San Diego, California:

Friday, April 8, 2016: 1:00 p.m.

The big man lounged on his balcony overlooking Coronado Bay and Naval Base San Diego.

He was enjoying a rare day off, something he didn't often allow himself the luxury of.

He leaned back as the gentle Pacific breeze kissed his face, and the warm California sun engulfed him.

He reached over and turned up the latest song playing on KSSX-FM and smiled as a late 50's tune by "The Coasters" teased its way out of the speakers.

"He wears a red bandana, plays a blues piano

In a honky tonk, down in Mexico

He wears a purple sash, and a black mustache

In a honky tonk, down in Mexico."

He chuckled as he recalled the first time he had heard this particular tune.

He and his older brother were watching the movie "Death Proof" with Kurt Russell, and this was the song featured during the famous lap dance scene that had both brothers glued to the screen like a couple of sex starved teenagers.

Suddenly, the spell of the moment was broken and he turned off the radio.

He hadn't seen his brother in almost seven years, let alone the remainder of his family.

He tried not to dwell on such matters as they clouded his mind and put him off his game, something he could not afford to let happen. Too much was at stake in today's world. It was his cross to bear and bear it he would for that is how he had been raised by men of much stronger resolve than he.

He hoisted himself off the lounger and headed inside to shower and change.

Thirty minutes later he strapped on his gun and slipped his badge into his waistband.

He put on a dark blue linen sports coat and headed out the door, just another tourist heading to the Gaslamp district.

Ten minutes later he was perched on a bar stool at the Gaslamp tavern, a cold beer in his hand, and a cheeseburger on order.

He casually perused the television monitors as yesterday's sports recaps played out.

Another season of baseball had just begun and the Padres had spent the last three days hosting their season opening series down the road at Petco Park. They were in Denver today to face the Rockies.

The Clippers, formerly of San Diego, were going to make the NBA playoffs as were southern California's two hockey teams, the NHL's Los Angeles Kings and Anaheim Ducks.

California sports teams didn't really interest him.

His cheeseburger arrived and he took his first bite. He would never get used to the fact that even the hamburgers tasted different on the west coast as if the bare natural ingredients weren't enough, something healthy or new wave just had to be tweaked into it.

He slowly chewed until one of the monitors was changed to a national news station and the story it brought almost made him choke.

"Police agencies in three states are on the lookout for a gunman who brazenly shot down a New York City detective this morning. Sources have identified the victim as New York City Police Detective First Grade Daniel Reagan, eldest son of New York City Police Commissioner Francis Reagan, and grandson of former NYPD Commissioner Henry Reagan."

Simultaneously Danny's NYPD service photo appeared at the top left of the screen as the chaotic scene unfolded across the remaining screen.

"From what we have learned, Detective Reagan was standing in front of the Criminal Courts building with his sister, ADA Erin Reagan, and his partner, Detective Maria Baez, when shots were fired from a passing car, striking Detective Reagan three times."

"The FDNY and EMS Units immediately responded and transported Detective Reagan to the hospital where he is listed in critical condition, but is not expected to survive. He has a wife and two teenage sons."

"There are no comments at this time from either the NYPD or Commissioner Francis Reagan."

"This would be the second son lost for this family as seven years ago, Detective Reagan's younger brother Detective Joseph Reagan was killed in the line of duty by corrupt fellow officers he had been investigating. His murder was solved two years later by their youngest brother, NYPD officer Jamison Reagan."

In the top left corner, Joe's service photo replaced that of his older brother, followed by Jamie's.

"Our prayers go out to the Reagan family."

The big man almost threw up his lunch.

His brain could not process what he had just seen and heard.

He didn't notice the tears falling from his eyes, but the pretty brunette bartender who thought he was a hunk sure did.

"Sir, are you alright?" She asked out of concern.

He took out his wallet and placed a twenty dollar bill on the bar, before quickly exiting onto the sidewalk, where he flipped open his phone and made a call to his office.

"Book me on the first flight to New York City, I don't care which airport, but I want to be on a flight within the next hour." He ordered.

He closed his phone and hailed a cab.

He got in the backseat and flashed his badge at the driver as he closed the door.

"Lindbergh field and step on it." He ordered as he leaned back into the vinyl seat, before closing his eyes and recalling so many events from so many years ago.
