"Why are you doing this?" Abby said while looking at her directly. The older woman has a stoic face, nothing to give away.

They were in the meeting room for more than an hour already. Abby arrived to Polis and went to the commander as soon as she got there. She didn't waste any time upon learning about the news. She was able to confirm it but still found the reason not enough.

Marcus Kane insisted to come with her, or to balance her but she adamantly told him to stay back in Arkadia to maintain order. Abby reinstated Kane to be the chancellor of the Skaikru while her acting as the vice. They made up a good team, nevertheless.

Lexa sat opposite the vice chancellor. She crossed her hands over the table while looking at Abby with pensive look.

"I thought you have everything under control?" Abby questioned her again, her temper suddenly heightened.

"I brought you to the coalition, didn't I?" Lexa asked back.

"Yes, I am grateful for that. What I don't understand is why you need to bring Clarke into this once again?"

"I've explained to you several times already –"

"But it still does not make sense, commander! You are putting my daughter's life in danger! She was almost killed. You were there!"

"That is why I want her to be with me, to lead all our people." She emphasized. "We all want Clarke to be safe. I admit all the faults that led your daughter to danger, but I assure you I won't make the same mistake twice."

"But marriage? For god's sake! What are you thinking?"

"Abby, this is the only way we can keep her alive. I need her to be mine."

Abby seemed to ran out of words for she kept opening her mouth only to close it again.

"Do you even love her? Do you love my daughter?"

"Octavia, I'm not in the mood." Clarke rolled her eyes when she saw the warrior entered her room.

"Then, why is she here?" Octavia pointed to Raven who happily sat on the floor while working on some sort of machine.

"Aside from the fact that I'm awesome, I don't bother her. We mind our own business, you know?" Raven answered while lifting the tools in her hand.

Clarke then looked up from her drawing book.

"Oh – so are you telling me that I bother both of you by my sheer presence?"

Clarke and Raven just shrugged and went back to their work.

"Wha – bitches!" Octavia huffed beside Clarke on the couch.

"But seriously, training done for today?" Clarke said while she continued doing her art.

"Yes, we started early so…" Octavia shrugged. "But I got to patrol tonight."

"Sounds exciting." Raven said in the most boring tone she could muster.

"Yeah, as exciting as that." Octavia pointed out. "Anyway, did you know your mom is here?"

"What?" Both Clarke and Raven turned to look at Octavia.

"Didn't you know? I saw her this morning."

"What the hell!" Clarke closed her drawing book and put it on the table. She stood up and walked to the door. "Where is she?"

"I have no idea." Octavia and Raven followed her out.

"Jeez! What is she up to?" Clarke said to herself. "Have you seen your brother?" She mindlessly walked downstairs toward the commander's throne room.

"He's with Lincoln."

"This is not good, Clarke." Raven sighed.

"I know. That's why we need to find her before she does something unwise." Clarke reached the room, but the guards shook their heads. "Not here?" Clarke asked to confirm. "Uh… have you seen Le – the commander?"

"Forgive us, Wanheda. We do not know where Heda is."

"Mochof." Clarke sighed as she went another floor down to the meeting room.

"The decision still comes from her."

"I know, Abi." Lexa offered her arms which Abby firmly took. They held each other's gazes for a while before Abby pulled back. "I'll have your room prepared."

"That won't be necessary. I'd like to stay with Clarke if that's okay."

Lexa simply nodded as they head out of the room. Just as the door opened, the three girls stood with a mix of shocked and worried looks.


"Mom!" Abby and Clarke said at the same time. "What are you doing here?" Abby moved past Lexa and enveloped Clarke into a warm hug.

"I heard…" Abby trailed off.

"I-is everything okay?" Clarke pulled back from the hug to look between her mother and Lexa.

"I'll leave you to talk." Lexa looked at Clarke almost apologetically and walked to the stairs.

"Wait." Clarke called out. "I uh… also need to talk to you?" It almost sounded like a question. Clarke ignored the questioning looks on her.

Lexa turned around and gave her a small smile. "You know where to find me." With that she finally left as the group went back to Clarke's room.

"And I have to hear all these from another person?" Abby said while she paced back and forth. All girls were seated on a couch as if being chastised by Abby.

"Mom, I didn't know that it would be this serious. I didn't want to worry you and get you involved with this." Clarke explained.

"Get me involved? I am your mother Clarke! Of course I should be involved with this. I am still your mother!" Abby reiterated.

"I know that. It's just… a little complicated. I'm still wrapping around my head with the news too."

"Everyone was as shocked as you, Abby." Raven butted in, supporting Clarke. Raven was like a daughter to Abby, they had gotten really close since her leg was injured.

"And you, you didn't even tell me. All of you who I have trusted!"

"Wait, I thought Bellamy told you?" Octavia sounded confused.

"No, I just confirmed it with him."

"Then, who told you?" Clarke asked. All of them looked at Abby expectantly.

"Indra told Kane." Abby sighed. "But, that is not the point! You still haven't told me."

"Again mom, I'm sorry, okay? Besides, Lexa and I talked about it."

"And she agreed with Titus." Abby interjected.

"Yes, but, we will decide when."

"What?" This time, Octavia and Raven turned to look at Clarke.

"Ugh!" Clarke stood up to look at all of them. "Look, we seriously don't know how this would work. But one thing is for sure, it'll happen sooner rather than later."

"I know." Abby said with a sad voice. "We've received a news that Azgeda warriors loiter at the close border of Skaikru's granted lands."

"When?" Octavia asked. "When was this reported?"

"Two days ago." Abby cleared her throat. "That's another reason why I rushed here."

"Well, I guess that's why I'm on patrol tonight." Octavia sighed and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Raven asked.

"I'm going to find Lincoln, see if we can head out before it gets dark."

"Take Bellamy with you." Abby said to which Octavia nodded.

"And here…" Raven gave Octavia a radio. "Update us or whatever. Take care."

"Thanks." Octavia then left running down the hall.

"So, what did you and Lexa talk about?" Clarke asked her mother.

"She explained to me everything."


Abby looked down then back to Clarke. "You still have the final say."

"Hey, the guards just let me in." Clarke entered Lexa's room to find her seating by a desk, scroll in her hand. Lexa rolled it up and motioned for Clarke to come further into her room.

Lexa stood up and led Clarke to the couch so they can talk comfortably.

"I informed them that you'll come by. Would you like anything to eat or drink?"

"No, we just had dinner. My mom won't let me leave if I haven't eaten well enough according to her doctor's metrics."

Lexa laughed lightly while shaking her head. "Your mother wants you well, Klark."

"Tell me about it." Clarke playfully rolled her eyes. "Um, listen, I'm sorry about my mom –"

"You have nothing to apologize for. I know why she's here and I expected much worse."

"What did she tell you? I swear she if does something again –"

"You have nothing to worry about. We simply talked about the things regarding the coalition. We also talked about what will happen if the binding pushes through."

"When." Clarke corrected and cleared her throat. "When the binding happens."

"Nothing will change. If there is, that would be for the good of everybody."

"What did you tell her?"

"We have our agreement. My promises to you remains the same. Everything will happen when you're ready."

"Are you?" Clarke asked and looked at the brunette sitting beside her.

Lexa looked back at her, she slowly reached for Clarke's hand and held it. Clarke gave it a light squeeze. "I was born to serve people."

Clarke shook her head. "But, given different circumstances, will you still do this?"

Lexa sat straighter still holding Clarke's gaze. "I'd be a liar if I'll say that this isn't doing me any favor. You are really special, Klark."

"You are special for me too, Lexa." Clarke moved closer. "And again, if we want this to work, we have to tell each other everything. Be brutally honest. Why didn't you tell me about Azgeda moving into Skaikru's borders?"

"I was about to tell you this morning but then…"

"My mom arrived. Right."

"I don't want you to feel pressured and rush into things. I want you to come at your own pace. Whenever you're ready."

Clarke bit her lip, a habit that she has formed whenever she's thinking. Lexa found it too amusing not to watch.

"The Skaikru remains protected, we will go to war if we must."

"I don't want more blood to spill and be wasted!"

"I know. But all I'm saying is, if Azgeda comes an inch closer, then all our people will be there to defend Skaikru. You have nothing to worry about. For now, all I want you to think about is yourself. Focus on yourself."

Clarke sighed.

"I promise, I'll protect you and our people." Lexa continued when Clarke didn't say anything. Clarke heard pure honesty in Lexa's voice. The way she looked at her pulled Clarke closer. She didn't know what she was doing, it was like her body has a mind of its own whenever Lexa's around and at that close proximity.

She let herself get pulled closer and closer. Lexa realized what was going on, at first she just froze but then Clarke's hand moved to her face to caress it. Lexa's eyes moved from Clarke's eyes then down to her lips as Clarke did the same.

They felt each other's hot breaths, not caring about the world outside them, they leaned in. Lips pressed against each other. Both of them practically heard their hearts beating loudly. They felt every thump as they closed their eyes.

Lexa then moved closer as she cupped Clarke's face. They kissed for what felt like hours until they pulled away for some air. Lexa then moved her kisses down Clarke's jaw, leaving hot trails on the blonde's skin. With one swift move, Lexa brought Clarke to her lap while peppering kisses on her neck. Clarke's hand mindlessly moved at the back of Lexa's neck while the other tangled at the commander's braided hair. An unexpected moan came out of Clarke, given another occasion she would have been embarrassed. But, with Lexa everything she ever does was far from awkward.

They finally let themselves breathe as both were already panting. Clarke rested her forehead against Lexa's as they closed their eyes. Lexa smiled as Clarke chuckled on top of her.

"What?" She whispered.

"Nothing. It is silly."

"Tell me."

"Well…" Clarke paused while Lexa waited in anticipation. "I didn't expect that."

Lexa's smile grew bigger. "What could I say? You're quite a surprise, Clarke."

Clarke chuckled again. After a few seconds, they hear a commotion outside Lexa's room.

"Heda, Okteivia and Reiven kom Skaikru laik hir." One of the guards announced outside, soon after the two busted in.

"Holy shit!" Octavia and Raven stopped on their tracks with mouth hanging agape.

Clarke realized the compromising position they have. She hastily pulled away from Lexa and stood up. She fixed herself and cleared her throat. Lexa followed suit, there was a playful glint in her eyes that didn't go unnoticed by Clarke.

"I-I'm sorry. We just thought something happened to Clarke. It's almost midnight and she hasn't been back to her room." Raven explained, still too stunned.

"Uh, I uh… y-yeah, sorry. I better get back." Clarke stuttered, face flushed.

Lexa was delighted with the scene as she tried her best to hide the smirk on her face.

"Oh… kay." Octavia said finally recovering from shock.

"Good night." Clarke turned to Lexa while giving the girl death glares for finding the scene too entertaining.

"Sleep well, Klark." She said to Clarke trying to suppress her laughter by pursing her lips. Then she turned to the two girls standing awkwardly by the doorway. "I hope sleep finds the two of you well." Lexa nodded her head slightly. As the two bid her a good night. When Octavia and Raven turned around to leave, Lexa took Clarke by surprise and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

"What're you doing?" Clarke whispered when they pulled back, she looked at her two friends who has their backs on them.

"Sleep well." Lexa repeated as she retreated to what Clarke thought as her bathroom.

"What the hell was that?" Raven whispered almost too loudly.

"Keep it down! My mom's already asleep." They were already back in Clarke's room. Abby was already sleeping on her bed when they arrived.

"You better tell us everything or we'll let Abby know." Octavia smirked.

Clarke placed her hands on her face. "Using the mother card, are we?"

Raven crossed her arms and mimicked Octavia's expression. Both looked at Clarke expectantly.

"Well?" Raven asked.

"Well… it's nothing. Okay? We're just…"

"Caught in the moment?" Octavia suggested.

"Yes, caught in the moment." Clarke repeated.

"And about to have sex?" Raven asked.

"And… wait, what? What the hell are you saying? We are so not doing that!"

"What's going on?" They heard movements and Abby's voice.

"They were just leaving, mom. Go back to sleep." Clarke stood up and dragged Octavia and Raven to the door. "You," she pointed at Octavia. "Go patrol."

"I'm off. Bell and Linc's out so I'll have the next shift tomorrow."

"I don't care. And you," she then pointed at Raven. "Back to your room. Actually, both of you. Go!" She almost pushed them out while the two girls mocked her with kisses.

"I swear, those two will be the death of me." Clarke muttered to herself.

"Good morning, Clarke." She smiled at Clarke who was on her way out.

"Hey." Clarke greeted back.

"Where are you going?"

"I needed to draw and I need wide open space."

"Would like me to accompany you then?" Lexa asked with a worried look on her face.

"Look, Lexa, I'll be fine. Besides, you have me followed everywhere."

"You know I couldn't take more risks."

"I understand. But, I'll be fine. And you," Clarke stepped closer and looked around.

"Hey, trust me, okay?"

Lexa nodded as Clarke took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I'll have two warriors follow you around. Not buts." Lexa said sternly. "Don't worry, you won't feel they're with you. You just do whatever it is that you need to do. I know how much you hated being followed and watched."

Clarke smiled understandingly. "Mochof, Leksa." Clarke then leaned in for a chaste kiss surprising the commander. "I'll see you later."

Clarke then stepped into the woods. The idea still scared her but going through therapy with her mother convinced her to face her fears. Her dark dreams still came by from time to time, but it somehow lessened since she talked to Lexa. That's what they did every day. They made sure that they have time to talk about everything or even nothing significant. It was somehow their unspoken rule to talk even just for a minute every single day.

Clarke took several deep breaths along her way to a familiar place. She somehow managed to ride her horse through the woods. She was able to see the road under construction going to Arkadia. It was slowly being paved for easier transport.

She smiled and started to relax a bit when she was already near her destination. It wasn't that far from Polis, just a fifteen-minute travel south.

Then, finally she saw the glistening water of the lake. She tended her horse before placing down all her things. She sat under a large tree overlooking the entire lake. It was beautiful. Birds fly from afar, trees swayed from time to time and fresh air passed through her. It was so serene, just the right place where Clarke could focus her mind to draw.

She then opened her drawing book to a fresh page and got a hold of her charcoals. A few hours later, she was already halfway through the portrait. She smiled to herself at how easy it was. Then, a few moments after she heard light footsteps. She didn't know which way it was coming from. She looked around but found no one. She then decided that perhaps it was just the warrior Lexa sent.

To her surprise, when she looked at the water, there was a girl about five years old with a spear in hand, it was like she was trying to catch a fish. Clarke tried to study her further as she put her things aside and walked closely to the water. The girl was on the left side of the lake to where Clarke was standing. Clarke recognized the girl, it was the same girl she saw when they were on their way back from the clearing. She thought that she was just hallucinating, but the girl was indeed real.

"Hey!" Clarke called out. The girl was startled and immediately looked to where Clarke was. Their eyes met, she has the same eyes as Clarke's – blue met blue – the girl's hair was tangled and messy, she almost looked like homeless.

"Argh!" The girl growled at her when she stepped closer, they were still a few feet apart.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." Clarke raised both of her hands. But the girl pointed the spear to her as she walked closer. "I'm Clarke, what's your name?"

The girl shook her head and tried to jab the spear towards Clarke.

"Easy… I'm not going to hurt you –"

"Aaahhhhh!" The girl launched at Clarke, before she could process what was happening a large body stood in front of her dodging the spear.

The warrior captured the girl but she was able to wiggle free from him while biting his arm.

"No! Stop!" Clarke tried come in between. But before she was able to hold the girl, she sprinted to the woods. Clarke was about to follow when she saw blood running down the warriors arm. "Oh no, come here… let me have a look."

"It's nothing, Wanheda. Are you alright?"

"Yes, but clearly, you are not. Come on, let me have a look."

The warrior reluctantly let Clarke tend his wound. The girl's teeth marked on his arm. "What's your name?" she asked while rinsing the blood out of the wound.

"Is it not important." The warriors voice was plain.

"It is. You've just saved me, it is pretty important."

The warrior studied her face for a while. "Uno kom Trikru."

Clarke nodded and offered him a small smile. She then placed a bandage which she brought in her first aid kit on the warrior's wound after being cleaned.

"Mochof, Wanheda."

Clarke shook her head. "No, mochof, Uno." The warrior nodded slightly. "Um, do you know who that child was."

"I haven't seen her before."


"And she doesn't wear any type of clothing that resembles any clan."

"Well, that's… strange."

"Are you ready to head back, Wanheda?" asked the warrior without wasting anymore time.

"Um, y-yeah. I think we've had enough trouble for the day. Thank you again." Clarke turned to follow him. "Uno... one more thing." He stopped to look back at her. "Can we please not mention this to the commander?"

The warrior looked at her strangely. "I'm afraid I cannot do that."


"Wanheda, if Heda learned that I'm keeping something from her especially when someone just threatened your life, she'll have me killed."

"She's just a child."

"Still, she threatened you. I vow to protect you with my life, but my loyalty lies with Heda. I'm sorry."

Clarke gave nodded and gave him a soft smile. "I'm glad she has a warrior like you."

The warrior seemed surprised with what he heard then gave Clarke a simple nod before finally heading back home.

"Anything significant happened today?" Clarke was back in Lexa's room after having dinner with Abby. Abby invited Lexa for dinner which she surprisingly accepted. Clarke was tensed at the start of the meal but relaxed when Abby started a light conversation with the young commander.

They seemed to get along well, and they really tried to learn as much about each other. Lexa also mentioned about the binding once and assured Abby that it would not happen any time soon.

Clarke was able to convince Abby to get back to Arkadia upon Kane's request. Clarke also took a mental note to grill her mother about her budding relationship with Marcus Kane.

Clarke and Lexa were on the couch sitting closely to each other. The blonde mindlessly played with Lexa's hand as if ignoring the commander's question.

"Klark." Using her free hand, Lexa tipped Clarke's chin to see her eye to eye.


Lexa just raised a questioning brow at her. Clarke rolled her eyes and dropped Lexa's hand. She was about to stand up but Lexa held her in place. "You're deflecting." The commander said.

"What's the point? You already know what happened."

"What happened to talking openly?"

Clarke bit her lip. "Fine. Remember the kid I told you I saw when we were travelling back here from the clearing?" Lexa nodded, not really sure how this was connected to her question. "Well, I saw her again… she was trying to catch fish or something."

Realization hit Lexa. "So that's the child who attacked you?"

"She did not attack me. I was the one who scared her… so she just acted on impulse I guess."

"You guess."

"She's just a little girl, okay?"

"I started training when I was two, mastered swordfight at four –"

"I get your point, but she's different."

"How are you so sure about it?"

"Well… I just… I just know, okay? Lexa look, I didn't come here to argue about this. So, can we please just drop it?"

"No more spending time by the lake… for the meantime. Until we make sure it's safe."

"This is ridiculous."

"I just got you back." Lexa reminded Clarke again, her voice too soft.

"Is that a pout?" Clarke smiled playfully.

"What is?" Lexa looked confused. Clarke pointed out to her lips before laughing. "I don't know what you're talking about." Lexa pulled the laughing Clarke closer and planted a kiss on her cheek. Clarke was surprised every day to know more about the commander. There are seldom times which she would show her playful side, sometimes her affection and Clarke couldn't be more pleased.

They still didn't know what they were. They were just being them whenever no ones around. No expectations. No labels. It's easy that way… or so they thought.

"I just want you to be safe." Lexa whispered as Clarke rested her head on Lexa's shoulder. Lexa wrapped her protective arm on Clarke.

"I know but that doesn't mean that you have to keep me locked up here. Besides, I still have a long way to go from finishing my drawing."

"I'm not keeping you locked up. Please understand that I swore to your mother, no harm shall find you."

"I can decide for myself."

Lexa sighed. "There's really no point in talking about this."

"Yes, finally!"

"Fine." Lexa rolled her eyes. "But tomorrow is reserved for me. I'd like to take you somewhere."

"So, I'm good to go on other days?"

Lexa nodded. She knew that the more she stopped Clarke from going anywhere the girl would just find more ways to do what she wanted.

"It means more guards follow you around."

"There's no need –" Clarke whined.


"Fine." Clarke huffed.

They talked about random stuff for a couple more hours. They seemed to lost track of time. Neither wanted to end the conversation. Their conversation went on until they fell asleep, not wanting to, but it seemed right nevertheless. Clarke's head was still on Lexa's shoulder and Lexa's head rested on top of Clarke's head. They fell asleep on the couch, arms wrapped around each other. They just let sleep overtake them, not caring about the world outside their own little bubble.
