This is the second-chapter-which-was-actually-the-first! I won nothing. As you can see, once again I was using a different style of capitalization to suit the way I thought he might feel. I hope it turned out okay!

Chapter 2: Amnesia

The Boy woke with a warm trickle of something running down His face. His eyes slowly fluttered open, and He saw, as if from a distance, a white ceiling, all-encompassing. His gaze sharpened, and He found himself Listening to the Silence. He had no idea why the Silence was so important, only that it was. The Silence was delicious. It was Beautiful. The Boy sat up carefully, perceiving that he was in a Blue Room. A mirror was Webbed with Cracks beside His bed, as if some great Force had knocked against it. Items were thrown around the room. He did not know the Names of these Things, they simply: Were. He slid his feet onto the cool, beautiful floor. It was fascinating. He Smiled, and walked on Wobbly Feet. He looked around the Room. Shiny Objects caught His Eyes. He turned a knob, and fell through the door, into a room with another shiny collection of Things. He rubbed at the Red Streak on His face. It was Ugly. It came off. He heard a sharp rap at another door-thing like the one He had just fallen through. Seconds later, a girl with Orange Hair walked in, and stopped.

The Girl-With-Fire-Hair Smiled at him. "Danny, supper is ready. I cooked some wieners, the kind you like! Are you okay now?"

What were wieners? Supper? Danny? Sounds came to his lips in a meaningless babble. The Girl-With-Beautiful-Hair didn't look happy.

"Come on, little brother." He wondered what Little Brother was. He guessed She wanted Him to follow Her, and let Her grab his Hand. He was quiet. He followed Her, not knowing what She wanted. He was lead to a flat rectangle on legs, like the chair he had seen, and the Bed he had been on. Something smelled Good. He watched the Girl eat the funny round things. He slowly followed Her example. She smiled at him. He was Happy, and that was Good. Words: he cannot Remember them, but he imitated Her. She was not Happy, but let him.

"I think you're acting like a two-year-old. So stop, Danny." She kept calling him Danny.

"Danny?" He asked.

She rolled her eyes. "Yes. I'm Jazz. It's nice to meet you." Her tone was weird, he decided. Jazz? She had said that several times. She was Jazz?

"Jazz? Yes?"

"Yes." So yes meant he was Right. He was Glad. He continued to imitate Her. He learned new words right and left; perhaps some forgotten Memory. He did not Remember a thing. Not by himself. But he Listened. And he Listened to the Silence, too.

How do you like this chapter? Can you leave a review to tell me? Thanks! Danny is about five in this story, and this is before he actually meets or befriends Sam and Tucker. At this point, he is just a boy forced into solitude because of his telepathy. I write a lot of imaginary when-Danny-was-five scenarios. I even have quite a few age-reversal ideas, but those haven't found their way into a story yet.
