Outsider Chronicles: Dark Eclipse

The First Year is over and Leo is already working to right wrongs. However, darkness is beginning to stir, and not just at Hogwarts. As Leo gets more powerful, his nature as an Outsider begins to take effect and worlds are drawn together. Add in some family drama and reveals and Leos migraines are only going to get worse. Sequel to Black Zodiac

And here we go, back with the sequel and the Second year. This year will bring about Luna, Dobby and the first glimpses of the worlds that exist alongside the Wizarding World that Leos presonus has brought together. For now though, enjoy!

Chapter 1

"You want me to do what?" Asked Mum, eyeing the fat rat that was scurrying frantically around its small cage.

"Cast an Animagus revealing charm on this rat," I said.

"And why do you want me to do that?" She asked.

"Well, I can't help but feel that something's off about this thing," I said, "I heard from the Weasley Twins that it's been in their family for 12 years. That's far too long for even a magical rat to live."

"So, that makes you think its an Animagus?" Asked Mum, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Well, there's something else," I said hesitantly, "But...its just a hunch."

Mum raised an eyebrow at me and sat back, inviting me to elaborate.

"Its something thats been at the back of my mind for a while, ever since you told me about Sirius Black," I said.

That got Mums attention and she sat forwards, clearly interested.

"You said that he and James Potter were best friends and that he was Hollys Godfather. If thats the case, then theres no way he could have betrayed the Potters. Both Sirius and James were Purebloods and so, they would probably use a Godparent Vow, enforced by magic, like how Professor Snape and Father did with Draco and Lord Greengrass did with me. That means that, if Black did betray the Potters, he would have died instantly."

Mum looked thoughtful.

"You're right," she said slowly, "But that doesn't explain why you think this rat is an Animagus."

"I was getting to that," I said, "I read the clippings and, according to the reports, all that was left after Black 'killed' Pettigrew was a finger, right? There was even a picture."

I put the cutting in question on the table and pointed at the severed digit.

"That was not done by an explosion. It's to clean."

Mother looked from the picture to the rat, specifically the missing toe.

"So you think that this is Pettigrew?" She asked, her voice tense.

I nodded. Mum narrowed her eyes and drew her wand, casting a spell that made Pettigrew glow red. She snarled and stood, marching over to the fireplace.

"You're right, he is an Animagus," she said as she threw a handful of floo powder into the flames,, "And even if its not Pettigrew, I want to know why he's been hiding as a Rat for 12 years."

As Mum called the Aurors, I wondered out of the room, intending to go find something to read to calm down. That was one less thing to worry about. Now all I had to do was figure out why I felt so uneasy…

"Master Leo!"

I jumped as Dobby appeared with a crack. He was wearing a miniature ninja outfit, complete with miniature Ninjato, but the look of frantic panic on his face made me pause.

"Whats wrong Dobby?" I asked.

"I-its Miss Holly! Dobby's sorry, but he thought it'd be best...He didn't mean for…"

"Dobby, calm down and tell me whats wrong!" I said, my blood running cold.

It took a few minutes, but Dobby eventually calmed down enough to tell me what was going on. Apparently, the little idiot had overheard Father talking about his plot with the diary and decided to take matters into his own hands to 'protect' her and landed her in deep trouble with her relatives by dropping a cake on their guests head. That had resulted in her getting locked in her room and Vernon getting drunk, leading to the problem Dobby had come and told me about. I don't think I need to spell out what was going on for you. Violent Dursleys, plus a pissed off and drunk Veron equals a real problem. Actually, the real problem is WHAT THE HELL WAS SHE DOING BACK THERE AT ALL?!

That question would have to wait however. First I had to go save my friend.

"You stupid idiot!" I shouted, "What were you thinking?! You should have asked before doing anything!"

Dobby looked distraught.

"D-dobby is sorry Master, Dobby will make amends!"

"Later Dobby," I said, "For now, take me there. I'll help her. Tell Mother where I've gone and let the Aurors know what's going on."

"Y-yes Master," sniffed Dobby, taking my hand.

The world spun for a moment, before it cleared and I found myself in a sickeningly normal looking sitting room with a huge tv and a number of games consoles that looked in terrible shape. It was clear that the owner didn't care for their possessions at all, philistine. The room was empty, but my sharp eyes caught sight of something silver under the coffee table. I grabbed it and found that it was Holly's Locket, the one I had given her for christmas.

I snarled and spun around.

"Where are they Dobby?" I snapped.

"U-upstares," said the House Elf.

I activated Zodiac Lance and moved to the stairs. A scream from upstairs had me sprinting, taking the stairs two at a time. At the top of the stairs, I turned right and kicked open the door with the locks and taking in what I saw. A fat man who resembled a walrus with a face flushed by anger and drink, loomed over a small girl with black hair with a bloodstained belt in his hand. The girl was cowering away, curled up in a ball to protect herself and covered in blood, her shirt torn to shreds. My magic surged in response to my anger and the gem at the head of Zodiac Lance flashed.

Vernon jumped as I kicked the door in and spun around.

"Who the hell are you?" He slurred, "Get out or I'll call the police!"

I ignored the foul man and marched straight past him, crouching down beside Holly.

"I said get ou…!"

I pointed Zodiac Lance at Vernon and he went flying back into the wardrobe, which fell on top of him. I reached out and gently touched Hollys shoulder. She flinched away from my touch, before slowly opening her eyes and looking up at me.

"Hey Holly," I said with a smile.

"L-leo?" She stuttered, "What are you doing here?"

"I was worried," I said, "You seemed so scared when we left that I had my House Elf keep an eye on you. Good thing to by the look of it."

Holly sniffed and smiled at me, before she threw herself into my arms, crying into my chest. I hugged her as best I could while avoiding her injuries.

"Here, I think this is yours," I said, slipping the chain of the Locket around her neck.

Holly looked down at the locket in surprise, before smiling up at me.

"Thank you," she said, before she went limp in my arms.

I nearly panicked, but a quick check revealed that she was just unconscious.

"Dobby, take her back home and put her in my room," I said to the Elf that had just appeared next to me, "Then tell Mother where she is and get her to contact St. Mungos."

"Yes Master," said Dobby, "What about you Master Leo?"

"I have some business I need to finish," I growled, glaring at the shaking cupboard that contained Vernon, "I will call you when I'm done."

Dobby nodded and took Hollys hand.

"Dobby, before you go, I have one more order for you," I said before he could vanish, "You are not to punish yourself for this, understand? I will decide on your punishment later."

"Yes Master."

He vanished with a pop, taking Holly with him.

I tilted my head towards the wardrobe as it began to shake, before Vernon erupted through the flimsy chipboard back like some demented jack in the box, his face purple with rage.

"YOUR A FREAK!" He roared, showering me with spittle, despite the fact he was on the far side of the room, "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU WORTHLESS SPAWN OF SATAN!"

I scowled.

"You call me a freak?" I growled, "You worthless pile of Flobberworm dung! What kind of a man whips the skin of the back of his own niece with a belt for something she has no control over?! What kind of a man forces a child to sleep in a cupboard under the stairs for 10 years? What kind of a man forces a little girl to do chores that are far beyond them? And you call me a freak!"

Vernon let out a roar of fury and ran at me. I took a step back and held up Zodiac Lance.


The gem glowed, before a dark purple orb shot out and engulfed Vernon. The fat man dropped to the ground, his eyes glazed and his limbs twitching. I scowled and turned away from him.

"Dobby, take me home," I said.

With a pop, I was gone.

I appeared in the entrance hall of the Malfoy Manor, ignoring the Aurors as they hauled a struggling Peter Pettigrew through the Floo in handcuffs, as well as Mother and Madam Bones as they tried to get my attention. The two older Magicals followed me as I made my way to my room, where I found Holly laying on her front with her shirt removed, revealing the mass of old scars, plus the new wounds that were covered in a pail green paste, no doubt Dobbys doing.

"Good lord," whispered Madam Bones as she saw the wounds and scars, "What in the world happened to her?"

"Her relatives, thats who," I snapped, turning to face the two women.

Both actually took a step back and I absently noticed that my anger was causing my eyes to glow like stars and my hair to move on its own.

"What I want to know is, what in the world was she doing their? Madam Pomfrey said that she'd make sure that she wouldn't have to go back after she saw Holly's scars at the start of the year."

Madam Bones latched onto that immediately.

"Holly… You mean that's Holly Potter?" She gasped, "The Girl Who Lived?"

"Correct," I snapped.

Madam Bones face darkened and she turned to leave.

"Rest assured Mr Malfoy, I will find out what happened," she said as she paused at the door, "If what you say is true, then whoever sent her back to that house is accessory to Child Abuse and I will not let it stand."

Child abuse in the Wizarding world was practically unheard of and was, rather unfortunately, limited to Muggleborns. The reason is that children are treasured above all else by Magicals, particularly recently when Pureblood birth rates were dropping and the production of Squibs was rising. Those caught tended to find themselves in very hot water and were more often than not on the next boat to Azkaban or even Kissed depending on the level of abuse. Even though he was a Muggle, I highly doubted that Vernon Dursley would be of this world much longer. That is if my spell hadn't already shattered his mind. Anger does tend to cause problems with control in magic.

I sat down on the swivel chair by my desk and rubbed my eyes. It was only midday and I already felt exhausted. If Holly wasn't in my bed, I probably would have taken a nap.

"You look terrible," said Mum.

"Thanks Mum," I muttered, "I feel it."

I sighed and eyed my Mother through my fingers.

"So what happened with the Aurors?"

"Well, after I called the Aurors, they sent a couple through and we reverenced his Transformation. It turned out you were correct and it was Pettigrew, so the Aurors called in Amelia who questioned the rat with Veritaserum. You were right Son, my cousin is innocent. He'll be free within a week."

"What are you going to do Mother?" I asked, "You know that, with Sirius now free, he's going to take the Black Lordship and he won't let anyone loyal to Voldemort remain in the family."

Surprisingly, Mother didn't flinch at the mans name.

"I am going to request a divorce," she said, "I refuse to be married to a man who bows to anyone. Nos autem non adorabis."

"What does that mean?" I asked, my grasp of latin being pretty limited.

"It was the original motto of the Blacks," said Mother, "Back when we were one of the Seven Houses. It means 'We bow to no one'. Toujours Pur came later."

"What are the Seven Houses?" I asked.

"The Seven Houses are the closest thing the Magical World have to Royalty, at least in Britain," said Mother, her tone taking on the familiar 'teaching tone' she used in her lessons, "They are said to be descended directly from the first to use magic, those known as the Ancients, and once held a huge amount of power and influence in our world. Unfortunately, much of that power has been lost."

"So who exactly are the Seven Houses?" I asked.

"Well, the Blacks and the Potters were two," said Mother, "As are the Longbottoms, the Lovegoods, the Prewitts, the Peverells and the Pleasants."

"Pleasants?" I asked, "I've never heard of them."

"Thats not surprising," said Mother, "I understand that they are mostly extinct, with only one remaining member who isn't a Wizard. The Peverells are in the same boat, although I believe that one of the Branch Families married into the Potters. That said, their is a family in Ireland who are descended from Main Line, although none of them are Magical."

"You know, I'm surprised that the Founders Lines aren't in their," I said.

Mother snorted.

"Everyone always seems to think so, but as far as I know, the Founders aren't connected to the Seven in any way," she said.

We sat in silence for a moment as I absorbed what I'd been told. Some of that rang a few bells, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out why. That said, it sounded like I was going to be free of my Father and idiot brother pretty soon.


A quiet voice from my bed drew my attention. Holly was awake and moving to get up. Before she could and possibly hurt herself, I moved to the bedside and gently pushed her back onto the mattress.

"Don't move," I said softly, "Your backs still tender. Dobby put some Healing Balm on your back, but its still working."

"You know Dobby?" Asked Holly.

I scowled.

"Yes, the little idiots my Elf," I said, "I had him watch over you over the summer, but I didn't tell him to 'protect' you. That was all his doing and I am not best pleased with him at the moment."

Holly was quiet for a moment as her eyes moved around the room as best they could from her position.

"Where are we?" She asked eventually.

"My house," I said, "My room actually."

Holly blinked, before she went bright red.

"Y-your room?!" She squeaked.

"Yep," I said, "Best place for you at the moment since my Father and brother won't come in here without permission after I got Lucy."

The Nemean Lioness hadn't been best pleased when Father had made one of his many attempts to remove what he called 'Muggle trash' from my room and nearly shredded him with her claws. Sure she could no longer actually fit in the house, let alone my room, but now I had a wand I had set up a number of nasty traps for anyone who would dare to hurt my precious collection. And if I didn't, Dobby would and the little bugger really could be malicious when he wanted to be.

"B-but this is your bed, isn't it?" She stuttered, going even redder.

"Yeah, but I don't mind sleeping on the couch for a bit," I said, pointing at the large seat in the corner of the room.

Holly let out another squeak and buried her face in her pillow. I glanced up at Mother, who seemed to be stifling a laugh.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing," said Mum, "I'll just leave you two alone."

She stood and left the room, leaving me confused.

And that'll do for now. Yes, Leo really is that dense, even if he is mentally older.

So, Holly somehow ended up back at the Dursleys, Leo isn't happy, Sirius will be free and Vernon is in deep trouble.

I hope my idea for the Seven Families makes sense and no, the founders, Merlin and the usual suspects have nothing to do with them. Surprisingly, Holly won't be the Peverill Heir since someone with magic is descended from the First Brother, meaning that they have a stronger claim. I wonder who it could be…

Well, this has been fun, but I'm going to sign off. Leave me reviews!