So, I honestly tried to redo my other stories, but they all were just... reaaally bad. Like when I read them, I didn't understand how people liked it- so I'm sorry but I got rid of them for now, maybe one day I will bring them up again, but for now, I'm sorry.

And that leads to this story;
I actually couldn't get this out of my head while I was reading Safe and Sound, so yeah, here it is, let me know what you think of it. Thank you!


It wasn't a big dilemma; at least not to a lot of people. I didn't have room to complain since I have an OK life. I've just never believed in love, not since my parent's divorce. I couldn't allow myself the hurt of falling out of love. I couldn't handle being in the same position as my dad- still in love with his ex while they loved another, moved on with another.

I felt Bella's hand twitch in mine as the hunter moved closer to the two of us. I stuttered a step backwards, trying to keep the same distance between us. His eyes were bright with excitement as our anxiety started rising.

Maybe if I had listened to him, I wouldn't be in this position, because although, I was afraid of falling in love, I was also afraid of dying alone; of never knowing love. If I had fought Bella more on staying and waiting, I could have finally told him how I felt. Maybe we'd disappear somewhere and I could figure out my life.

My legs started shaking against my own will as the hunter just about licked his lips, getting ready for the kill.

It wasn't a big dilemma, at least not to a lot of people; falling in love, that is. Maybe I'm only making excuses for myself. I didn't deserve his kindness- I've done nothing but reject him. How dare he still care after I've told him not to?

As teeth sunk into my skin, I felt tears leak out of the corners of my eyes. A sob was wavering in my throat, waiting to finally catch air to let loss. "I'm sorry," I mumbled unable to hide my guilt. "I love you."