To preface this, this chapter is a prologue and the rest of the story will be set a few years in the future. I know that my summary was vague, but trust me, I have a lot of drama prepared. Just didn't want to spoil it! Enjoy!

Sonny's POV

It's been a year. A long, exhausting, draining year. That's how long Chad and I have been dating long distance. It went for the most wonderful relationship, a relationship envied by everyone, to a relationship that absolutely no one could ever want to be apart of. We don't fight; that isn't the problem. We just never see each other and it's hard to love someone that you don't see.

When our shows finally wrapped, Chad and I were still head over heels for each other. That was a year ago. Now, Chad is working on a movie in Puerto Rico while I'm preforming every Saturday night on SNL in New York. I guess you could say that I have an addiction to sketch comedy. I still love Chad, but the memories of what we had and the possibility of what could be are the only things that keep me in a relationship.

I'm currently in the conference room, discussing ideas with cast members and writers for upcoming episodes when my phone rings. We're all casually talking so they don't mind that I excuse myself.

"Hey, Chad," I say as I walk out the door, shutting it behind me.

"Hello, gorgeous."

The sound of his voice makes my heart flutter.

"I tried to call you all last night, but it kept going straight to voicemail," I tell him as I lean against the wall.

"Oh, really? That's strange," he says nonchalantly before moving to another subject. "So, uh, what are you wearing?"

That boy has the power to make me blush even over the phone.

"Chad, I- I can't do that right now. I'm at a work," I tell him softly into the phone, hoping that no one can hear as I try to hide a grin.

"Well, I'm thinking a plaid blue and black shirt, dark wash jeans with rips in them, and some black sandals."

I look down at my outfit, checking off every item that he listed.

"Ok, I really need to change my outfit because apparently I wear it way too often," I say with a slight laugh.

"Maybe I can help," rings Chad's voice.

However, his voice doesn't come from over the phone, but from behind me. I turn around to see him leaning against the door with the widest smirk on his face.

My jaw drops and my eyes widen at the sight of him. I haven't seen him in person in almost a year.

"Chad," I say breathlessly, running over to him and giving him a hug. I can hear him chuckle in my ear. "I can't believe you're here."

I pull away from my hug. "Yeah, well, since you couldn't come see me I thought-"

I cut him off with a kiss as I run my hands through his hair. He picks me up off the ground and his hands tightly wrap around my waist. He quickly sits me down and our lips part from each other.

He takes a few seconds to look around the hallway. "So this is a step up from So Random?" he asks me teasingly. "Cause at Condor, at least you made enough money to afford more than one outfit."

"Shut up!" I laugh, shoving him playfully as he brings me into a tight hug once again. In this moment, that entire year of being without him is worth it.

"Gosh, I missed you so much," he says against my forehead before he kisses it gently.

I grab him by the neck and pull his lips down to mine, kissing him once again.

We pull away when the door opens and knocks into us. I blush as I see our director walking out, smirking at me.

"I know you're on a TV show, but work shouldn't be this fun," she reminds me with a hidden smile.

Chad and I awkwardly laugh before I introduce them.

"Melissa, this is my boyfriend, Chad. Chad, this is my director, Melissa," I say, as they shake hands.

They exchange words before she walks off.

"She knew who I was. You didn't have to tell her," he whispers into my ear.

His arrogance is even somehow refreshing.

"Of course she does. She watches old episodes of Mackenzie Falls for inspiration," I say with a giggle. His mouth drops open in an attempt to fake being offended. "I'm kidding!"

Chad has, and always will, take Mackenzie Falls seriously, and no matter what I say about the show, he will always bring up the fact that I was obsessed with it before we started dating.

"You know that you love it," he insists and thankfully, he keeps on talking so that I don't have to respond. "Alright, so I made dinner reservations at seven at a very nice and very expensive restaurant." I roll my eyes at him before making a face when I realize what time he mentioned.

"Is that too late?" he asks.

"Actually, it's a little early. We usually stay here until about eight."

"Then, I made dinner reservations at eight thirty at a very nice and very expensive restaurant," he says, grabbing both of my hands.

"Better," I say with a grin.

"Sonny Monroe to wardrobe please," calls the voice over the intercom.

"Oh, I've got to test out looks for a new sketch, but I will see you at eight thirty," I promise him.

He nods, "Very good."

I take a deep breath in as I examine. "Gosh, it feels so good to see you." I start to walk off, but he tugs my hand and brings me in for another kiss.

"Yes, it does," He says as we pull apart. I smile at him as I walk off. "Eight thirty. I'll text you the address," I hear him call after me.

Unfortunately, we lasted a little longer than I expected so I walk into the restaurant at nine. The hostess points me over to Chad's table, where I see him dressed nicely in a suit and spinning his phone around on the table. He is obviously bored and I feel guilty for making him wait so long. On top of that, I'm wearing what I wore to work, which is completely casual for this type of setting.

"Hey," I say as I set my purse down on the table, taking a seat in the chair across from him. "I'm so sorry. I really didn't expect work to last that long. But on the bright side, we wrote a completely hilarious sketch," I offer with an exaggerated smile.

He meekly grins at me for a slip second, but a frown quickly reappears on his face. I start to go on about how sorry I am, but I think he cuts me off.

"No, it's fine. I'm just not used to sharing you, and I hadn't seen you in almost a year, and I's fine. Work is behind us both for the rest of the night. We have no more distractions and we're completely focused on each other," he tells me, reaching across the table and grabbing my hand.

I smile at him.

A waitress comes and we order, never letting go of each others hand.

"So, tell me more about this sketch."

He must've really missed me. We all know how Chad feels about comedy shows. However, I think he has garnered a new respect after dating me. I go on and on about how we came to the idea of the sketch and all of the funny lines. Even Chad laughed at them so I feel pretty confident about it. Chad then goes on to tell me about his movie, though he refuses to completely spoil it for me.

"So you're completely done, huh?" I ask him as I take a bite of my spaghetti.

"Yeah," he nods. "We wrapped last night."

I cannot help but get the slightest twinge of hope. Maybe he could move to New York and try and get a gig here, now that he's finished.

He takes a sip of water before continuing, "And I wanted to wait and tell you in person, but I auditioned for the lead in a Steven Spielberg movie a while back. I didn't tell you cause I didn't think I'd get the part, but I got the call this morning."

He grins widely at me, and I cannot help but emulate his grin.

"Chad, that's amazing! That's huge!" I exclaim.

"Thanks," he smirks. I can tell he's about to say something arrogant. "I think we all knew I had it in me. It just takes time for people to recognize true mastery of the art of acting."

I roll my eyes at him, laughing as I do so. "You're so obnoxious," I giggle.

"Yeah, and what's great is that it's being filmed in the States," he says, tapping a finger against the top of the table.

"Where?" I ask urgently. I hope that he's just trying to trick me and build everything up until I realize that he's filming in New York, but my dreams are quickly shattered.

"LA," he tells me. I try my best to keep a smile on my face. "I haven't been there in a year. Gosh, I'm so excited to go back home. LA's a big place for us. That's where the Falls was and So Random too. You like LA, right?"

I find his question odd so I eye him before answering with a slow, "Yeah."

He grins before swiftly moving to a different subject. We continue to talk and talk, laughing and reminiscing about our times at Condor Studios.

"I can't believe that Bitterman beat up Grady and Nico," he laughs. "I mean, she thought they were Bigfoot at first, but how did she not realize eventually?"

"I'd say it was payback for making her read their horrific essays," I laugh. "I can't believe you used a Mackenzie Falls script."

"Sonny," he says, imitating himself from many years ago. "Sometimes life imitates art."

I laugh at him. "I was worried about how caught up in your show you were."

"Yeah, you called me out for it, remember? It was...gosh, when was it...oh yeah! It was before you had that secret prom and you told me there was nothing real about me. Gosh, you wounded me," he shakes his head with a smile still on his face.

"You needed to hear it," I tell him matter-of-factly before thinking back to the secret prom. "You always confused me because you acted like such a jerk and then you'd go and dance with me cause you knew that I wanted to have a special dance with a special guy. That was one of the sweetest things anybody has ever done for me."

"Do you know how much courage I had to work up to do that?" he asks with a small smile. "Then, you make me press play and the moment was ruined. I was crushed."

I smile at him earnestly. I never knew that. "You never told me that. I always thought you just were too smooth that you pulled off all these sweets things with ease."

"Oh, no. That's true," he assures me seriously before the two of us burst out laughing.

"Speaking of all that," he says, messing with his jacket. "I have something-"

My phone suddenly rings, taking us out of the moment. I pull it out of my purse and look at the caller ID.

"It's work," I tell him.

"Don't answer that," he tells me, almost desperately.

"They're just gonna keep calling," I tell him before answering the phone.

Apparently, they lost my measurements for the costume so now, I'm currently standing in the fitting room at the studio as the costume designer takes them. I feel bad for fleeing Chad, but he did show up unannounced and work is work. That's not to say that I'm unhappy that Chad showed up; I'm ecstatic. But even though I'm happy, it's still inconvenient. Our lives just aren't meshing well right now, unlike they did at Condor Studios.

Before I left, he gave me an address to a hotel and the key to the room he's staying in. He wants me to meet him there when I'm done. The disheartened look on his face when I left the restaurant made my stomach turn over so I rush the lady along as fast as I can. Unfortunately, by the time I'm done with that, our producer stops to talk with me about upcoming sketches and I'm out of there by 11:30.

I walk into the hotel room at 12:02 AM where I spot Chad, his jacket off, sprawled out on the bed, asleep. However, that is not the only thing that I spy. On the bedside table, I see a small black box. The look of it is all too familiar. A ring is certainly in there. My heart starts beating faster as I walk over to pick it up, examining it. I take a seat at the foot of the bed and gently roll it from hand to hand.

I hear a slight murmur and I look over my shoulder to find Chad awake.

"Hey," he says in a groggy voice.

I lightly smile at him before turn around completely to show him the box.

"I didn't open it," I tell him.

He lets out a sigh yet a smirk still plays upon his lips.

"I wanted it to be a surprise..." he trails off, standing up and walking around to the front of the bed. He grabs the box from me and kneels down in front of me, resting his hands on mine.

"Sonny, I love you, and I want you in my life forever," he tells me.

I quickly place one of my hands on top of his and weakly and nervously smile at him, "Wait."

But he doesn't.

"I know that it's sudden," he grins. "Okay? But hear me out. All my time in Puerto Rico was great, except one thing was missing. And I realized that everywhere I go, something will always be missing unless you're with me. You're the one I want with me when I make a movie, and you're the one I want with me when I don't. Because nothing in my life matters, unless you're in it."

He smirks at me as he spills out his speech and I let out a sigh once he's paused. "Chad, it''s not that simple."

I stand up and walk over in front of the bed and he turns around with a confused look on his face.

"Of course it is. I mean, yeah, there are minor details, but we'll figure it all when we get back to LA," he tells me, standing up and walking towards me.

So that's why he was asking me about my opinion of the city.

"Chad, I have a job here. I can't just leave. I know that you love LA and I do too, but New York is my home now," I tell him, running a hand through my hair.

"Then, I'll move here. It's settled," he says with a shrug.

"No, Chad, no. I'm not asking you to do that," I tell him, grabbing his forearms and gently shaking him. "I'm not asking you to walk away from your dream because if I do, you're going to wake up one day and resent me for it, just like I would resent you if you asked me to walk away from mine."

He just stares at me, awestruck and broken-hearted.

"In another year. You'll be done with your movie and I'll be done with my second season. And we'll be in a much better place," I offer.

"Sonny," he says, his voice cracking a little as he takes a seat on the bed, "this is the first time we've seen each other in a year. We've gone days without talking, almost weeks. We facetimed, what, five times? This past year has been really hard on our relationship; who knows where it'll be in another one."

I take a seat beside him. "Chad, if you don't think we can last another year, I don't understand why you're talking about forever."

He looks at me incredulously before standing up suddenly and pinching the bridge of his nose. "You're saying no," he reiterates in shock.

"No!" I assure him, standing up with him and grabbing him by the arms. "I'm not saying no. I'm saying not now. I want to marry you someday. I love you so much-"

"Just not enough," he interrupts me.

I look into his eyes, pleading with him, before hugging him tightly. "Let's just take this back," I whisper into his ear. "We'll just pretend like this never happened."

"We can't," he tells me.

I pull away.

"Chad, why does it feel like you're telling me-."

"Goodbye," he finishes for me sadly.

He runs a hand through his hair, taking a seat on the bed and laying down. I climb onto the bed and cuddle up to him, resting my hand on his chest.

I wake up to the sun shining brightly through the windows, wanting this to all have been a dream. But instead, I open my eyes to find myself alone in the room. Chad's voice rings in my head:


If you want to see another chapter, please review so I know that people want me to continue! It would mean a lot! Thanks in advance!