Party of Two

"Did you know that Traci is dating Bailey?" Andy called from the kitchen, where she had just been involved in a long phone call.

"ETF Bailey?" asked Sam. "No, I didn't know – are you sure?"

"She just told me. Apparently they've gone out a few times. I guess she was keeping it quiet until she got to know him better, because of what happened with Steve. I don't really know him at all, except for the fact that he saved my life when I was holding the grenade – he made a pretty good first impression."

"Yeah, that earned him a whole bunch of points in my book," Sam replied. "I tend to like people who save your life."

"The reason she is telling people now is that she's having a New Year's Eve party – I mean they are. We'll go, right?"

"Sure, if you want to. When are they having it?" Sam asked.

"Are you kidding? On December 31st!" Andy said incredulously as she came out of the kitchen to look at him. Seeing his tongue stuck firmly in his cheek she had to laugh. He got her so many times because he could say the silliest things in the most matter-of-fact voice. "You are such an idiot," she said as she walked across the living room to the couch where he was sitting reading.

"I know," he said, trying but not succeeding very well to look pathetic. "But you love me anyway, right? So what does that say about you?"

"I guess I'm an idiot too," Andy said with a chuckle. She flopped down sideways on the couch, with her head in his lap and her legs stretched out so her feet stuck over the end.

With a huge sigh Sam put a bookmark in his book and set it down on the coffee table.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting you at a good part?" Andy said, trying, not very hard, to sit up.

Sam grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back to his lap. "Get back here," he said ferociously as Andy pretended to struggle. Subduing her with very little effort, he gave her a big smacking kiss, holding her close in his arms. "I think going to a New Year's Eve party at Traci's would be great."

"You always manage to surprise me," Andy said thoughtfully. "I really thought you would prefer to stay home."

"I would always prefer to stay home," Sam agreed, "but that's not fair to you, and I figure it's in my best interest to keep you happy."

"You just keep on thinking that," cooed Andy. "I think you'll find it pays off in the long run."

"Long run? How about the short run?" Sam murmured into her ear as his hands made their way up inside the fleece shirt she was wearing. "How about right now?"

Andy tilted her head away from him so she could look up into his face. "Oh, alright," she said with an exaggerated sigh, "If you insist."

Sam swooped down to kiss her thoroughly. "I do insist," he said. "If I'm being so co-operative I think you should co-operate too."

"And just exactly how would you like me to do that?" Andy demanded. "Should I be taking my shirt off? Maybe taking your shirt off? Please tell me just what would demonstrate an appropriate level of co-operation?"

"That's a pretty good start," Sam responded with a grin. "Why don't you get going on that?"

Andy stood up and faced away from him, unbuttoning her shirt and letting it fall on the floor behind her. Sam was delighted to see that she wasn't wearing a bra, and when she turned around to face him he reached for both her hands and pulled her back into his lap again.

"That's a really good start," he said as he bent to kiss her, and his hands moved over her bare skin, stroking and caressing until Andy was almost purring. She reached up and tried to pull off his t-shirt, but she was in an awkward position so Sam let go of her just long enough to pull it off himself, then pulled her back as close as he could. "I'll never get tired of feeling your skin on mine," he said as he pressed her bare breasts to his chest.

"Mmmm, feels so good,"` Andy agreed. "It would be even better if I could feel your skin all the way down to my toes."

"It would. Whaddya say we move this into the bedroom, and you can feel all the skin you want?"

"I don't see how I can pass up a romantic suggestion like that," Andy said with a laugh. "I'll race you," and she jumped up and ran down the hall. By the time Sam got to the bedroom she was naked and reclining on the bed in an exaggeratedly sexy pose.

Sam stood still just inside the door. His gaze swept from her face to her toes, with such intensity that Andy felt herself blushing along the same path. She waited in silence, though, until he shook his head and crossed the room to the bed.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she asked.

"My thoughts are worth a lot more than a penny! What I'm thinking about is how lucky I am to have a sex goddess all ready and waiting for me in my bed. Sometimes it's like I'm dreaming, but I know I'm awake. And I think about how much my life has changed since you tackled me in that alley, and how close I came to losing you, and how grateful I am that we're together now. Now, and forever."

Andy's face revealed conflicting emotions. She wanted to laugh at the "sex goddess" comment, but she could feel the prickling of tears as Sam expressed the depth of his feelings. She couldn't help but think back over the seven years she had known this man, and how dramatically he had changed. There was no more wondering what was going on in his head – he told her every day, not only through his actions, but also in words. She opened her arms wide, and as Sam lay down beside her she pulled him into her embrace. For a moment they just lay there, side by side, looking into each other's eyes. Then Andy tilted her head slightly, and brought her lips to his in a tender kiss.