"I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Peter lifted up the veil, kissed Alicia on the lips…they smiled at each other.

"I now pronounce, for the first time…Mr. and Mrs. Peter Florrick…"

Alicia opened her eyes and looked around. She was alone in her bed. Her phone started buzzing.

She smiled at the caller ID. "Hey Will."

"Good morning."
"Indeed it is." She twisted around her engagement ring.
He put the phone on speaker and began fixing his tie. "Do you remember the first day we met…at Georgetown."
"Professor Stone's class. I think we sat on opposite sides of the room, barely made eye contact."
"I saw you, there was no doubt about that. You wore those really cool stonewash jeans you loved and t-shirt of The Spin Doctors."
"Will, how do you remember that, I barely remember that shirt, I think I borrowed it from my roommate because I wanted to look cool."
"You looked great."
"So any other gems you remember about the first time we met."
"I remember I tried to catch up with you, I had to meet the girl on campus that caught my attention."
"And what happened with this girl on campus."
"She disappeared in a sea of people…"
"What happened with this mystery girl, did you ever find her?"
Will smiled as he started to shave his face. "She was this amazing girl that always had someone to talk to and I was just a kid not knowing how to really talk to a girl, especially one that beautiful."
Alicia blushed a little, even over the phone, he still makes her feel that way. "Maybe the girl was waiting for a certain guy to say something."
"You had lines of guys asking you out…"
"And I knew that there was one guy worth waiting for."
Alicia caught him speechless. "We've waited twenty years for this."
She started to feel the tears coming. "Yeah, we have."
Will wiped his face off. "I'm going to let you finish getting ready…"
"I'll be the one with a dress on."
Will looked at himself straight in the mirror when speaking. "I'll be waiting for you."
Alicia closed her eyes, soaking in the tub. She checked her phone, she had twenty minutes before all the chaos would start.


"How many were there?" Alicia, tired, swollen eyes looked at Peter for an answer.
"Alicia, it doesn't matter."
"It does matter!" She slammed her hand on the wooden table.
Peter read the heading of the newspaper. PETER FLORRICK CAUGHT IN THE ACT
"They meant nothing."
"How many women does it have to be to mean nothing!? How many women to get caught? How many women to make the damn paper, Peter!?"
"I still love you Alicia…"
"That's comforting thought. So you bang hookers and whores but yet you still love your wife. THat's a load of crap!"
"It's the truth."
"The truth!? How can I believe anything you have to say?"
"I'm going to make this up to you."
"I was hoping you would say that."
Peter hesitated. "What do you mean?"
Alicia went into her briefcase, handed Peter the document with a pen.
"Making this up to mean would mean that you finally admit that you care enough about me to end this thing called a marriage."
"Alicia…and annulment? Like we never happened."
"I'd like to think so."
"What about Grace and Zach?"
"Oh, thank you for reminding me."

Alicia pulled out a folder.

"Custody!?" Peter raised his voice. "Really, Alicia, taking the kids, too." "You disgraced this family to the point of no return. You ruined this family, why would I even think of letting the kids see you for a minute much less consider you spending time with them."
"Alicia, don't do this.."
"That's the thing Peter, I'm not doing any of this. This is because of what you did."

Two days later Alicia had the signed papers passed under her front door. She quickly opened the front door and the hallway was empty. The elevator wasn't counting floors and the stairway was silent.


Alicia was sitting in front of the mirror, putting her makeup on. Grace was laughing with the girls while curling Alicia's hair.

"Not too many curls. Remember the picture I showed you?" "Yeah, of course." Grace made a face.
"I saw that look." "You still have eyes in the back of your head."
"Yep, just before the delivery room they surgically stick them there and they'll be there forever."
Grace glanced over at Kalinda fixing her hair. "I never imagined, in a million years, Kalinda and Cary…baby and married…" "It is a bit shocking, I do admit."
"I haven't seen Zach, he is coming, right?" "I'm not walking myself down the aisle."
"Maybe he's just running late or something."
Alicia was starting to feel a bit uneasy again. The least little thing to go not go as planned Alicia feels like she will fall apart.
She was drawn out of her thoughts with her phone vibrating.
"Who's calling?" Grace tried to look over Alicia's shoulder.
"Oh, no one, it's just at text."
She opened the text from Will. I Love you
Alicia sighed, all her jitters were fading away. He knew how to take care of her, even without really knowing it.

Will tossed his phone back in his bag. He put his tuxedo jacket on and faced the mirror. Everything was feeling more real. He thought putting the tuxedo on the second time was going the feel the same as the first time at the store, but everything was different. The next time he would take his jacket off, he would be married…Alicia would be his wife. He was finally have a family.

"Earth to Will…"
He turned around. "Sorry, it's just…"
Cary nodded his head. "Nah, it's a big day. It's normal to drift off a bit. Your life is about to change."
Audra knocked on the open door. "Someone wants to wish daddy a great wedding day."
"Hey baby…" Will took Avery into his arms. "You ready to throw some flowers."
Avery smiled, laughed a little.
"We'll see what happens."
Everyone laughed, Audra took Avery back out of the room.
Cary walked over to Will. "She's beautiful."
"She's Alicia…all the way. Fiery, independent…" "You're no slouch yourself."
"Yeah, but, without Alicia I'd be in that office twenty-four hours a day not caring whether it was day or not, just as long as I won the next case."
"And now?" "Everything's different. Everything's new and fun and exciting. I finally have someone to share it all with, the good and the bad."
"We're having a boy."
"That's great…got any names picked out?" "Taking it slow, following Kalinda's lead."
"She's strong willed, nothing's ever going to change that."
"When my older brother got married, someone asked me what kind of woman do I want. I was only eighteen or nineteen, and I said a strong woman."
"Someone was listening."
The two men laughed. "I had no idea what a strong woman was until I met Kalinda."
"She is one of a kind."
"That she is."

Alicia was being fitted into her gown. She called Grace over.

"Will told me you stopped by the office the other day."
Grace held her head low. "Yeah…I did."
"Want to talk about it?" "Will helped me figure things out. He really does love you, you know."
"Yeah, I know."
"You just want to know how my date is, don't you?"
Alicia smiled. "Too obvious?"
"Too much mom. It's not a big deal."
Alicia grabbed Grace by the shoulders. "It is a big deal. The decisions you make now will affect the rest of your life. Don't let the right one slip through your fingers."
"Mom it's your day, it's your day with Will. Why are you concentrating on who I bring as a date to the wedding or if I even have a date at all."
"So you didn't bring a date."
"I didn't say that."
"That's not fair."
"What's not fair is that you're not letting the very nice lady tie the rest of the back of your dress."
"Oh." Alicia put her arms down. "At least convince me that you're happy."
"If you're happy, I'm happy." Alicia had a bright smile. "I'm happy."

The church was all set. Everything looked to be painted in plum velvet. The church almost looked entirely in purple.

Will walked to the front, smiling at his parents. He starred at the doors on the opposite side of the room. HIs stomach was in knots. He couldn't believe after all this time his future was right behind the doors. He was finally going to be able to officially call Alicia his wife and she would call him her husband. The thought of it made him get emotional. Will was never one to get emotional over anything. In fact, Will prided himself on never getting emotional with clients.

"You ready?" Cary stood beside Will as his best man. Given that Alicia and Kalinda were close, it was very simple that Will and Cary would form a friendship.
"All my life."
"You got the rings?" Cary whispered, looking serious.
"You didn't?" Will looked angry.
Cary laughed, holding up the box. "Right here…trying to take the edge off."
Will shook his head. "I almost had a heart attack."
"Relax…what could go wrong."
"You do remember there's a man named Peter Florrick in this world. He doesn't really like me."
"Okay, maybe one thing could go wrong. It's your wedding day, everyone's here, Alicia is going to walk down that aisle and you are going to be married."
"Cary, ever waited for something so long and when you finally have it, it scares you to make one move being afraid that you'll disturb it."
"Sure, you do realize I'm with Kalinda."
Will had a light laugh. "That does make me feel a little better."

The doors opened. Will took a deep breath. He smiled at Avery being held in his sister Sara's arms. She was throwing the rose petals as soon as she got them in her hand. She smiled at Will…her dad as she sat down with Sara.

Kalinda first walked down the aisle, smiling at Cary. Her dress was form fitting with her pregnant belly. She really felt beautiful and the way Cary looked at her made her feel the way she never thought she would feel.

Grace started walking down the aisle. Will was proud of his connection with Grace. He was nervous when they all first moved in. How would they bond, would they even bond. What would happen when Grace wanted advice, what would he say, how would she react. All of that has faded away now. He did see her nod towards the guests, he spotted Blake...as her date.

The doors closed. Will took another deep breath. He wanted to hold it together, to be strong. But he knew seeing Alicia in that dress, in her dress, he wouldn't be able to think straight.

98 Degrees "I Do (Cherish You)"
I do, I do now
I do I do
All I am, all I'lll be.
Everything in this world.

Alicia appeared along side Zach and holding a large bouquet of flowers with flowing ribbons. Her dress lined her body perfect and flowed as she walked. It was almost like she was walking on clouds. Alicia did feel like she was on cloud nine.

Will felt the lump in his throat get bigger and a small tear slid down the right side of his cheek. This day, their day was finally here.

All that I'll ever need
Is in your eyes shining at me
When you smile I can feel
All my passion unfolding

Alicia's eyes met Will's. Everything in the world just faded away. Alicia's face said everything. Everything she had been through was worth the moment she was going to be his wife. The moment she would able to walk down the aisle and take Will's hands and announce him as her husband. This was the day that everything would finally be right.

Will saw her walk down the aisle. It looked as if she was walking slowly as she could, almost like she was standing still. All this time, getting to this moment seemed like yesterday that they met at Georgetown.

Alicia reached the end of the aisle, Will walking towards her, grabbing her hand.

Your hand brushes mine
And a thousand sensations
Seduce me 'cause I
I do cherish you for the rest of my life

Will guided Alicia up the two steps and they stood apart from each other. Alicia handed Grace her bouquet and her eyes made their way back to Will's gaze.

"I love you." Will whispered to her.
"I love you too." She took a deep breath, keeping her heart from beating out of her chest.

You don't have to think twice
I will love you still from the depths of my soul
It's beyond my control
I've waited so long to say this to you
If you're asking do I love you this much, I do, oh baby oh

The pastor grabbed his bible and notebook. "We are gathered today to witness a union between Alicia Catherine Cavanaugh and William Paul Gardner."

"We have come together to celebrate love. We see it in the faces of Alicia and Will who stand before us. It is a love which is spoken and kindles our souls with hope and which is our true home and meeting place. Alicia and Will and opened their hearts to to one another. Today, in just a few moments, they will share their vows of marriage together. We are deeply grateful to them for opening their hearts to us and inviting us to witness and share in this precious moment. "

"Alicia and William would like to share with each other in what bought them to this day…"

In my world before you
Lived outside my emotions
Didn't know where I was going

Will took in a deep breath, looked into Alicia's eyes, finally remembering everything she's always wanted to tell her.

"From the moment we met at Georgetown, you've surprised me. I couldn't believe the day you walked back into my life, I knew that I couldn't let you go. You've intrigued me with everything you do. You challenge me in ways that no one ever has. I've fallen in love with you over and over again. Every day is a new adventure. You make me happy in ways I never thought happy existed. You gave me a daughter that gives me every reason to want to be a better man. You make me better, you did since day one."

Will took the wedding band from Cary.

"I promise to be true to you, to honor you and support you the way you have supported me. We will frustrate each other from time to time but know that the love I have for you yesterday, today and for the rest of our lives will never waver. I might even let you win." There was a silent laugh around the church. "I know that we can find strength in each other and we will continue to grow side by side. I believe in the truth of what we are and I will love you always."

Until that day I found you
How you opened my life
To A New Paradise.

"Two years ago I could never imagined I would be in this place. A place where I look into the eyes of my best friend and tell you exactly how I feel. Just when I need you, you were there, no questions asked. You always took care of me. You've always known how to take care of me. You are the sweetest, most loving, caring and kind person I have ever known. You are a wonderful father to our daughter."

In a world torn by change
Still with all my heart
Until my dying day

"You believed in me and have shown me how to love with unconditional acceptance. I had forgotten how to love, I had forgotten how to love myself. Every day you reaffirm that you are my soulmate. Together we are an unbreakable pair, bound by our love."

Grace handed Alicia the wedding band.

"A lifetime isn't long enough for me to return all that you have given me but I promise to spend my days by your side. I promise to inspire you, laugh with you, cherish you, confirm you and share your dreams and grow with you.

I believing in what we are and I will alway slow you…with every beat of my heart."

I do cherish you for the rest f my life
You don't have to think twice
I will love you still from the depths of my soul

The pastor began again. "With no objections…"

Everyone paused for a moment, letting a bit of silence fill the room.

It's beyond my control
I've waited so long to say this to you
If you're taking do I love you this much, yes I do

"I am happy to announce the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Gardner."

"Finally!" Will said aloud placed his lips against Alicia. They let each other feel the kiss, now that they were married, they both wanted everything to feel different.

"Welcome to the dance floor Will and Alicia Gardner."

Everyone clapped and the room went silent except for the soft song playing for the first dance.

98 Degrees "My Everything"

The loneliness of nights alone
The search for strength to carry on
My hope has seemed to die
My eyes had more tears to cry.

Will held Alicia close, she rested her head against him. Everyone was watching them with pure bliss. It had finally happened.

"The last time I was dancing in a room full of people was at Sara's wedding when she married Jackson. I was dancing with my sister's friend Racheal. The entire time I was watching Sara and and Jackson and I wanted what she had so much. I saw the way he took care of her and the way she just was with him. I hadn't really had anyone to be that close with so I only got to really feel it from afar." He turned his eyes back to Alicia's gaze. "Up until now." He placed a kiss on her lips.

Then like the sun shines from up above
You surrounded me with your endless love
And all the things I couldn't see
Are now so clear to me

"You give me that, every day. My vows would stretch from here to eternity if I was able to say everything about the way you just make me want to be a better man, I…"

You are my everything
Nothing your love won't bring.
My life is yours alone
The only love I've never known
Your spirit pulls me through

Alicia reached up to kiss him, stopping him mid sentence.

"I've been a little bit dishonest the past few days." She saw his look go from peaceful to confused. "When you've been asking me if I was okay when I would drift off…I remembering what my wedding to Peter was like. How lavish it was, how so…victorian it was. I thought it would be the only one. And when I would come back to reality I had this feeling of just…joy." She smiled up at his smile. "It's like I've known that I'm meant to be here…right here, with you, in your arms, sharing our first dance as man and wife. I didn't know how it would happen or when, but I know this is where I'm always mean to be. I was just feeling sad because it took me this long to realize it. I do love you Will Gardner, I always have."
"And I've always been in love with you." A smile quickly formed all over his face. "Alicia Gardner."

"Oh, I'm never going to get tired of hearing that."
"I'm never going to be tired of saying it."

When nothing else will do
Every night I pray
On bended knee
That you will always be
My Everything

Will lifted Alicia's hand and she did a complete spin and fell back into his embrace.

Will felt Alicia laugh against him. "What's so funny."
"I had a chance to talk to Grace when we were all getting ready. Then I saw Avery sitting with another boy and it won't be long until we're going to be seeing Avery going on and on about boys."
Will shuttered the thought. "I don't think I'm ready."

They both shared a laugh.

"I went through it Grace and I'm still nervous with Avery. Every girl is different."
"Our girl is going to be great. She has a good head on her shoulders."
They both glided around the floor effortlessly.
"Will, she's not even walking yet, she could have any head on her shoulders."
He placed his head against hers. "If she had half the passion for doing the right thing as you do, she'll be just fine."

Now all my hopes and dreams
Are suddenly reality
You've opened up my heart to feel
A kind of love that's truly real
A guiding light that'll never fade
That's not a thing in life that I would ever trade.
For the love that won't let go
I hope you'll always know…

"What if we had a boy…?"
Will gave her a look. "If Avery was born a boy."
"Then that dress would look really bad."
Alicia smiled with a laugh. "I'm serious, what if…we had…another baby."
"And what did we say when I wrote the last check to the baby sitter."
Alicia nodded her head. "We were the only sitters to actually add in overtime to a babysitter."
"You give so much to Avery already, I love you for wanting to…"
"Just an idea, I just don't want you to feel…"
"Alicia, you've given me the world and not even asking for anything in return. Our family is Avery, Grace and Zach. The entire package. I've gotten to have that father role to Grace and it's amazing. I'm not wanting for anything."
"You are amazing, Will Gardner." She kissed him.
"You help me be amazing…Alicia Gardner."
"Has a nice ring to it."

You are my everything
Nothing your love won't bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I've ever known
You're spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray
On bended knee
That you will always be
My everything

Everyone was finishing up their plates at their tables and a champagne glass started to cling.

Diane stood up from the table, holding the microphone.

"I met Will Gardner a long time ago." She tipped her glass to him. "I would say how long ago but I'm probably going to have a very bright lawyer named Mr. Gardner or Mrs. Gardner in my court room and I like decorum." Everyone laughed. "But I wanted to say that I met Will when he was first out of law school from Georgetown. 'Wet behind the ears' was an accurate description. Only because he was sweating whenever presenting a case that he worked os hard on and felt so strongly about. But there was no doubt that Will Gardner knew how to win. Not because he hated to lose, but if you knew Will, you'd know that was right. But it's because he cares about his clients. He cares about his friends, his family and everyone in this room." Diane met Will's gaze as she spoke. "I've seen this young man grow from a scared junior associate to partner in a prestigious law firm and now to husband. I've gotten to see you change and grow and I know it has to do with that woman sitting next to you that now shares your last name. When Alicia came to Lockhart Gardner, I knew there was something special about her. Not just because Will said she was special but she had a fire in her. A fire to win, much like Will's, but also a fire to change people's lives. Together they are going to change the life of their daughter Avery and whoever they meet in the future. Congratulations to Will and Alicia."

Everyone cheered their glasses aloud.

Zach stood up beside Alicia, his water glass almost shaking.

"Every kid wants their parents to stay together forever. No matter what. That's the dream. When my parents got divorced, I was hurt and I was angry and I didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't want it to happen. I constantly asked both my parents why couldn't they work it out, why couldn't they live together. I didn't understand why. Then my mom started working at Lockhart and Gardner. She told me about a law partner named Will Gardner who got her the job. Apparently they went to college together, I was told, apparently they were friends. Then I saw Will around more and I noticed a shift in my mom's perspective on things. She was happier. She made time to spend with us instead of working all the time even though she did work a lot. I knew something was happening between them. I would visit her at her office and they would be in her office or his office talking and laughing and I saw that light inside of her finally come out. It was a light that no kid should ever have to see go away from their parents, but I did. Then I got to meet Will. I didn't want to like him. He was, in my mind, replacing my dad. No one can replace a parent, you can't let them. But Will never wanted to replace my dad or he wasn't out to be a father to me. He just took it step by step, whatever happened." Zach turned to face Will. "You respected everything that I wanted and everything my mom wanted. You make her so happy and now we have Avery to watch grow up because you took the time to love us…all of us. For that, thanks."

Will got up from his chair and they hugged tightly.

A few hours later some of the guests were starting to leave.

"I think we were supposed to be the ones to leave first."
She leaned into him. "Probably but we're not like most people."
He whispered in her ear. "Let's get out of here."
"What about the rice and throwing of it…"
"I think we'll be okay without being hit int he head by uncooked rice and the chance of vegetable cans tied to the back of a limo."
"We did get pretty good at sneaking around." She smiled up at him.
"Let's go before everyone starts to notice."

They said a few goodbyes and ran out of the ballroom and got the first elevator like two teenagers at prom.

"Elevator." Alicia stood up against the side, smiling.
"Yeah, I remember."

He slowly walked over to her, brushed a single strand of hair out of her face, placing a kiss on her lips.

They both looked at the elevator finally counting up to their floor and the ever important bell ringing meant everything.

Will took Alicia's hand, leading her down the hallway. Both of them being very nonchalant about sharing a bed for the first time as man and wife. He took the keycard out and the red light appeared. He kept trying the key and nothing happened.

"Not again." Will sighed.
Alicia reached into his jacket pocket. "Let me try the other one."

Will stood by the door and watched as Alicia quietly opened the door to their hotel room.

It was like their first time again, all over again. The fire place was filling up the room and the rose petals around their bedroom made everything look even more romantic.

Alicia stood at the door entrance to their bedroom, Will wrapped his arms around her waist. He brushed her hair way to lay a kiss on her neck.

"You like it?"
"I love it, it's so beautiful Will."
"I wanted everything to be perfect."
She turned around, facing him. "Everything is perfect."

Alicia kissed him and everything became blurry. She helped him remove his jacket and loosen his pants. Then Will turned Alicia around so he could undress her. Each lace that was being untied made both their hearts race. The last part was a button then the dress fell to Alicia's ankles. She stepped out of the dress.

Will pulled her up to his waist. They finally laid on the bed, completely exhausted from the days events but excited to now discover each other as husband and wife.