This has been stuck in my computer for a while now. I need help in getting the next direction of this story.

"Just in: Haruno Sakura has just been arrested for libel resulting in damaged property and aggravated assault. After the scuffle at Konoha General Hospital just two days ago, Hatake Kakashi and Umino Iruka have pressed charges against the former journalist/photographer whose last article depicting the apparent illicit affair between Hyuuga Neji and Uzumaki-Hatake Narumi sparked the vandalism of Mangekyo Pictures and the near-fall of the couple's two-week old newborn baby at the hospital. Despite Neji adamantly refusing the affair and insisting that the photos had been part of a photoshoot, some fans of The Rookies began to harass Ms. Uzumaki-Hatake and her family. This is what her adoptive parents have to say.

"Narumi and Gaara are very much in love. They have been living quietly with their family, aside from Gaara's trips with the band. What Haruno printed about my daughter was false. Neji has been our family friend since they were children. Naru and Neji grew up together before Neji got into The Rookies. The picture that was printed in the newspaper was stolen from Hyuuga Hinata's graduation exhibit. She is Neji's cousin and Naru's best friend. Naru only agreed to the photoshoot knowing it was supposed to be in a private collection. That article has cost us our studio and we almost lost the life of our newborn child. We will also be pressing charges against the news reporter who pushed my baby's buggy. We will not tolerate any more attacks against our family." Hatake Kakashi walked away from the cameras with no more backward glances, just as they exited the Konoha Police Department Building.

"That little bitch!" sharp nails dug into her sofa's interior at the news report flashing on her television. Fiery red hair seemed to flare even brighter at the sight of her cousin being towed into the station like some common criminal. "You will pay for this Hatake!"


Naru smiled as she watched her boys play. They had been staying at the resort for four days and were set to leave tomorrow for Suna. Both Kyuu and Sasori had requested a late-night swim and she couldn't deny them. Gaara was in the water with them, just watching as their eldest children splashed each other amid happy giggles. Somehow, she couldn't believe how her life had turned out. Just a year ago, she was just another art student at Konoha University and then she bumped into Gaara – literally! – and her life changed. In him she found a man who was willing to become her partner and someone who wanted to be the father to the two children she had adopted. She had no idea what she had done to deserve the kind of happiness that he brought into her life and yet she would do everything in her power to savor it.


"Suki-chan?" Gaara called out into the darkened room. He had just finished tucking the boys into bed and had decided to find his fiancée.

"In here Gaara-kun," the blonde's soft voice reached him as his eyes finally adjusted to the dim lighting of their bedroom at Karasu Resort. His breath hitched and teal eyes darkened at the sight of his fiancée lying on their bed under the blankets with apparently nothing on. He could just make out the soft curves of her body as the fabric molded to her skin.

"And why are you naked hime?" Gaara smirked as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Watching you and the boys play in the pool got me hot," she shrugged before turning sideways on the bed, the blanket sliding down her body leaving her breasts bare for his gaze to feast on.

"Why didn't you join us then?" Gaara asked, swallowing loudly in the silence of the room as he watched the blanket follow the contour of her stomach where his child was growing.

"I don't think the boys would've appreciated the things I wanted to do to cool off." There was a mischievous smile on her lips, one of the things that had definitely confirmed his love for her as their relationship deepened. Her smile widened when he growled at her words and then she was trailing her hand down her body, past her peaked nipples and curving against her rounded abdomen.

"Suki," he growled warningly as she continued to tease him.

"You don't have to stay there Gaara-kun," Naru whispered softly. "I would like for you to be on this side of the room," she sighed as she closed her eyes, imagining what it would be like to be in his arms. "On this bed beside me," she continued. "Preferably with your arms around me." Then she opened her eyes once more and met the darkened teal gaze. "With you inside of me." There was a gasp at the end of her words that had Gaara's control snapping. He locked the door before striding over to the bed in just a few steps and covering her body with his own. Perhaps, they could postpone their trip another day. After all, he had absolutely no idea if either of them would be up the next morning to make their trip.


"Sasuke-kun?" said guitarist looked up from his music sheets at the sound of his girlfriend's voice. He had been writing in what used to be Naru's room while he waited for Hinata to come home from a meeting with her father.

"I'm in here Hina-chan!" he answered to her call and waited for the lavender-eyed girl to walk into the room. "How did your meeting with your father go?" he opened his arms to her after setting aside his guitar at seeing the exhaustion in her eyes.

"Tiring," she willingly stepped into his embrace, smiling when she was pulled to sit on his lap. "Gaara and Naru's disappearance has caused a bit of a panic with your fan base. Kimimaro is going crazy fielding the questions and tou-san would soon rip your manager's long hair off." Hinata smiled at the deep vibrations signifying her boyfriend's chuckling.

"So, what's the next step?"

"Can we talk about it later?" lavender looked pleadingly up at dark onyx and Sasuke smiled.

"Of course," he kissed her forehead in response. "What would you like to do in the meantime?" Sasuke just hugged her close, relishing in the closeness he had with her after the whirlwind of the last few weeks.

"Just hold me like this," she whispered against the skin of his neck and Sasuke shuddered even as he nodded. Hinata began bestowing butterfly kisses on his exposed skin, her hands roaming his broad back as she nipped and sucked at his neck.

"Hina," he gasped at a particularly hard suck that was sure to leave a bruise and then Hinata was pulling his head down and meeting his lips in a kiss that was meant to mark him.

"Ah! Sasuke, onegai!" no more words were said as they joined together in a dance as old as time.


"Well, it seems like both you and the baby are doing great!" the brown-haired doctor who had taken over her care smiled at the couple. "Heartbeat is good, and your blood pressure seems to be under control now." Matsuri said as she wiped away the gel from the ultrasound. "I would like you to come back next month and then hopefully, we can finally figure out the gender of your baby."

"Arigatou Matsuri-sensei," Gaara helped Narumi off the examination table and pulled her shirt down to cover her stomach once more.

"You're welcome," neither of the pair saw the way the doctor's hands tightened around her file as Gaara laid a kiss atop Narumi's abdomen before rising to his feet. "You can set up an appointment with any of the secretaries outside and I'll see you next month." The couple turned to look back at their new doctor and then left the examination room at the obvious dismissal.


"Where are the boys?!" the frantic tone in Narumi's voice tugged at Gaara's once-cold heart. The pair of them were staring at the broken door to the home that Kankuro had provided them with once they had gotten to Suna. They had already been staying at the house for almost two months by then. "Kyuu! Sasori!" Gaara pulled Narumi to himself just as she was about to run into the house to look for their eldest children.

"Naru, you can't go in there!" the blonde was struggling in his arms as she tried to get him to let her go. "We have to call the police!"

"I have to find my sons!" she was trembling in his arms even as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Where are my sons?" she asked him, full-body shudders wracking her whole form. Faintly she could hear Gaara talking on the phone, presumably to call the police and report the possible break in. Narumi struggled once more in her fiance's arms before feeling a sharp, stabbing pain in her abdomen. "Aah!"

"Naru?" Gaara trailed off from speaking to the authorities on his phone at the pained moan that left his lover's lips. "Naru? What is it?" he asked frantically as Narumi began to breathe hard in his arms.

"Gaara…" she moaned piteously, more tears streaming down her face in fear. "The baby…" the redhead looked down in horror, teal eyes widening at the sight of blood running down Narumi's legs.

"Naru!" Gaara's panicked voice was the last thing she heard before everything went dark.


Teal eyes were bloodshot when they first saw him. Gaara looked as if he had not slept in days which was probably the case. His red hair was messier than they had ever seen it, there were bags under his eyes, and he was as pale as the white sheets on Narumi's hospital bed.

"We brought you some clothes, Gaara," Hinata handed the redhead a bag with some of his clothes in it.

"Arigatou, Hinata-chan," he accepted the offered bag listlessly, his arm falling back to his side as soon as he'd had a good grip on it.

"How is she?" it was Iruka who asked the question even as he looked at his daughter lying pale on the bed.

"She's stable for the moment. They managed to save the baby, but they are not …" Gaara trailed off to run an agitated hand through his messy locks. "The doctors are keeping Naru asleep for the moment."

"And the boys?" Hinata asked as gently as he could.

"Sasuke has contacted his brother Itachi," Gaara replied, trying so hard to stave off the tears threatening to escape. "They're still looking." The redhead dropped his face onto his hands feeling as if everything was his fault. If they hadn't associated themselves with him, Narumi wouldn't be in the hospital fighting for her life and the boys wouldn't have been kidnapped at all. It was all his fault!

"You didn't do this Gaara," Iruka said, somehow knowing the direction in which his thoughts were going. "This is not your fault." The professor took in the shaking shoulders and the almost-quiet sobs of his daughter's lover and frowned. When they had first heard the news that the twins had been kidnapped, Iruka had all but rushed to Suna to blame Gaara for everything. But once they had arrived and he had seen his eldest daughter apologizing to Gaara for almost losing their baby, Iruka had realized that Narumi had only truly been happy with the vocalist.

"If she hadn't been with me!" furious teal eyes shone with unshed tears as they met Iruka's chocolate orbs.

"She wouldn't be pregnant with our third grandchild." Iruka told the young man. No matter how much he wanted to blame Gaara for his grandchildren's disappearance, he also knew how much Narumi loved the redhead. "She wouldn't be as happy as she is."


"No Gaara," Iruka shook his head at his future son-in-law. "The only ones to blame are the ones who did this. We will find the boys and we will get them home." He said with such conviction that Gaara couldn't stop himself from nodding his head. "Now, go take a shower. Hinata and I will watch over Naru." The redhead opened his mouth to argue but a glare from Iruka stopped him. He would get himself presentable and then he would go right back where he was when they found him.


"Can't you shut him up?!" jade green eyes spat fire as she glared at the wailing child.

"What do you want me to do?" the other woman was wearing a doctor's coat and had her arms crossed against her chest as she returned the other woman's glare.

"You should know how to silence him! You're a doctor!"

"I don't like children!" the crying only rose in volume as the two women argued.

"Shut up!" finally fed up, she stomped over to the corner where the two children sat curled up against each other and raised her hand to strike the crying one only to stumble back as the other redheaded child rammed right into her stomach. "Get off me!" she pulled the child's hair and tossed him back to his brother who had finally quietened down at the sight of his twin fighting back. She rubbed her hand against her side which had hit the corner of a table when the young boy attacked her and glared once more at the twins. "Now stay quiet or I'll kill your kaa-chan!" she threatened the two boys into submission before turning back to her snickering accomplice. "Why don't you stop laughing and do your fucking job!"

So, any suggestions?

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