Author's Note: Sorry for my lack of activity lately. The school year is coming to a close and with that comes end of the year projects and assignments, plus exams. Also, I now have a job, so that takes up a good amount of my time as well. But I try to find time to write when I can. It may just take me a little longer to upload new chapters and such. Hopefully I will have more time to write this summer, because I have big plans for my story, Blood In The Snow. I've made a rough outline of what will happen in the next few chapters, and I must say, I'm pretty excited about it. Now I just need time to write it, which hopefully I'll have in a couple weeks. Anyways, here is another oneshot, this time to the prompt Jealousy. Enjoy, and as always, please review and let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar The Last Airbender.

"Don't thank me Aang… I don't deserve it."

"I really don't deserve it…" Katara thought to herself as she sat on the bed in the room the Earth King had given to her to use for the night. She hugged her knees to her chest as she thought what Aang had said after they'd left the fan club.

"Well you certainly seemed to enjoy those girls' attention," Katara said, a slight bite to her voice.

"Weren't they amazing?" Aang said, his face then softening, "I know it's just just a silly fan club, but for a moment there, it almost felt like… like I was at home again, with my people. Thanks for agreeing to stay there for the night sweetie. It meant the world to me."

Katara's eyes widened, and she clutched the satchel she was holding tighter. Shame crept into her body and she looked down at the ground

"Don't thank me Aang… I don't deserve it."

Katara knew she really shouldn't have been so jealous of those girls. She knew Aang loved her, she did. But, she was only human, and like all other humans, she was not perfect. She too got jealous and needed reassurance.

She remembered what that one girl, Won Yee had said after Aang had introduced Katara as his girlfriend.

"Oh, it's an honor to meet the first girlfriend of the avatar!"

That one word had struck fear in Katara. First. She had never given any thought to the fact that Aang and her might not last. After all, she'd never had any reason to think that. That is, until now. What if their relationship did not last? After all, Aang was the avatar and could easily have any girl he wanted. Why would he choose Katara? Worry and fear crept deep into Katara's bones as she thought more and more about it. Those girls had planted a seed of doubt deep within her, and there was only one person who could remove that it.

"Katara?" A knock on her door sounded and Katara looked up.

"It's Aang," the person outside her door added unnecessarily, since Katara already knew who it was by the familiar sound of his voice. Katara slowly got up and walked over to the door opening it up and refusing to meet his eyes.

"Hi Aang," she said, looking down at the ground in between the two's feet.

Aang frowned, looking at his girlfriend's sorrowful face with concern.

"Hey," he said gently, "Are you okay?"

"Why should you care?" Katara said more briskly than she meant to say it. She immediately regretted her words when she looked up to see hurt creep over her boyfriend's face.

"I'm sorry Aang… I… I didn't mean to…" she trailed off with a sigh, leaning against the side of the doorframe and burying her face into her hands, "Spirits, I'm such an awful person…"

Immediately, she felt Aang's arms wrap around her, encasing her in the warmth of his body.

"No you're not. Why would you say that Katara? You're an amazing person," he said to her. Katara pulled out of his hug to close the door and give them some privacy to talk. She walked over and sat down on her bed, Aang following her and doing the same. He took both her hands in his own, gently stroking the backs of her palms with his thumbs.

"Katara, tell me what's wrong," he murmured. Katara looked down at their joined hands, noting how much larger his had gotten since they'd first started dating. This past year had been a good one for Aang. He had shot up in height, and his muscular frame was no longer that of a child, but of a healthy, growing teenage boy. It was no surprise that those fangirls had been flitting about him like they did.

"Katara?" Aang repeated, snapping the waterbender out of her thoughts.

"I… I'm sorry," Katara murmured.

"What? What do you have to be sorry for?" Aang asked, confused.

"I was jealous…" Katara said, her voice coming out in a small whisper.

"Oh," Aang said, immediately realizing what must have happened. After all, he knew her better than anyone being her best friend as well as her boyfriend.

"Katara," he began, "You know you don't have to worry about any of those girls right? I love you and only you. You know that, don't you?"

"I do Aang, I do… It's just, well, I can't help feeling this way," Katara explained, "What one of the girls said, about me just being your first girlfriend… I can't help but worry that she was right. What if she was right, Aang? What if this," she said nodding towards their joined hands, "Doesn't last? What if our relationship is nothing more than fleeting? How are we supposed to know that this is all going to last?"

"Hey," Aang said gently, "Hey, look at me."

Katara slowly lifted her face to look at him with anxious eyes. Aang lifted one of his hands away from hers to cup her cheek gently. Katara closed her eyes at the gentle caress, leaning into it.

"Katara, I have loved you since the day we met. I am not just going to leave you for some daft fangirl I met on the streets. You are my best friend, my rock and my beacon. I can't even imagine spending my life with some other girl. You're the only one I want."

"Really?" Katara asked, her blue eyes swimming with emotion.

"Really," Aang said, "Katara, I am utterly, hopelessly in love with you and I wouldn't trade what we have for anything in the world."

"I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, and one day, I am going to ask for your hand in marriage. I promise you this. I want you to be my wife. I want you to be the bearer of my children. I want to spend every day of my life continuing to fall even more and more in love with you."

"Aang," Katara said again.

"Yes Katara?" Aang said, his gray eyes staring intensely into her own.

"Spirits Aang, I love you so much," Katara whispered after holding his gaze for a moment. Then his arms were around her and his lips were pressed against hers. One of his hands tangled itself in her hand, his other one pressing up against the small of her back, tugging her closer to him. Katara's arms snaked around his neck and all jealous thoughts were pushed away as Aang kissed her breathless. They stayed that way, kissing until their lips grew sore and their mouths tired, and when they did finally separate their lips from one another, they stayed that way holding onto each other tightly and gazing at each other with eyes glazed over with love, both flushed and breathing heavily.

"I love you Katara," Aang said, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against hers.

"I love you too Aang," Katara murmured, catching his lips in another tender kiss before dipping her head in the crook of his neck and gently nuzzling him there.

"Thank you," she murmured into his skin.

"For what?" Aang asked, looking at his girlfriend curiously.

"For being you," Katara said, "For loving me like you do."

"I'll always love you Katara. Never let anyone tell you otherwise."

Katara answered by pressing a kiss to Aang's cheek and hugging him even more tightly, a soft smile etching its way across her face.