New story. Because the bunnies keep annoying me.

Chapter 1

"Gomenasai," he stared after the girl who rushed off right after apologizing to him. Golden locks flew behind her as she ran and he remembered the way the bright blue eyes looked at him in shock when they bumped into each other but she didn't seem to recognize him. He sighed as he began to pick up his fallen disguise, intent on putting it back on before anybody could recognize him.

"Oh my God, it's Gaara!" too late, men and women alike began to crowd him asking for autographs and photographs. He supposed it was the price to pay for being the lead vocalist of the band The Rookies. He raised his eyes up to the sky in exasperation as the flashes blinded him and he sighed. He didn't have the energy to glare at these people but they really should leave him alone before~

"Please step away from Gaara-sama," Juugo, his long time body guard and friend, appeared with the rest of the band and suddenly he wasn't the only one in the spotlight. His band mates' names were screamed as well and girls began to faint around them. Kisame worked with his partner in keeping the fans away from the band as they began to walk back to their limo.

"The Rookies will not be releasing any statements as of this time," their manager Kimimaro spoke to the members of the media that arrived. "There will be a fan's day sometime within the next month. Please wait for further announcement." and with that he too climbed into the vehicle where Gaara was being interrogated by his band mates.

"What happened Gaara?" Kiba, their keyboardist asked. "It's not like you to just stand in the middle of the street without a disguise on."

"Some girl bumped into me," he told them. "She knocked off my glasses and hat then ran off. She didn't seem to recognize me."

"Was she hot?" Kiba prompted. "She must've been if you were too out of it to get caught by a mob."

"I think it was more like the shock of not being recognized and squealed over by a girl." Sasuke, their bassist said. Gaara nodded but tuned out as soon as Kiba began to ramble about the "hot girl" that made him lose his focus.


"Where have you been?" a bubblegum haired girl screeched as she skidded to a halt.

"I'm sorry Sakura-chan. I woke up late and the traffic was bad~" Naru sat down beside her shy friend Hinata. "How are you 'Nata-chan?" she ignored the model who was ranting about punctuality.

"I'm fine Naru-chan."

"Are you even listening to me?" Sakura shrieked.

"I'm not listening to you Sakura." Naru glared at her then sighed. "It's way too early for this."

"What did you say to me?"

"Have you gone deaf now too, Haruno?"

"How dare you?!"

"How dare I?" cerulean hardened into sapphire. "Need I remind you Sakura, you're the one who came to me for help? I didn't look for you, you were the one who sought me out. I don't need you Sakura, I never have."

"I don't need you anymore!"

"Fine, then you're welcome to leave."


"I expect your things to be gone by tonight or I will personally throw you out." the pink haired girl gaped at her in disbelief before turning to stomp away from them. "I've been wanting to say that to her for some time now." Naru breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the pinkette was gone from sight.

"I've been waiting for you to tell her that ever since she came." Hinata whispered finally dropping her stuttering and shyness.

"I still don't see why you keep pretending to be something you're not."

"People underestimate me that way." the Hyuuga heiress shrugged. "This way their reactions are more fun to watch."

"You're so evil." the blue haired girl simply smiled at her.


Gaara sat alone at a tea shop; music sheets scattered on the table as he tried to write a new song for their next album. He would look at the notes and play a few chords, chewing on his pencil in thought before writing something down and playing once more. He'd listen to the music he created and change some things then continue to play.

"Hey," he looked up to see the same blonde girl who'd bumped into him the other day. "Can I sit?" he raised an eyebrow at her but she seemed to take it as an invitation and sat across him. "You seem to be having some trouble with what you're doing." she commented and he continued to stare at her still baffled by the fact that she didn't seem to recognize him. It was refreshing in a way. "You mind if I take a look?" she gestured towards his music sheets and he nodded.

"She doesn't know me?" he thought as he watched her flip through the pages of the song he'd been trying to write. Teal eyes followed her every movement through his glasses and he finally decided to remove his disguise. He freed blood-red locks and ran a hand through them as he relaxed in his seat. "Any ideas?" he asked but she didn't bother looking up, not even when he dropped both his sunglasses and cap onto the table. She kept her gaze on the papers, tapping the pencil against the table as she concentrated.

"Try this," she handed him the sheet she'd been working on and he reached for it in turn.

"Oh my God it's Gaara!" the passing waitress dropped the tray she was carrying as she walked by their table. She screeched and pointed at the redhead who glared at the interruption. "Can I please have your autograph?" Naru's eyes widened as the redhead across her sighed but reached for the napkin the waitress had held out.

"There," he glared at the woman who blushed but quickly rushed off.

"So you're Gaara." Naru asked as someone else began to clear up the fallen tray and the redhead nodded. "My name's Suki." she held out her hand just as her phone began to ring. "Yeah? Oh sorry 'Nata-chan, I totally forgot! I'm on my way."

"Leaving already?"

"Sorry but I'm late for something." she stood up and walked away but looked back at him. "I'll see you later Gaara." she grinned at him and waved cheerfully before walking out of the tea shop. Gaara watched as she crossed the street until she disappeared from his view; remembering the way her cheeks brightened with her smile.


"This song is awesome Gaara!" Kiba slapped him on the back in praise.

"I must say I am amazed that you can write something like this." Kimimaro, their manager, nodded his agreement. "It's not your usual style but you can make it work."

"It's even better than the last one." Sasuke commented. "You seem inspired these days."

"It's for someone."

"Oh, and who is this special someone?" Kiba asked teasingly.

"A girl." was all the redhead said.

"What's her name?"


"Oh come on Gaara, you can't just say you wrote a song for a girl and expect me to say nothing about it."

"You're worse than an old lady Kiba." Sasuke shook his head.

"Now there's no need to hurt my feelings Sasuke-kun." the brunet replied in a high-pitched tone while batting his eyelashes at his friends. The raven haired bassist snorted out a laugh while the redhead's lips twitched into a smile.

"What are you rambling on about now Inuzuka?" in stepped a young man with long brown hair and pupil-less eyes.

"Oh shut up Hyuuga!" Kiba snapped at the newcomer. "Nobody asked you."

"How was the photo shoot Neji?" Sasuke asked his childhood friend.

"It went fine although my co-model didn't seem to know what she was doing."

"You know you don't have to keep taking the odd modeling job." Sasuke said. "The band's doing really well." he told their drummer.

"I know that." Neji nodded as he took a seat next to him. "But she's my cousin and I really can't say no to her."

"She's lucky to have you for a cousin." Kiba commented though he refused to look at the other singer.

"What's wrong with Gaara?" Neji asked as soon as he noticed the redhead's silence.

"He's written a song for a girl."

"Which girl?"

"Some girl he met here in Konoha."

"Do you know her name?" Neji asked. He was originally from Konoha, he was more likely to know the girl than Gaara.

"Her name's Suki." Gaara said with fondness in his voice, his expression gone from it's usual blank stare.

"No, it couldn't be, could it?" Neji thought. "There are many girls named Suki in Konoha, aren't there?"

"Why exactly have you written a song for her?"

"She helped me with my last one." Gaara sighed almost happily, his band mates looking at each other at the uncharacteristic display. "She came to my table, asked to take a look at my sheets then she wrote some things before she handed it over to me. She must've read my mind because what she wrote was exactly the way I envisioned my song to be. I just couldn't seem to get there on my own." they stared at him in shock having never heard him speak so many syllables at once or as emotionally as he did at the time.

"She's good for you man." Kiba commented and he shrugged, once more drifting off to thoughts of her.


"Naru-chan I can't use any of Karin-san's shots." Hinata whined as she browsed through the images in her computer. "Neji-niisan's photos are great as usual but hers are just... ugh!"

"She was ogling Neji-kun throughout the whole shoot, it's no wonder she couldn't concentrate on her job."

"I need a new model as soon as possible." Hinata paused then looked at her friend, her gaze traveling from head to toe in obvious assessment.

"No, Hinata. Not me."

"But I won't be able to find anyone else in such a short amount of time." the lavender-eyed girl exclaimed. "Sakura's out of the question, Ino too and I can't afford a professional model even with my monthly allowance. The exhibit is in two days. Please Naru-chan," she walked towards the bed where her best friend lay. "I only need a few shots with you and Neji-nii."

"I'm an actress 'Nata-chan, not a model."

"But it's almost the same, only you convey everything through your body and not your words. It should be great practice."

"Alright fine." Naru sighed already imagining the scenario during the would-be photo shoot.

"Thank you!" Hinata squeaked happily and embraced the blonde. "I gotta tell Neji-nii." she brought out her phone to call her elder cousin and Naru shook her head. She just couldn't say no to her best friend.


"Hey," he greeted, his voice passionate as he reached for her.

"Hi," she allowed herself to be trapped within his embrace. Cerulean met pearl and her breath hitched when his strong arms tightened around her. He leaned in closer, their noses bumping, their gazes never waning until their lips were a hair's breadth away from the other's.

"And that's a wrap!" Hinata announced as the pair pulled away from each other. "That was amazing Naru-chan!" she gushed as she walked over to them. "And you were great as always Neji-nii."

"I didn't even know half of what I was doing." Naru denied the praise.

"I must agree with my cousin Naru-chan; you were great." Neji nodded. "Even better than Karin-san and she's supposed to be an actual model as compared to you."

"Arigatou Neji-kun." she grinned at him and he smiled.

"Are you doing anything tonight?"

"Yeah, actually I have a paper to write."

"That's too bad. I was hoping you could join Ten-chan and I for dinner tonight."

"That's alright, just tell her I said hello." Naru smiled and pecked his cheek as she slung her bag on her shoulder. "'Nata-chan you know I can't stay long."

"It's fine Naru-chan. Thank you for helping me out today."

"You know I can never say no to you. I'll see you at home tonight."

"Was she in that much of a hurry that she forgot to change out of the dress?"

"Don't worry about it nii-san," Hinata smiled. "It's one of the few times I ever see her in a skirt."

"She just might kill you for that Hinata." Neji shook his head as they headed towards his dressing room.

"She'll be too busy writing to even notice me when I get in."


"I'll see you tomorrow Kakashi." Naru waved at the photographer who was still wearing sunglasses even though it was early evening.

"Take care Naru-chan and don't forget our dinner date with Iruka-kun on Friday."

"I won't," she blew him a kiss and turned only to bump into someone. "I'm so sorry." she blinked owlishly at the cloth covered chest as a pair of strong arms wrapped around her to steady her swaying form.

"Are you alright?" the deep baritone was familiar causing her to look up only to be trapped within the teal gaze.

"Yes I'm fine, thank you Gaara." she broke free from his arms and just stood there staring at him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I was just with Neji-kun." she told him.

"Neji Hyuuga?" the redhead further questioned, her innocent statement causing a spark of jealousy to flare within him.

"Yep, sorry but I really have to go." she said. "It was great seeing you again Gaara." she finally rushed off sparing a wave to the rest of the people behind him. The group could only watch as she rushed out of the hotel.

"So that's the mystery girl." Kiba commented. "No wonder you're so inspired these days."

"She was rather attractive." Sasuke decided to put his two cents in.

"Who's rather attractive?"

"Neji! We were just coming to get you." Kiba greeted. "Kimimaro wanted us to go to the studio to record the new song today."

"That's alright, I'm done with my shoot anyway." the Hyuuga replied. "By the way, this is my baby cousin Hinata. She's the photographer that always takes me when I have a modeling job."

"Nice to meet you." the shaggy-haired brunet was the first to greet her and shake her hand. "I'm Kiba Inuzuka the band's keyboardist. This red-haired emo is our lead vocalist Gaara no Sabaku and this black-haired emo is Sasuke Uchiha our bassist." he introduced; jabbing his thumb towards his band mates as he did.

"It's nice to meet all of you," she replied politely. "But I'm afraid I must go." she kissed Neji's cheek just as Kakashi stepped beside her, the silver-haired man carrying their heavy equipment without trouble.

"Are you ready Hina-chan?"

"Yes, let's go Kashi-kun." she hooked her arm around his proffered one and they walked out of the hotel together.

"What time do we have to be there?" Neji asked as he led the way back to the elevator.

"Kimimaro wants us there by 6:30."

"Alright I have time to shower."

"Yo Sasuke!" the raven haired bassist was still in the middle of the lounge looking out the entrance to the hotel. "Seems like Gaara isn't the only one." Kiba snickered as Sasuke came to stand behind him.

"You'll be lucky if they even acknowledge you." the pearl eyed vocalist said. "Neither of those two have ever had a boyfriend." he informed them. "And that's not because they're not being chased by men."

"You won't try to stop them?" Kiba asked.

"I don't need to."

"What was Suki doing in your room Neji?" the redhead asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" they stepped out on Neji's floor and he led them towards his suite. "I'll be out in a few minutes. Make yourselves comfortable."


"So I met Neji-niisan's band mates." Hinata said as she plopped down on the bed next to Naru who was typing away at her laptop.


"I saw the redhead you've been meeting."


"He's apparently the lead vocalist for the Rookies."

"I thought so," Naru nodded without looking at her friend. "I helped him with a song the last time we met."

"Then there was Kiba-san, their keyboardist."

"Which one was he?" Naru asked.

"The one with the triangle tattoos on his cheeks."

"And then the other guy." the blonde commented.

"Sasuke," she sighed dreamily.

"Uh-oh. I know that sigh." Naru stared at her, bright blue eyes shining with amusement.

"What do you mean?"

"That's the same sigh you would do when you had that huge crush on Uchiha-sensei."

"What can I say? I have a thing for the dark and mysterious."

"I think you have a thing for Uchiha's." Naru muttered. "Sasuke is Uchiha-sensei's younger brother."

"And how would you know that?"

"I do my research." the blonde shrugged.

"Of course you do." Hinata muttered sullenly. "I wonder..."

"What 'Nata?"

"Do you perhaps like Gaara-san?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You're deflecting so you do like him."


"If I have a thing for the dark and mysterious, you have a thing for the bright and broody."

"Bright and broody?"


"Hmm..." Naru hummed. "You might be right about that."

"Are you ready for the exhibit?"

"Who do you think you're talking to?" the blonde smiled cheekily at her best friend. "I bet Uchiha-sensei will be there." the tug of her lips became sly. "Are you ready for an awkward moment?"

"We don't even know if they'll come."

"Oh they will." cerulean orbs twinkled mischievously at her friend.

"What did you do Naru-chan?"

"You'll see."

"I really don't like it when you have your scheming smile on," Hinata said. "But anyway, tell me about Gaara-san?"

"What about him?"

"What did you like about him?"

"He is rather handsome."


"His voice is just heavenly when he sings."

"That's all?"

"And his eyes, definitely his eyes."

"You've got it bad Naru-chan."

"I guess so."


"You've improved your techniques since I last saw you."

"I couldn't have done it without your teachings, Itachi-sensei."

"Your talent was natural Naru-chan."

"As is Hinata-chan's," another voice spoke. Both student and mentor turned round to see a blonde woman walking with her arm around Hinata's. "She's just shown me some of her photographs and I can tell, even though sculpture is my specialty, that she's been taught by the best, un."

"Deidara-chan!" Naru greeted the woman whose hair was tied up in a single ponytail and her bangs covered her right eye. "How have you been?" Deidara let go of Hinata to embrace her fellow blonde.

"I've been great Naru-chan."

"And already on the family way," cerulean eyes glinted with mischief as she whispered. "Have you told him yet?"

"She hasn't," their former sensei said. "But I know."

"How do you know?"

"Shizune-san called this morning to confirm your appointment on Monday." Itachi held out his hand to his wife. "And I know for a fact that Shizune-san works for Tsunade-san who is the head of the Pediatric and OB-Gyne Department at Konoha General Hospital."

"He's intelligent and handsome," Hinata spoke up. "You shouldn't let him go Dei-chan."

"I'm not planning on it, un." she wrapped her arm around his waist possessively as she spoke and the two artists simply laughed. Suddenly whispers broke out, hushed giggles slowly growing louder until one fan simply couldn't help himself anymore.

"Oh my God! It's the Rookies!"

"And the guests of honor arrive." Naru smirked as a crowd began to form around the entrance to the gallery, although none of the avid fans could reach any of the band members as they were surrounded by their body guards.

"Naru-chan, you didn't?"

"Wouldn't I?"

"Gaara I love you!"

"Neji, marry me!"

"Sasuke I'm pregnant with your baby!" Hinata's eyebrow twitched at the last declaration.

"I'm guessing you got over one Uchiha and fell for another?" Itachi stage-whispered.

"In her own words, she likes them dark and mysterious." Naru snickered as her best friend glared at her in a way that said stop-talking.

"How are they going to get in if their entrance is blocked, un?" Deidara asked as she continued to watch the scene unfold.


"Tou-chan, tou-chan!" two blurs of red passed by their group and ran towards the crowd, the throng of people instantly making way for the rambunctious children.

"Ne, ne what took you so long?" they instantly latched themselves to the sole redhead in the group who kept his face impassive although inwardly he was surprised. Who were these children and why were they calling him father?

"We were waiting for you!" one child who looked to be four years old, with long shaggy red hair and slitted red eyes asked, bouncing on his feet with his arms around Gaara's left leg.

"You took so long tou-chan." the other boy with short-cropped red hair and bluish-red eyes said. The crowd fell into silence at their entrance, the outsiders ignored by the two boys.

"Neji-jii, why are you so late?" the long haired boy turned his attention to the pale eyed brunet who was trying, and failing, to keep his laughter to himself.

"We had to pick up your tou-chan from the hotel." Neji snickered as the two boys smiled conspiratorially at him.

"We better go tou-chan," the short haired boy spoke again. "Kaa-chan's waiting for you." they took the moment of confusion as a distraction as the two boys led the band through the throng of people and into the gallery, their guards blocking the way in.

"I never knew you had children Gaara." Kiba finally spoke, seemingly recovered from the shock of meeting two young boys who looked so much like his band mate. "Who's their mother?"

"Kaa-chan!" the two let go of both his hands and ran towards Naru's group. The band watched as the blonde knelt down and captured both boys in her embrace.

"You were both great!" she praised them. "You're going to be my little actors yet." she kissed both their foreheads and rose up just as the other group got to them.

"That was a great distraction Naru-chan." Neji commented with a knowing smile. "Although I don't know how much that's going to affect Gaara's fan base."

"I'm sure it won't be too bad." she turned her attention towards the teal eyed young man only to be caught in the darkened gaze. Gaara's non-existent eyebrows were raised and his lips turned up into a handsome smirk, his voice deep and husky as he spoke.

"Do I get a kiss from my wife?"

"That depends," Naru asked with a cheeky smile. "Do you want a kiss from your wife?" their audience watched on in silent amusement as they flirted.


"Hai Kyu-kun?" she broke off her stare to look at the young boy.

"Kashi-jii said we're staying with you."

"Yes, you'll stay with me and Hinata-obaa this weekend."


"Yes really." she smiled at the happily bouncing child.

"Is tou-chan going to stay with us too?" Kiba burst out laughing at the question while the rest of the group either giggled or chuckled at the boy's innocence. Naru looked to Gaara once again and noted the amusement in his eyes though the same question danced behind the teal orbs.

"We'll see Sasori-kun." she smiled at both redheads, older and younger.

"Kaa-chan, I'm hungry."

"Alright, we'll see if Teuchi-kun has something for us."

"Ramen!" Kyuubi raced off towing his brother and mother with him.

"I'll show you around later." she promised as she was pulled to the back of the gallery leaving a still smirking redhead in her wake.


He stood in a corner away from the group watching their interaction as they ate, their food delivered by a restaurant called Ichiraku. The blonde woman who had successfully gained his attraction without much effort really did look like a mother to the two children. She watched them carefully as they ate, scolded them for misdeeds and rewarded good behavior with kisses and praises.

"It's rude to stare you know." Gaara was slightly startled by the voice. He cursed himself for not paying attention to his surroundings, or rather, for getting distracted. "She's a brilliant mother." the silver-haired man continued to speak. "Though I wish she didn't take on the responsibility at her age I can see that she's happy." he remained silent as the older man spoke. "I just wish she had someone in her life to help with them. She's working so hard, she's exhausted."

"Where do they stay?" he finally had the courage to ask.

"They're at a day care in the morning while Naru is in her classes then my lover, Iruka, takes them home and waits for Naru-chan to come get them. If she can't then they stay with us until either she or Hinata retrieves the boys."


"They've never had a serious relationship." Kakashi informed him. "The boys who were interested in them just couldn't live up to their standards."

"Kashi-jii!" Kyu bounded over to them cutting off whatever else the other man has to say.

"Hai Kyu-chan?"

"Kaa-chan had your favorite delivered." the rambunctious boy announced. "Come eat with us!" the glasses-wearing man let himself be dragged away but not before leaving some parting words to the redhead.

"Good luck Gaara-kun." with a cheerful wave, he was finally pulled away to the rest of the company. The teal eyed man was once again left to his own thoughts pondering on the words said to him.

"Ne, tou-chan why aren't you eating?" he was once again startled out of his thoughts but this time by the young boy who looked so similar to him.

"He could be my son." he thought vaguely before turning his complete attention to the boy in front of him. "I'm not very hungry." the dark-eyed four year old nodded in acquiescence.

"Do you like kaa-chan?" the question came out of the blue, teal eyes widening in surprise. "Ne, tou-chan, do you like kaa-chan? Would you kiss her?" Gaara could feel a flush rising through his neck to settle on his cheeks as he struggled to think of a response to the unintentionally obtrusive question.

"Why do you ask?" he settled for a diplomatic response, one that wouldn't dig him into his own grave.

"'Cause kaa-chan laughs more around you." Sasori shrugged as he looked at his mother. "She's happy and I want her to stay happy." Gaara couldn't form the words to respond. He was left alone as the boy ambled away towards his mother and brother. As Sasori reached the pair Gaara could see that Naru asked her son where he had been. The boy pointed in his general direction only to have his mother look up until their gazes met. Jade clashed with sapphire, Gaara's breath hitching at the swirl of emotion in those clear sky blue eyes. Naru smiled at him before breaking their stare to listen to whatever joke Kiba was saying. Gaara sighed to himself, Naru was such an enigma but he wouldn't mind figuring her out.

So what did you think?