
The idol's shock was tangible.

"You heard me," Tomochika nodded, folding her arms, "Aside from Haruka, Y/N is my best friend. I know when something's bothering her and she's certainly picked up on your constant squabbling. She just doesn't know that you've been arguing over her.

All she sees is her favourite people in this world falling away from each other. It's breaking her heart. As much as you might not want to admit it, this is the only way you can all get what you want. I won't let her get hurt because of your competing over her,"

There was a lingering moment of abashed silence as they realised that their actions had been hurting you. That was the last thing that they could ever want.

"But," Tokiya was the first to speak, "What is Y/N doesn't agree? I honestly don't see how she can…"

There was a murmur of dejected agreement.

"Ah! I thought you'd say that! That's why I've already asked her!" Tomo grinned mischievously.

"You what?!"

Every jaw hit the floor.

"W-what did she say?" Otoya stammered wringing his hands nervously.

Tomo beamed.

"She loves you. All of you. She said yes,"

"S-she did?"


"Tomo-chan, truly?"

"You bet!" She couldn't resist a smug grin, "She has a deep love for every single one of you. She loves you all differently but she does love you. That's why she's agree to let you all take her on a date. She felt terrible at first for not being able to choose just one of you but then I pointed out that no one would be happy if she did, including her.

So, there are some things to consider. An order for example. Now, Since fighting is what we're trying to avoid, I think the best way is to draw lots, agreed?"

Suddenly eager voices chimed their agreement.

"I've put numbers in Syo's hat - bet you don't feel so bad about letting me borrow it now! Each of you pick one and we'll go with that,"

The hat was passed round by shaking hands and each idol held their breath as they unfolded their number.

"So," Tomo smirked, "Who's got number one?"

The idols looked at each other expectantly.

"I-I do, Tomo-chan…"

Many pairs of envious eyes turned to the now blushing Natsuki.

"There we go! Natsuki is tomorrow then! The rest of you, write your names on your numbers and give them to me. I want to make sure you're all following the rules!"

As the group all searched for pens, Natsuki remained staring at his number, his eyes brimming with unfallen tears of joy. He truly had never felt so lucky in all his life. Y/N had so many suitors and, while he would now have to share, he couldn't help but be delighted that he would be her first.