Hello, welcome to my story! I hope you enjoy reading it :)

If OC x canon isn't your cup of tea I suggest you find something else to read, because that will be the main theme of this story. This story will also contain some swearing and mild-ish violence (no gore), along with the suggestive content and dark themes already mentioned in the summary. You have been warned!

One last thing... I am American, so I use "vocab" from the U.S. English dub of Doraemon. I'll put the alternative names of gadgets and such in parentheses since I know not everyone is familiar with that version.

Alright, that's everything. Enjoy!

Chapter 1: New Student

It was a sunny, peaceful day. The birds were singing, and the flowers were blooming. Not a single cloud was visible in the deep, blue sky. The sun's warm rays shone down on the Robot Academy. All the students were enjoying the comforting sunshine, including one in particular.

A yellow robot cat sat alone at a table on the school's campus. He fluffed out his fur, the sun's warmth sinking down to the skin. He popped a yummy bun (dorayaki) into his mouth, the delicious taste putting him even more at ease than he already was. A soft, gentle breeze brushed past him, just barely tickling his nerves. He almost felt like taking a nap. The scenery couldn't possibly be more blissful.

However, the bliss was interrupted when the sound of approaching footsteps reached the robot cat's ears. He turned his head to see a familiar someone coming towards him. A smile came to his face. The bliss could still continue even with someone joining him.

"Hey sis," he greeted as the other got even closer.

The familiar someone, a robot cat like him, returned his smile.

"Hey Doraemon," she greeted in return. "How are you?"

She took a seat across from him.

"I'm hungry," Doraemon answered sheepishly, indirectly gesturing to the pile of yummy buns sitting on a plate before him.

"Well you can keep eating," Dorami assured him.

Doraemon didn't respond, for he was too busy gulping down another yummy bun.

"How are you doing?" he asked once he'd swallowed.

"I'm doing good," Dorami replied.

She stared behind Doraemon somewhat absently, seeming to be thinking about something. Doraemon ate another yummy bun and stared awkwardly as his sister continued to space out.

"You okay, sis?" he asked. "You're kinda… staring off into nothingness."

Dorami blinked, snapping out of her trance.

"Right, sorry," she mumbled, appearing to be embarrassed.

"Are you okay?" Doraemon repeated.

"I'm fine. I was just thinking of something. There's something I need to tell you, and I just don't want to forget."

Doraemon set down the yummy bun he was about to eat.

"Well you can tell me now," he said.

"No no, you eat first," Dorami insisted.

"I can eat and listen to you talk at the same time, you know."

Dorami giggled sheepishly.

"Alright, alright," she muttered.

"So what is it? Is it something bad?" Doraemon asked, eating yet another yummy bun.

"No, it's nothing bad," Dorami answered.

"Well spit it out then."

"Alright. When I was in class earlier today, the teacher made an announcement. We had a new student in the class. The teacher didn't say anything about where he came from or who he was, other than his name of course. He was a robot cat, like us. Maybe it was just me, but he looked so… uncomfortable. He just kinda stood there and looked at the ground while the teacher was talking. As far as I could tell, he didn't try to make eye contact with anyone. When the teacher finished talking, he just slunk over to his desk and sat there in complete silence."

Doraemon chewed thoughtfully.

"Why are you telling me this? Why does it matter?" he asked with a full mouth.

"He looked like he needs a friend," Dorami replied.

"Maybe he just wants to be left alone, sis. He could be foreign, maybe he doesn't speak our language very well."

"Well then we can help him learn!"

Doraemon swallowed the last of his yummy bun and crossed his arms.

"You really think it's worth it to try and approach this person we don't know?" he asked.

"I don't think anyone knows who he is, Doraemon," Dorami replied, lowering her voice to a near whisper.

Doraemon was genuinely surprised by that. The Robot Academy was such a huge and diverse school, it was uncommon for a student to come and not know a single other student.

"You really think so?" he asked.

"I do. He just seems so alone, I want to help him feel more welcome here," Dorami explained.

"Alright, I'll help you talk to this guy."

"Thank you, Big Brother!"

Doraemon quickly gulped down one last yummy bun before rising to his feet and exiting the table.

"Do you have any idea where he might be?" he asked, looking out at the campus.

There were students everywhere. It was going to be difficult to track down one specific robot cat.

"No," Dorami confessed, following her brother's gaze.

"What does he look like?"

"He's a dark-ish red."

Doraemon sighed a little.

"That's not very helpful," he muttered, before remembering that most of the robot cats on the planet looked exactly like him.

Dorami seemed to have not heard him, for she was already starting to walk into the rest of the campus. Doraemon speed-walked after her until the two were walking side-by-side. They explored the campus in search of the "mysterious" red robot cat. On the way they stumbled across several red robot cats that Dorami affirmed were not the right ones. With each incorrect robot cat they passed, Doraemon was starting to lose hope. How were they supposed to find this specific cat? He had a feeling it was going to be for nothing.

They walked around for at least 15 minutes before Dorami suddenly came to a stop. Doraemon stopped as well, about to ask what was up, but she answered before he could speak.

"Look!" she whispered, gesturing to a table up ahead to their left.

There was a red robot cat sitting at the table by themselves. Their back was turned to Dorami and Doraemon. Even from that distance, Doraemon could tell that their fur was a darker shade of red than their red tail.

"I think that might be him," Dorami whispered excitedly.

Doraemon said nothing, staring at the robot cat's back.

Will anything actually come out of this? He's a stranger, I bet he wants nothing to do with us.

"Go say hi!" Dorami muttered, nudging him.

Doraemon stumbled slightly, caught off guard from the sudden jab.

"Why me? You're the one who wants to help him so badly!" he hissed quietly.

"Because you need a friend too," Dorami told him sternly, though calmly.

Doraemon blinked at her, before realizing she was right. He didn't really have any friends but her.

"Alright, I'll go talk to him."

He slowly approached the red robot cat, half expecting them to suddenly turn around and look at him. As he got closer, he realized they were eating something.

I hope he doesn't get upset at me for disturbing his meal.

He gradually walked around the robot cat as quietly as he could to avoid being detected. They were eating a bowl of rice, staring absently at the empty seat across from them. One thing Doraemon immediately noticed was their eyes. Their pupils were much bigger than that of any robot cat Doraemon had seen before. It made them look strangely… cute, but also a bit feminine. However Doraemon noticed they lacked eyelashes, which were a distinct characteristic of female robot cats, therefore leading Doraemon to assume they were male. It was also apparent that their fur was fairly long. Doraemon couldn't help but notice the thick strands of fur wrapped so delicately up and around their ears.

There's no way he's from around here, he thought, wishing he could say it to Dorami. The climate here is too warm to naturally host a robot cat with fur like that.

He stopped, figuring it would be weird to just walk in front of the stranger. For a moment he hesitated, thinking of what to say. Finally he took in a breath to speak.

"H-hello there," he mumbled awkwardly.

The red robot cat flinched in alarm. Their gaze snapped to Doraemon, their eyes wide. They silently stared at Doraemon for a few seconds, their fur visibly standing up a little.

"Hi…," they murmured quietly.

Their voice was high-pitched, and sounded young; although Doraemon didn't let that influence his judgment. Determining the age of a robot cat was not an easy task.

"Sorry if I'm bothering you," Doraemon began. "But I've been told that you're lonely, and you need a friend."

The stranger blinked at him curiously. While waiting for a response, Doraemon glanced back at Dorami, only to be dismayed at the discovery that she was completely gone.

What the-!? She left me! Now I have to do this all by myself…, Doraemon thought in dismay.

"I guess I am. I don't know," the red robot cat murmured, looking away.

"Well, do you have any friends here?" Doraemon asked.

The stranger was silent for a moment.

"Just one," they answered. "He's been my friend for a long time."

I guess Dorami was right then. This guy really is lonesome, Doraemon thought.

He cautiously walked in front of the stranger and sat down across from them. They stared at him, adjusting the light green collar around their neck. The bell attached to their collar rang quietly from the movement.

"I'm assuming you're not from around here," Doraemon said, internally flinching in preparation for a hiss in reply.

"No. I don't know anyone here. Everyone is a stranger," the stranger confessed, dropping their gaze.

Doraemon's skeptical view of the stranger was starting to fade. He genuinely felt bad for them.

"I don't want you to feel alienated here," he confessed in return. "This is a great school full of great students. Just about every student who comes here at first feels just like you do."

"I don't know," the stranger mumbled. "I'm bad at talking. I just want a friend to spend time with."

Doraemon smiled at them.

"You know, I need a friend too. I think you and I could get along pretty well."

The stranger looked at Doraemon skeptically.

"You think so? You think we could be friends?" they asked.


The stranger blushed, flattered. They looked away, rubbing their paws together.

"What's your name?" Doraemon asked.

The stranger giggled a little.

"My name is Doramen," they answered.

"Doramen," Doraemon echoed, nodding thoughtfully. "I'm Doraemon."

Doramen smiled and nodded in understanding.

"Nice to meet you, Doraemon," he said.

"Nice to meet you too, Doramen," Doraemon replied.

Doramen rubbed his cheeks in an attempt to hide his blushes. It made Doraemon a little sad to see how happy he was just to have a conversation.

"Does this mean we're friends now?" Doramen asked.

Doraemon smiled warmly at him.

"Yes, it does," he answered.

Doramen's eyes lit up.

"Yaaaay! I have a new friend now!" he exclaimed, throwing his paws up in the air.

Doraemon silently watched him celebrate. He felt warm and fuzzy inside knowing he probably had just made Doramen's day. Despite his feelings at first, he was genuinely curious to see where his new friendship with Doramen was going to go. There was no telling, he told himself, and all he could do was wait and see.