First of all, I have to admit that I am not a native speaker, so there might be a few mistakes, but if you were so kind as to write me a message to tell me of them, I would immediately correct them.

Disclaimer: All figures belong to Nintendo/Level 5 and I don't earn my money with these stories.

The Concert

It hadn't taken that much effort for Emmy and Flora to convince the professor and Luke to play for them – they seemed secretly very eager to show off with their talents. But the girls didn't mind at all. So they all sat down in one of the small rooms in Professor Layton's house – the music room, as they called it – and the concert began.

First Luke played a joyful, quick piece of music on his violin which made the ladies smile broadly and the boy proud because he was able to play such a difficult and fast piece.

Then it was the professor's turn so he sat down on the music stool before the piano. His fingers lingered a few moments over the keyboard before starting to play a slow, beautiful and melancholy piece. It was so sad and wonderful that Flora cried and even Emmy had to gulp a few times.

At last the musicians played a duet that they seemed to have rehearsed over the last weeks. Both played amazingly well together and didn't make one mistake. It was really marvelous!

Finally, the concert was over and as Luke and the professor bowed Emmy and Flora clapped enthusiastically and cheered loudly. Then Emmy nodded to Flora and they both stood up, went to the fine musicians and kissed them on the cheeks: Flora kissed Luke and Emmy the professor. When they turned red the girls only laughed joyfully.

"Professor" Luke at last managed to say with a huge grin, looking secretly to Flora, "I think we should do concerts more often."

"I agree, my boy" his mentor answered and winked inconspicuously in Emmy's direction where the woman in question couldn't hide her happy smile anymore.