A/N: This is my gratuitous wing!fic collection. This was supposed to be porn free, but it all got away from me…oops. You can find me on tumblr at sleipnirismybaby. As always, thanks to myenemyisanotion on tumblr who betas for me!

A Feather for Luck

Chapter 1

Magnus wakes up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and feathers in his bed. It says something about his life that this is not an unusual state of affairs.

"Alexander," he groans pitifully into his silk pillow.

One hand flops over onto the cooled sheets where his boyfriend should still be sleeping. All he gets for his trouble is the irritated grumbles of Chairman Meow who's fitfully splayed out over the sheets like a tiny, vengeful engine. Sensing danger, Magnus carefully extracts his hand from the range of vicious teeth and claws. Not willing to tempt fate by aggravating his capricious pet, the warlock roles over and slips his feet grudgingly into his warm, fluffy slippers.

His clock tells him it's entirely too early for Alec to be out of bed when he has a beautiful, flexible lover like Magnus sleeping next to him. But alas, with nothing left to do, he shuffles with minimal grace into their kitchen, where a brewed pot of coffee mocks him with the blatant lack of his favorite nephilim anywhere in sight.

Feeling gravely mistreated, Magnus huffs and almost considers crawling back into bed and ignoring the world until it makes more sense. Namely when his lover's warm body joins him back in their bed. It's a tempting thought, but Magnus graciously decides to forgive his darling all transgressions when he sees his favorite "Tea or Death" cup filled with steaming earl gray. Several sips later and some bleary staring at the weak morning light out his large bay windows makes him feel more alive.

Alive enough, at last, to hear the soft fall of water from the bathroom. Suddenly the early morning has an entirely different meaning, one far more interesting than slow morning sex. And that is something Magnus imagined he would think. He drains the rest of the tea and leaves it with Alec's in the sink to be washed later – probably by Alec himself, since Magnus tends to conveniently forget.

He opens the door to the bathroom just as Alec shuts off the water and steps out, ruffling his wings and spattering the entire bathroom, including Magnus, with water.

"Alexander," Magnus complains, blinking his eyes rapidly, "why must you do this to me?"

Alec doesn't even have the grace to look sheepish. Instead his lips pull up on the right side into the crooked little grin that captured Magnus's heart from the second time he'd laid on eyes on him.

"You'll be showering anyways," Alec says, grabbing a towel and scrubbing his hair with it. His wings flex and flutter behind him, confined by the breadth of the room. He's considered renovating his entire apartment to accommodate his lover's wings, but Alec had dismissed the idea by saying he was used to tight quarters.

That was true, because Magnus has intimate knowledge that the bathroom in Alec's room at the institute is much smaller. The bathroom didn't even have a shower big enough for both Magnus and Alec to fit inside without leaving the door open for Alec's wings.

Alec still hasn't forgiven him; which Magnus thinks is a bit unfair. It was Jackson's fault for barging in on them like that. At least Simon had the decency to not making retching noises.

That reminds him though, he snaps his fingers and flicks quickly through his phone until he reaches the morning text messages from his almost in-laws. Robert has dutifully taken the morning update picture and sent it to him. The newest acquisition is of his little Blueberry dutifully opening his mouth for his airplane cereal, while Rafe dozes into his bowl, half the milk spilled down the front of his shirt.

Everyone had declared it a miracle when Magnus had convinced both Maryse and Robert to carry cell phones, but Magnus knows he only won the battle by showing them the picture functions. Both of the grandparents were positively obsessed with taking pictures of Rafael and Max and shoving them into the faces of every person they knew.

Not that Magnus disagrees on principle, his little darlings are the most precious children in the world after all.

"Am I being ignored for our sons?" Alec asks wryly, wrapping the damp towel around his waist.

With another wave of his hand, Magnus banishes his phone back to his room, and saunters forward to tug at the towel. It flutters to the floor, and he sinks down onto the cool tile to kiss the damp skin just below Alec's belly button. He settles his hands on Alec's nicely cut hips, thumb brushing along the bone just beneath soft skin.

"Really, Magnus," Alec sighs, pushing his fingers through Magnus's sleep ruffled hair. "What is your fascination with my belly button?"

He rolls his eyes up the plane of Alec's body, over his abs, the damp chest hair, the pretty little nipples, and his face. He lingers on the arching, burnished brown wings over Alec's shoulders, most of those soft feathers hidden behind Alec's broad body.

"Well darling, I find myself lacking in the belly button department, and you always make the most delicious noises when I do this." So saying Magnus dips his tongue into the little divot, letting his teeth catch just slightly at the skin there.

Alec gives a hitching breath, barely anything, but Magnus doesn't let it bother him. Sometimes Alec is stubborn. He flicks his tongue again, and grins smugly against Alec's belly when he feels Alec's rising cock brush against his throat and the bottom of his jaw.

"A-alright," Alec gasps after another long application of tongue and teeth, "Get on with it already, angel's mercy."

Magnus hums with pleasure. It really is rare for his darling to curse, so he graciously lowers his attention to Alec's dick. And what a pretty dick it is, Magnus sighs contentedly as he chastely kisses the tip, flickering his tongue there like he'd done to Alec's bellybutton.

"Ahh," the exhale is gratifying, as is the stutter of Alec's hips, and the hands that clutch hard at Magnus's shoulders.

Magnus's hands slip down to tug at the heavy weight of Alec's balls, rolling them in his hands and pressing one finger to the skin just behind. Alec rolls his hip forward, and Magnus opens his mouth to get Alec's dick inside, relishing the sudden slide of warm flesh into the back of his throat.

Centuries of experience means Magnus can take the entirety of Alec's dick down his throat and keep it there until air defeats him.

"Magnus, Magnus," his fiancé groans, hips stuttering as he thrusts desperately. Those hard, calloused fingers slide to hold the back of his neck and one traces the spit-slick stretch of Magnus's mouth around his length.

Magnus hums, reaching both hands behind Alec's legs to flicker down the curve of Alec's wings, sliding his fingers into the still wet feathers and dragging his nails against the tender skin.

The wings are essentially a giant erogenous point for his lover so he isn't surprised when Alec yelps, pushes all the way down his throat, and comes with a whimper. He collapses against Magnus's back, wings instinctively flaring out to catch his balance.

Magnus draws back slowly, letting Alec's dick fall from his mouth with a last kiss to the tip. It's hard work standing up when his hard cock is bobbing against his stomach and Alec's knees can't hold him, but he still has a job to do.

"Darling, come to the bedroom," Magnus says, brushing several kisses over (his?) temple, eyes and lips. Alec blinks slowly at him, but mostly manages to support his own weight through the open door and back into their bedroom. Magnus is glad because he wouldn't have been able to move a two hundred and ten pound shadowhunter without magic, and it always made him felt like such a brute.

Alec face plants onto the bed, his heavy wings spreading out to take over the rest of the space and drag all over the floor. Chairman yowls, and spits, bolting from underneath the wet feathers and darting into the living room.

"Alexander," Magnus says.

Alec huffs, and says, "Nope, I'm done. You killed me."

Magnus sighs, but can't muster anything except resigned amusement. "Very well then, I'll just do it myself shall I?" he says and combs his fingers through the tops of Alec's wings.