Yeahh. Lol. Btw, should I continue with this being a KilluSaku or some other pairing? If so, who do you think should get paired up with her?

Disclaimer: I only own the plot.


They were walking.

They were following the proctor as he walked to where the next phase of the exam was going to be held, his strides becoming more and more longer as time passes, Sakura couldn't help but think of robot-like his actions were.

Glancing to the arm she was holding on, she realized the person the arm was attached to was no longer by her side, and that she was only holding on to a fake limb. Her eye twitched. Bastard.

She threw away the arm, not bothering to turn to the person that got hit and yelled at her.

She was skipping when the pace picked up, some were walking faster, practically jogging. This continued on for a few minutes, before it gradually sped up and they were running, or in her case, jogging.

She glanced behind her, noticing that a lot of applicants were littered on the ground, heaving. She cocked her head in confusion. Tired aready?

Then she bumped into someone's back.

About to apologize, she saw a kid. An adorable kid.

"Aren't you just the cutest little thing?" She cooed, pinching his cheeks.


Gon didn't know what to think when the pink-haired girl bumped into him, or when she began to pinch his cheeks exclaiming how cute he was.

"Ah.. Thank you?" He awkwardly smiled, his hand scratching the back of his head.

They continued like that for a few minutes, him awkwardly smiling at the girl who kept on telling him how cute he was while they were jogging.

"My name's Gon." He told the girl, after he realized he hadn't yet introduced himself during their time together.

"Sakura." The girl grinned, finally stopping her actions as she resumed jogging at his side.

They chatted about their reasons why they wanted to take the exam.

"I want to become a hunter, and hopefully find my dad." He said. When he asked Sakura what her reason was, she just smiled at him.

"A friend of mine said he'll be a proctor here, but besides that, I'm craving for some adventure." Her eyes gleamed with excitement at the thought of what the next phase of the exam would be.

Gon grinned at her, seeing how happy she looked. After that, there was a comfortable silence between them.

As hours passed, the number of applicants became lesser than there was from the start. While some were sweating bullets, a select few looked as if it was nothing. And that included both Sakura and Gon.


He watched them from the corner of his eyes, deciding whether or not he should go to them.

Finally gathering his thoughts, he maneuvered his way to them with his skateboard.

"Killua." He said, once he was with them. He noticed that none of them were surprised by his presence.

Gon was the first of the two to speak up. "I'm Gon." Then he gestured to the pinkette, "She's Sakura."

Killua watched them jog, and after some thought, decided to join them.

He flipped his board from under him, and tucked it in his underarm. Gon looked amazed.

"Whoa! Teach me how to do that!" His voice held a tinge of excitement. Killua grinned, nodding.

Sakura watched both of them converse, then glanced at her surroundings. This was boring her to death.

She stopped, along with Killua, when Gon stopped, jogging back a bit to what looked like an older man wearing a suite and holding a suitcase. The man was obviously exhausted, his willpower being the only thing keeping him on his feet.

They watched as the man slowly stopped and dropped to the ground, panting. His suitcase a few meters away from him.

Killua cocked his head to the side. "Leave him." He told Gon, but the other male shook his head, helping the man up as he used his, oddly enough, fishing pole to get the suitcase.

Sakura was impressed at his skill with the rod, while Killua made a wager with Gon saying he'll teach him how to use his skateboard if he teaches him how to use the rod, in which Gon eagerly nodded.

The man spoke up, directing his words at the white-haired male. "That's cheating!" He pointed at the skateboard in the male's underarm.

Killua stuck out his tongue. "There's no rules, old man."

The man, Leorio as Gon introduced him to be, glared at him before removing his upper clothing.

It seemed like he was ready to go, as he said "See you there!" before he ran off, leaving his suitcase with Gon.

They all looked at each other before shrugging, picking up their pace as they jogged ahead.

Then Killua had an idea. "Race you guys there!" He exclaimed, then ran.

Gon was the first to react. "Not fair! You got a head start!" He was grinning as he ran off, glancing at Sakura before speeding up.

The female shook her head as she smiled, ah, youth.

Then, she grinned, her competitive spirit overcoming her as she immediately ran to catch up to the two, who looked surprised when they saw the female at their sides.

They ran up the stairs, dodging the bodies littered around, and when they saw the light that signaled the end of the tunnel, they glanced at each other before speeding up and ran past the proctor who stopped.

The proctor managed to see a glimpse of green, white, and pink before he saw the children in front of him, panting a bit as they simultaneously exclaimed "I win!" before laughing.

They waited for the others to catch up, before the tunnel slowly began to close. Sakura pitied the male who didn't manage to come out just when he was so close.

Then the proctor cleared his throat, and just as he was about to explain the next phase, a man cut him off.

"He's not the real proctor! I am!" He said. He looked worse for wear with scratches around around his visible skin and clothes torn. The applicants glanced from the so-called actual proctor to the one who led them here.

Then the man brought out a creature that looked similar to the male who brought them there. "He's a-" He was cut-off by a card lodging in his throat, killing him instantly.

Sakura knew all too well who did that.

"That solved our problem," They all turned to look at a smiling Hisoka. "The real proctor would've dodged that." Then they all turned to the man who led them here, seeing his holding a card between his fingers. Some sighed in relief that he was the real deal.

"Do that again and you're out of the exam." Their proctor said, then gestured for them to follow him through the misty forest. "Lose sight of me, then you're on your own. There are a lot of dangerous creatures and plants around here that would guarantee your death."

Gon and Killua were on either side of Sakura as she proclaimed, her eyes shining. "Adventure!"

The other applicants didn't bother giving her a weird look seeing as, if her brother was some serial killer as some says he was, then it wouldn't be surprising if his sister would have problems in the head as well.

Gon and Killua sweatdropped at the smiling pinkette who didn't react at the looks given to her.


Yeah, it's different from the anime. As I said before (Or did I?) this will be a mixture of both the canon and fanon, so even if I stick to the script, I would change some stuff and add some stuff here and there. So, yeah. Hope it doesn't turn you off.. much.

Again, thoughts, please? MuchLove!