Full summery:

(AU) Everything was as it should be with the world. That is until an unknown drug appears out of nowhere overnight and people all over the world are taking it. Only a few months of it being out, the world begins to dissolve into chaos as people begin to savagely tare each other apart with no mercy.

Of course Carmen wouldn't know anything that is happening around her since she fell into a coma.

Upon waking up from a coma, she finds the world around her is shattered. She now sees things and hears things making her believe she is insane. She isn't sure what is a part of reality or what is her imagination, but what she does know is real is those who die always come back...

As Carmen comes to grip with her new life and with what the future now holds in store for the human race, her and her friends have to find a cure before all life on earth ceases to exist.

If there even is a cure...

So I don't have to say this in every chapter I DON'T OWN ANYTHING EXCEPT MY OCs AND THE PLOT! And just to make this clear, this story also WILL NOT go along with the movies. The first one happened, but that is it. As far as the second, third, and forth, Sam found the Allspark sliver and that was it. Also there will be both Autobots and Decepticons touching down, some of them won't be in the movies. In this story, the Allspark sliver was used to revive Jazz. That is the only thing related to RoTF, DoTM, and AoE. Rated PG-13 for blood, entrails (lots of both. It's a zombie story. What do you expect?), and language along with some crude sexual humor and mental instability. (Can't have a Sideswipe without the crude humor ;) Though I am still new to writing crude humor and I am afraid I might lose followers because of it...)

At the beginning and end are supposed to be news broadcasts... You know, like the ones in movies and video games. I've never done that sort of thing before so some constructive criticism would be nice.

Oh yeah, this is the rewrite of Is This The End. Vast improvement if I do say so myself.


-A new legal drug called Rock Salts-


-Sweeping the nation. It might have the name, but this stuff will do nothing to melt the ice on your driveway.-


-You can buy this new mysterious drug, that has seem to come out of nowhere, at any store and any age. Although it seems teenagers and early adults are the ones who are buying this the most.-


-Ate her own arm off-


-Many have had thoughts of suicide after taking this drug and even after when they come down from the extreme high Rock Salts give them. One person on YouTube made a video describing all that they are seeing and he described seeing people turning into demons as well as hearing voices and having an urge to eat their pet snake.-


"Hay, Karma," Carmen turned to see her friend, Lydia, next to her open locker where she was grabbing her books for her next class. "You hear who's dating Mikaela?"

Carmen paused with a frown. "Isn't Trent dating her?"

Lydia shook her head, caramel colored hair swishing around her shoulders, with just a little too much excitement than what Carmen thought necessary. "That's the kicker though. Apparently she dumped him for some nerd named Sam Whiskey, or something like that."

Making sure to grab a mechanical pencil, Carmen closed her locker and turned to give her best friend her full attention. "Who?"

Lydia shrugged. "I don't know." She stood up from where she was leaning and began walking to her next class, not bothering to check if Carmen was following. "All I know is that she's dating a nerd who just got the brand new Camaro." She turned to Carmen with a grin. "And since Miss Perfect dumped Trent, that means he's free for the picking."

Carmen let out a quite sigh. "I don't see what you find so 'amazing' about him. The guy's a jerk."

Her remark passed right over Lydia's head as she got a dreamy look in her stormy grey eyes. "Those beautifully sculpted muscles with those baby blue eyes and perfect tan..."

Carmen chuckled and rolled her hazel eyes. "Whatever you say, Juliet."

"Hey!" Lydia snapped out of her daydream and slapped her friend's arm. "Don't be mocking me."

Both seventeen year olds reached their next class, Language Arts, just as the warning bell rang through the school halls.

"Who said I was mocking you?" Carmen asked with a grin as they each took a seat at the back of the class.

Lydia pouted in her seat as students began pouring into the room at a steady pace. "I'm going to ask Trent to go out with me later."

"Erm, isn't the guy supposed to ask?"

Lydia turned to her. "Not always. Sometimes the girl is supposed to ask because the guy is too afraid. Like Trent for instance. It's very obvious that he's afraid of my feminine nature which is why he has yet to ask me so later today, I'm going to go up to him and ask him out."

Carmen gave a sad smile as she watched Lydia get the dreamy look again. She loved this girl next to her like family, but she was rather naive sometimes. Especially when it came to the school's quarterback, Trent DeMarco.

After school, the two were heading to the parking lot where Carmen's truck sat waiting.

"Has anyone asked you out to prom yet?" Lydia asked.

Carmen inwardly cringed. Ah yes, the dreaded prom. It was only a month and a half away and she wasn't looking forward to the dance one bit. It wasn't because she hated dancing, it was because of all the guys who were going. "Yeah, but I turned them all down."

Police sirens could be heard a few blocks away but neither paid any attention to it.

"What?!" Lydia practically shrieked. "Why would you do that? You're going to need a date if you're going to be going!"

Carmen reached up and finding a natural highlight of chestnut red among her collar length light brown hair, she began playing with it. "Because every guy that has asked me is only interested in a one-night stand and you know how I feel about those things," she shook her head with a sigh. "You know I like to dance, but-"

"But you can't to save your life no matter how hard you try," Lydia interrupted with a snicker.

Carmen gave her a glare as she let go of her hair and reached into her backpack for her keys. "But," she continued, "I don't like dresses and I will never be caught dead in one. Besides, none of the guys here are my type." Grabbing her keys, she unlocked the truck and getting behind the steering wheel she tossed her bag into the backseat.

Lydia huffed as she got in and tossed her backpack in the back as well. "No guy is your type."

"I have a type thank you very much," she defended as she started her white truck and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Oh yeah?"


"Then what's your type?"

Carmen froze as she pulled to a stop at a stop sign. She actually never thought about what type of guy she would like to be with one day.

"You hesitated," Lydia noted.

"What? No I didn't, I was just checking to make sure no cars were coming." She released the brake and pressed the gas but quickly had to pull over to the curb as an ambulance came down the street, blaring lights and sirens with two more police cars right behind it. "Geez, what's going on?" Carmen asked herself out loud as they passed and resumed driving.

Lydia shrugged. "I don't know, but you never answered my question."

Carmen sighed. "Fine. They have to be funny, nice body, great personality, like me for who I am, respect my wishes, and are caring... Also they have to have a great car. So how'd it go with Trent?" she asked, quickly getting the conversation away from her non-existent love life. Lydia crossed her arms over her chest and slouched in her seat in a pout, not saying anything. "That bad, huh?"

Lydia shook her head. "It's not that it went bad, he just wasn't around so I couldn't ask him."

"Well that must suck."

The truck lapsed into silence, the only noise coming from the country station playing quietly over the radio.

One month later

"Mama! I'm home!" Carmen shouted as soon as she was in the door, having dropped off her friend at her own house five minutes ago.

"I'm in the kitchen!" She heard her mom call back.

Carmen walked to the back of the house and sat on a stool at the island in the kitchen with her backpack at her feet.

"How was your day?" her mom asked as she prepared their dinner.

Carmen let out a tired sigh. "Oh you know, the usual. Boring and the teachers dumped an assload of homework on us. It's like they all plot together on which days they should swamp us with homework and then sit back and watch as chaos ensues. Oh and Lydia still has an interest in my none existent love life." She added the last part as a second thought.

Her mom, Christine, laughed. "Oh it can't be that bad. I'm sure you get plenty of boys asking you out on a date."

Carmen's head hit the counter with a groan. "Not you too, mama!" Her mom chuckled as Carmen sat back up. "It's not that they aren't asking me out, it's the fact that the only ones to ask me are the ones who are interested in a one night stand only." She sighed. "Also I have that promise to Walter to keep."

Christine turned around to give her daughter a look. "You're still keeping that? How old were you when you made that? Nine? Ten?"

"I don't know. I think I was actually eleven, but that doesn't matter. I made a promise and I never break my promises; you should know that by now."

Christine smiled. "I do, and in this day and age, it's truly something special to be able to keep them. Why don't you help me with dinner?"

"Can't. Teachers are trying to kill me remember?" Carmen let out a heavy sigh and picked up her heavy backpack before moving upstairs, mumbling, "stupid teachers and their stupid homework," the entire way up.

Once in her room Carmen threw her backpack onto her bed and turned on her radio, trying to find a good station that was playing music to fit her mood but soon got frustrated as all she could find was reports of the terrorist attack on Mission City and that new drug that has popped up out of nowhere. Turning it off she instead opted for Pandora on her iPod since it was obvious no one was going to be playing anything anytime soon.

Now sitting at her desk with her homework in front of her, Carmen tapped her pencil and let her mind drift to the latest major news.

It might have been only a month after the attack on Mission City, but that didn't mean people have just forgotten about it. It was actually still fresh in their minds. No doubt the president or someone will make a memorial out of the day next year like they did with the Twin Towers.

Carmen let out a sigh. Her older brother, Walter, had been in the attack on Qatar and against all odds somehow managed to survive along with a handful of others and fought off the terrorists in Mission City and came back dirty and scraped but in one piece. When she tried asking about what happened in Qatar and who the terrorists were in the city, all Walter could say was that he wasn't allowed to tell anyone so she quickly dropped the subject.

The new drug, Rock Salts, the one that seemed to have appeared overnight, puzzled Carmen greatly. Usually that sort of thing appears gradually over time, but this one came out of nowhere and was immediately a hit and people were demanding more even though the side effects were terrible. How anyone could take something like that willingly was beyond her.

Carmen's phone rang and not bothering to see who it was she picked it up.

"Hello?" A scream erupted on the other end making her hold the phone away from her ear so there wouldn't be any damage later on.

"Oh my gosh, Carmen!" Lydia shouted over the line. "You're never going to guess who just asked me out to prom!"

Carmen let out an exasperated sigh before putting the phone back to her ear.


"What? How'd you know?" she whined.

"You only never talk about him."

Lydia sighed. "Fine. What about you? You say yes to anyone yet?"

Carmen barked a laugh. "You should know that answer by now better than anyone. Besides, any guy that I like is Walter's friend and they're just bit to old for me."

"Ugh. You suck."

Carmen grinned. "Yeah, lollipops."

"What flavor?"


Lydia laughed. "Well you talk to one of those hot military types into taking you to prom and I'll talk to you tomorrow about the results."

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Carmen said with an eye-roll before hanging up.

She rubbed her hands over her face.

Prom was only a week away and Carmen wasn't looking forward to it at all. She just hoped one of her brothers friends was able to take her, but she couldn't see why they wouldn't say no since they were more like family to her. Or possibly her brother could take her...

Honestly she didn't care who it was so long as it wasn't one of the guys who were constantly trying to ask her even though she has repeatedly said no to them.

Another sigh escaped her lips.

All she had to do was make it past next Friday and she was good... At least until school started next fall and homecoming came, but hopefully she would have a boyfriend by then. That is if Walter would allow it.

The next week, the day before prom, Carmen and Lydia were sitting outside for lunch at a table talking when Lydia pulled out a small tinfoil package from her pocket.

"Look at what Trent gave me." Lydia said while shaking it to hear the contents shift around a bit.

"What is it?" Carmen frowned.

Lydia tore the package open. "Don't know. He just said something about rocks and saying it feels amazing after one sniff."

Carmen froze. "You're not by any chance talking about that drug Rock Salts?"

Lydia opened the package so she could see inside to see a grey-white powder. "That's it, why?"

Reaching over with no warning Carmen snatched the drug away from her friend, who quickly protested.

"What do you think your doing?" Lydia shouted as she made a grab for the pouch.

Carmen kept it out of her reach. "Keeping you from making the worst mistake in your life."

Lydia lurched forward and grabbed the pouch away from her friend, neither paying attention as some escaped in a small cloud. Carmen again grabbed the small pouch and some more of the drug escaped unnoticed, both unknowingly breathing it in.

"Stop trying to control my life!" Lydia shouted, but for some odd reason she sounded muted to Carmen.

"I'm not, I'm try... Trying to protects you..." Carmen's speech began to slur as the world shifted around her making her sway. She faintly heard a thud next to her turning she briefly saw Lydia on the ground on her back laughing at nothing before she too was pitching over onto the not so soft grass.

Carmen quickly forgot about her friend next to her and was more focused on the kaleidoscope of colors that the grass was turning. Soon the ground was pitching and rolling as if it suddenly turned into the ocean in the middle of a storm. She faintly heard someone shout something but paid them no heed as she rolled onto her back to see cotton candy clouds.

Just as she was about to reach up to grab some to eat, her body stiffened and felt like she was struck by lightning as electricity shot through her body. A face appeared over her, looking as if it came out of Hell and was easily the scariest thing she had ever seen. Carmen tried to scream but quickly found she couldn't as her jaw was currently locked in place.

Luckily for her, darkness quickly overtook her as she fell into unconsciousness.


-According to some sources, this new drug is highly addictive and dangerous, causing one to have severe hallucinations and can lead to them to go on a murdering spree, killing dozens of innocents including children.-


-This guy just shoved his arm into another guy's stomach and ripped out his kidney!-


-Ripping a man apart with in-human strength-


-Nearly a year since the drug, Rock Salts, first came out and scientists are still no closer with coming up with a way to fight the long term side affects.-


-An innocent bystander watched a gruesome scene between a mugger and an old man in his late eighty's.

"After getting shot in the chest, h-he just stoodup! Then the old man stood up as if nothing happened a-and attacked the guy who shot him. H-he didn't have a chance to do anything before the old man wa-was on him and ripping his throat out with his teeth and began eating him!"-


-Nine shots to take this woman down. The first eight to her chest did nothing to stop her and did little to faze her as she rushed to kill an officer. It wasn't until the ninth bullet to her head did she stop.-


-More and more reports are coming in as people are attacking each other and eating each other.-


-Is all that is happening because of the new drug?-


-Panic consumes the world as society crumbles and governments collapse.-


-Is this the end for the human race?


A tall figure stood in the shadows as the news reports flashed in front of him on the many large screens, a grin spreading across their sharp features.

It was time to begin faze two...

As you can see, I have decided to completely rewrite this so I have a better idea of where I want this to go and what I want to happen. I'm not aiming for long chapters like with my other stories. This is just that one that has been floating around and needed to be written. As I write more of this the chapter might get longer, but no promises.

If there are any mistakes, please let me know so that I can fix it. I typed about half of this on the app on my phone which is glitching so I might not have gotten all the mistakes.

Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed the story so far! I hope to see you all in the next chapter! Don't forget to star, comment, and/or add to your reading list.