cassie, you really can be naïve can't you? I love it.)

"But I want to meet him… and for him to meet our friends." Dean stated managing to rein in his evil side enough to sound sincere. And well it really was nothing but the truth, even if he did want it to be more of a threat that a friendly get together. (Dean you are a bad, bad boy.)

"Okay." Castiel agreed. He didn't really care who was there, he was just so over joyed that Dean was going to tell everyone. That he would be able to hold his hand, and kiss him in public without thought of worry of being caught. Oh yes he couldn't wait. (Neither can we Cassie, I promise.)

It didn't take long for Dean and Castiel call round all their friends and get them to join them at the Roadhouse that night. Some were confused by this invite, but the majority, when told that they wanted to tell them something important, could easily guess what it was. After all it didn't take a genius to realise what was going on between the two men that had seemed to be joined at the hip lately. And while sure, they had never considered Dean swinging that way, when told he needed to tell them something, their minds could think of nothing else. (Oh dear Dean-o. Seems you didn't hide it as much as you thought you did my darling. Oh well, c'est la vie.)

It was a rather packed Roadhouse that Dean and Castiel arrived at later that evening, Dean already nervous about what he was going to do. He wasn't sure how to tell all the people he worked with, all the people he cared about, that he was gay. He had no idea how they would take this information, nor how they would treat him once they knew. Would he lose his job? (No.) Get kicked out of the station? (NO.) No, he didn't think Bobby would do that (you'd be right, he won't). He thought, or hoped at least, that Bobby would understand. But would the others? (Yes.) Would they be okay with having him watching their backs when they knew the truth about his sexuality? (Yes.) I mean firemen weren't gay. Or at least not any of the ones he had ever met. (Trust them my love. it will all work out well. I promise.)

Dean could feel his breathing speed up and he wondered if he could really do this or if he was going to pass out. But just as he went to pull at his collar, hoping to get more air into his lungs he felt a hand slip into his, grounding him and filling him with warmth. He turned his head to the man next to him who was smiling an understanding and reassuring smile and he knew that it would be fine. Because no matter what else happened, he had Cas, and that really was all he needed. (Oh hell yeah. You go Dean. We're here for you.)

Castiel knew Dean was nervous, could feel it in the energy his body was giving off. But when he noticed the other man's breathing speed up and a look of panic appear on his face he did the only thing he could think of to help him. He took his hand, hoping to show him he was there at his side, and he wouldn't be leaving it any time soon, or ever if things went the way he hoped they would. (Oh I'm sure they will, love always wins.)

Dean smiled at Cas and knew this was it. It was now or never. So taking a deep breath he turned to the room and called out for silence. The easiest way to do this he had decided was to get it out of the way as quickly as possible, then he could go and drown himself at the bar. Well he could as long as Ellen didn't kick him out because of what he was about to say (there is no way she would do that my dear). No, it was going to be fine. One more look at Cas gave him the strength he needed before he turned back to the now silent room.

"Hey everyone. I, we, asked you all here tonight so I could introduce you to… my…. Boyfriend, Cas." it took a couple of deep breaths for him to be able to get the sentence out, and as soon as he had done it he turned to smile at the man next to him. Hoping to lose him himself in his eyes so he wouldn't notice when people he had always thought of as friend left. (Oh Dean, they won't leave you. They love you too.)

"About bloody time, ya idjit." Came a gruff voice from across the bar breaking the silence and making everyone laugh as Dean's head swung up like at startled deer as he turned towards his boss. But before he could say anything to the older man he and Cas found themselves surrounded by people offering their congratulations, making sure that both the men knew that they had no issues with them being together. They were just happy that they had found each other. (See told you so.)

By the time the people drifted away Dean was in a daze. No one had said one bad word to him about his relationship, they had all accepted him for who he was, and they had accepted Cas. It was as if he was in dream, he had never expected this response, and it was pretty overwhelming.

But he soon found himself coming back to earth when a tall blonde man came towards them, holding three beers in his hand.

"Dating my sloppy seconds are you Deanie?" Balthazar drawled his eyes twinkling. Castiel had told him how the man loved had responded at finding out the truth and Balthazar couldn't possibly pass up the opportunity of making Dean's blood boil, if only a little bit. (Balthazar, will you, just for once behave yourself? No of course you won't, why did I even bother asking?)

"I'm dating the man I love Balthazar, and if you ever lay a finger on him again I will kill you." Dean replied smirking as he took the beer out of Balthazar's hand and drank some right off. (Well that's one response, I give you that.)

"Oh Dean. How are we supposed to have pillow fights if I can't touch him?" Balthazar asked his eyes delighting in the jealousy on display in front of thing. Oh this could keep him amused for hours. (What am I going to do with you? you'll never change. But then, we wouldn't really want you to would we?)

"Easy. You don't." Dean growled out, the image Balthazar had put in his head too much for him to take. (And calm Dean-o, he is just messing with you, I promise.)

"But Deanie-" Balthazar started to reply only to be interrupted by his smiling friend.

"Balthazar, shut up or Dean won't have to kill you. I will do it for him." Castiel stated completely seriously. He knew what his friend was like, but he did not want him winding Dean up. Dean had been through enough tonight and Castiel wanted nothing more than to hold him and tell him how proud he was of the courage he had shown in telling everyone here about them. He knew what it took to come out to your friends and family after all. (Go Castiel. You keep him in check and defend your man.)

"Oh Cassie, you are such a spoil sport." Balthazar pouted, though he soon removed it from his face when he saw Charlie coming up to them followed by a most attractive blonde. Oh the evening was looking up. And that was how Balthazar met Jo. (Though what happened after that, between them, really is another story for another time.)

The rest of the evening pasted in a good way, Dean relaxing with his friends, and while it felt a little strange to have his arm around Cas throughout the night, and even stranger to bend and kiss him when surrounded by those he knew, he wouldn't change it for the world. It would take him time to get used to this new life of his, but he knew that he had never been happier. He was loved and in love, accepted and whole for the first time in his life. What more could he ask for? (Nothing, it's all good.)

Castiel was right there with him on that one. He had his Dean, and it really was the best night of his life. He could only see things getting better from then onwards. (And you know what? He was absolutely right.)


I hope you have enjoyed this story and once again I want to thank those of you who have favoured, followed and reviewed throughout. Thank you all, and goodnight.