The night was cold, and Marvel resented being on watch. Just like the other tributes, he had had a long and tiring day, and he was exhausted. Instead of going to sleep right after dinner, as the other tributes had done, Marvel had been allocated on watch. He had complained, but Cato, the de facto leader of the Career Pack, had threatened to kill him if he didn't sit watch. Cato had also taken the tent they had found at the Cornucopia, sharing it with the District 12 tribute. When Clove had complained that an unreliable member of their team had gotten to use the tent, Cato had smoothly explained that Peeta was in the tent so that Cato could keep an eye of him. Marvel didn't envy him in the least. While Cato was as close as an ally as one could get in the Hunger Games, Marvel didn't like him, preferring to stay out of his way. So he had stayed awake, while the others slept. Soon, however, it would be time to wake Glimmer, his fellow District 1 tribute, for her watch.

Marvel got up, and did a round of their campsite, making sure that no one had snuck up on them. He was about to sit back down for the last fifteen minutes of his watch, when he heard a sound coming from the tent. Quietly, Marvel grabbed the night vision goggles – another gift from the Cornucopia – and approached the tent. The sound came again. Marvel thought that it sounded like a moan. Maybe Cato had gotten food poisoning, he thought with a smirk.

Marvel stood beside be open window of the tent, and peered inside. Ordinarily, he wouldn't be able to see anything in there, but the night vision goggles worked a wonder. Marvel could see Cato moving around. He shrank back, hoping that the District 2 tribute wouldn't see him, but froze as he saw another shape move in the darkness as well. It quickly resolved itself into Peeta. The two figures approached each other, and embraced, their lips finding each other's in the dark. Marvel recoiled, shocked by what he saw. Since the Games had started, the tributes wondered what Peeta had been included. Cato said out of Peeta's earshot that he was bait for Katniss, the most dangerous player in the game. Now, though, Marvel thought that maybe Peeta could offer Cato something else.

Another moan, similar to the one that had piqued his interest to begin with, drew Marvel's eyes back to the tent. While Marvel had been looking away, Cato had stripped out of his pants, and Peeta was kneeling between his legs. Cato's head was thrown back, and he made a mewling sound as Peeta's head bobbed up and down.

A tumult of emotions rushed through Marvel in response to what he was seeing. The first thing he felt was anger, that Cato hadn't told them about this, that he had kept a secret from the rest of the Career Pack, when so much relied on them being honest with each other. Then, a wave of embarrassment swamped Marvel. He felt like he was seeing the raw part of Cato that he never exposed to anyone else. Marvel knew that he should look away, but he couldn't draw his eyes from Peeta's lips encircling Cato's cock. Finally, on the heels of the embarrassment, Marvel felt a subtle heat pass through his body, quickening his pulse and breathing, before settling in his groin. Marvel unconsciously placed a hand on his cock, and felt it twitch beneath his fingers. Then he quickly took his hand away, feeling that his response to the situation was like breaking an implicit agreement that he had with Cato.

Still, Marvel couldn't look away; the scene in the tent transfixed him. He wondered what it would feel like to have Peeta's lips around his cock, not Cato's. Marvel's hand slid once again to his cock, and he rubbed it surreptitiously. He watched Peeta pull away, lick his lips from the juices leaking from Cato's cock, then turn around. He remained on his knees, but bent at the waist until his head was pressed against the floor. Peeta wrapped his hands around his body, pulling his ass cheeks apart. Marvel's mouth went dry when he saw Peeta's hole exposed, twitching in the cold air. Cato ran a finger down Peeta's crack, then gripped his cock, and lined it up with Peeta's hole. Gently, his pushed himself into the District 12 tribute. Then, after he gave Peeta a few moments to adjust, Cato began to slowly thrust his hips back and forwards. Marvel could see Peeta shudder as waves of pleasure rippled through him.

For a few seconds, Marvel could only stare. Peeta flung a hand out to keep is balance, as Cato began to speed up. His other hand went between his legs, where an organ to waiting for attention. Marvel copied Peeta's movement, sliding his hand into his pants so that he gripped his fully hard cock. His other hand undid the zipper of his pants, letting his cock escape from its confinement, and allowing Marvel to stroke it fully. Marvel's breath came out shallowly, his own ministrations in time with Cato's thrusts, his imagination putting him in the District 2 tribute's place. Cato leaned over Peeta, nibbling at his ear, eliciting a barely audible moan from him. Cato's hand reached around Peeta's body, taking his cock in hand, and striking it slowly. Peeta's arms were trembling as he supported himself, as Cato's thrusts increased in speed and ferocity.

Finally, Cato pushed himself deep into Peeta, and didn't pull out. He gave a low moan, and then collapsed in the other tribute, pushing him flat. Cato quickly pulled himself up and out of Peeta, flipping the tribute so that he lay on his back. Marvel could see drops of Cato's cum oozing out of Peeta's hole. Cato gripped Peeta's cock was both hands, slowly moving them up and down. Peeta lay with his eyes closed, his breath as shallow as Marvel's, as Cato jerked him off to completion. When Peeta finally came, marvel closed his eyes, and with a final tug, came as well, splattering his seed on the hard ground.

Marvel stood in place for a second, his eyes closed, then quickly realised where he was. Guiltily, he pulled up and zipped his pants. When he looked back inside the tent, Peeta and Cato was crawling back into their sleeping bags, clearly exhausted. Marvel felt exhausted as well. He looked at his watch, and smiled. It was time to wake Glimmer.