a/n this story is set in season 11 but only for the characters and it won't follow that storylline on any other front. This is the sequel to "December 2015" it could help to read that one before this.

Disclaimer: Criminal Minds is not mine (too bad) I'm just playing with the characters

have fun with reading

Previously: London, Emily: there's a new arms dealer, he calls himself Ian Doyle, although we are sure it isn't really Doyle

D.C., Will :JJ, when are you finally going to tell them we have split up?

D.C., JJ: I reminded myself I couldn't tell them, it would bring everyone in danger

D.C., Henry: When can I talk to Emmy again? I miss her.

23 December


For the past few weeks Emily and Henry have been talking at least three times a week and I could see that both of them really enjoyed it. Every time Henry asked if she would continue with her bedtime story for him, but she keeps refusing and saying she will continue it when the time is right. However Henry refuses to stop asking her and it's quite funny to see how eager he is to hear the rest of the story. Last time he asked her if she would continue with her story the next time she saw him in real life. She told him that she would think about it, although she couldn't promise anything.

For the past few weeks me and Phoenix have been scrabbling at least once a day, although we previously scrabbled at least once every two days, we both need the knowledge that the other is really save. I remember Garcia and Morgan asking me why I was so happy, a couple weeks ago.

"Okay blondie, tell up what happened this weekend you are far to happy" Morgan asked",hat is none of your business" I answered.

Determinated to get an answer Morgan called in his reinforcements "Baby girl, can you come here. I need your help with cracking blondie here" "Chocolate Adonis, I'm coming as fast as I can" as soon as she said that she hang up and a few seconds later I heard the following "Okay, Blond gumdrop, you are going to tell the Oracle of all knowing every single detail"

"I would do as she says Blondie" Morgan said smugly and while those two were corrupting each other, Tara Lewis asked me if they were always like that? I smiled remembering her question she hadn't been with the team very long and had never seen Garcia and Morgan in full force I simply answered "Yes" Before she could ask me an other question Garcia said " c'mon tell us"

"It isn't that important" I said while trying to get to my desk, but my way was blocked by Rossi, Hotch and Spence. They told me that they were sorry, when I glared at them, but that Garcia was to scary to simply ignore what she told them to do. I smiled when I remembered their faces, but they are right you don't simply ignore Garcia. She might be against physical violence, but she is far too good with a computer to assume that her threats are empty. She replied "But if you think it isn't that important why won't you tell us and let us decide for ourselves?" Morgan stage whispered to Garcia "Maybe she got laid and she doesn't want to tell us" "Oh, that is an good one" she replied.

"Fine you want to know how my weekend was?"

"uh, duh, otherwise we wouldn't ask" she told me

"I will tell you but first you have to tell me if anything embarrassing happened at the bar"

"Uhm, Morgan had a lady turn him down, because she was there with her fiancé and when we looked for her again she was dancing with another lady. You should have seen his face, it was brilliant" everyone chuckled slightly at the memory "Now it's your turn"

"Okay, but you have to promise to be quiet until the end otherwise I will stop" I looked pointedly to Garcia, apparently the others did the same and she told us "I can be quiet, really" with a disbelieving look on my face I started to recount what had me smiling "It started Friday, when I got home, I went to Henry's room and" I paused to look at their faces, which were full with curiosity and before I could start again Morgan said "C'mon girl just continue" "Relax" I replied "but to satisfy you, I will continue, so when I got in Henry's room, Henry told me to close my eyes, no peeking and to hold out my hands. He put something in my hands and told me to open my eyes. In my hands was a beautiful drawing of me, him and Sergio in front of our house. But if you thought that was sweet you need to keep quiet and listen to what he did next" I again looked pointedly at Garcia "He asked, and I'm going to say this in his words, when can I see Emmy again? I really miss her and she has been gone for so long." "Okay Garcia I can see you are dying to say something, spill it out"

"That is so sweet, but they haven't seen each other for almost two years"

"I know that is why I was a little surprised when he asked, but I proposed that I would ask her if she had time to Skype that night and he was very pleased to hear me say that."

"Did she answer?" Garcia asked

"Garcia didn't I told you not to interrupt? I told you you could say something, not two something."

"Yes, but.."

"No buts, this was your last chance, one more interruption of someone without having my permission and you will have to find the rest out on yourself."

"Sorry" she said guiltily

"To continue with MY story, when Henry asked me if she had already answered, during dinner, I had to tell him no and he just became quiet after that. He really hoped that she had already answered. But luckily enough she answered while he was upstairs and I could make one boy very happy. They talked to each other for almost an hour, before he asked her a single question that got tears in her eyes." I smiled at the memory and continued "he asked her, again in his words, "When are you coming back, it didn't took you this long when you went away to get the bad man without uncle Aaron, Dave, Derek, Spence, Aunt Penny and mommy? It was so sweet." I wasn't going to tell them that she promised to come home during Spring break "and then he asked her for a bedtime story and I must admit it was a great story, but she didn't finish it. She told him that the rest was for a next time. Then she wished him goodnight, I brought him to his bed and he was asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. They called again on Saturday and Sunday. So I have one very happy boy." Everyone had practically smelted and when Lewis asked who Emily was. We all told a story about Emily.

a/n please let me know what you think