Luck, or Fate

Chapter 1 - Captured

Marinette walked into her classroom. She looked around, and saw that Adrien was bent over a small paper. What is that? She thought to herself. Adrien, the love of her life, was hiding something. From everyone. He seemed to be disappearing from class often. But why? Marinette sat down in her usual seat, behind Adrien. She tried to peer over his shoulder to get a better look. But his torso was covering the paper completely. Not even Nino, who was sitting next to him, could see. She motioned to him, who happened to be looking back at her, to try and see what he was doing. Nino tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, everything okay?" Adrien shrugged back.

"I'm fine, I guess." Adrien whispered.

"We'll talk later." Nino tried to comfort him.

Mrs Bustier looked in Adrien's direction, noticing something was up. He never acted this way. What was wrong? Marinette thought again. Marinette, of course, trying to save her crush from trouble, put her hand up.

"Miss, can I borrow your stapler, please?" Marinette sighed in relief as her teacher gave her focus to her.

"Yes, sure. It's on my desk in the top drawer." She replied.

"Disorganized. Aghh." Chloé said in disgust.

"Typical." Marinette said still facing forward.

Marinette looked over in Adrien's direction.

"Thanks." He mouthed.

"You're welcome." She mouthed back.


Nathanaël dropped his sketch book.

"Ooohh. What's this?" Chloé picked it up and looked through it. "Awww, when are you going to propose to Marinette?" She showed him his sketch of him proposing to her in front of the Eiffel Tower. "That's adorable." Chloé snorted and threw his sketch book over the railing of the first floor. Then more people came to look at it. Nathanaël walked past Chloé, not saying anything. His eyes started welling up with tears. He went down the stairs onto ground level. He snatched his book from someone holding it and shoved it into his school bag.

He walked past Marinette, and as she expected him to say something, he just smiled and carried on walking. She knew his crush for her as Chloé yelled it out loud in the middle of class. Marinette looked at the TV hanging from the roof in the hallway on her way home.

"Breaking news! Chat Noir has been captured! Will Ladybug save the day? Or will Chat Noir have to break himself out?" The news-woman said to the camera. "Oh no." Marinette started running towards her locker. She dumped her bags inside, and ran into the bathroom. "Tikki! Spots on!" Her earrings started to appear with spots, and her mask was placed, as she wiped her hand across her face. She ran out of the bathroom without being seen and mad her way towards the news reporter.

"Who took him? Where did they go?" Ladybug asked the news reporter. "They went that way!" She pointed towards the City Hall. Lady Bug ran towards the City Hall. Nothing seemed out of place. Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She answered.

"Oh hey Alya."

"Where are you?!"

"I have a stomach bug."

"Oh no, you poor thing!"

"Yeah, I will call you later."

"Okay, bye!"


Marinette was grateful that Alya didn't have her suspicions and that the conversation was short. Ladybug ran to the front door. Where could Chat Noir be? She thought. Then her phone buzzed again.

"Aghh, who can it be this time?" Marinette groaned. The number was private. She answered only to hear Chat Noir's voice.

"Ladybug! Please help me. I tried to use my miraculous to escape but it didn't work. Now I am trapped in here with one minute until I change back to a normal person. They took me somewhere near the Eiffel Tower."

"I am on my way." Ladybug said. She shut her hone and put it back in her pocket. "Stupid news reporter. They don't have a sense of direction."

Ladybug reached the Eiffel Tower and looked around. Still, nothing looked out of place.

"Hmmm, strange." Crash! The top of the Eiffel Tower came crashing to the ground. People started running in all directions.

"Quick! Run!" People started yelling in distress. Ladybug threw her yo-yo towards the people in the way of the falling tower. Her yo-yo wasn't strong enough to hold the entire tower up so she decided to save the people that were about to get crushed. She swung them towards her and let them go.

"Go get cover." She told them, they were still processing the events that just happened.

The Eiffel Tower fell to the ground with a big crash. The ground shook from all the weight and force hitting it. The people were still going crazy! They were scared. Thirty-one seconds left.

Ladybug ran inside the remains of the Eiffel Tower thinking that the crash was a distraction. She went underneath what was left and discovered a secret door. She opened the flap and she climbed down the ladder. She heard faint mumbles. She followed the sound. She came to a door and slowly opened it. Ten seconds left.

"Chat Noir!"

"Hurry! My time is up!" Bright light filled the cracks in the door frame, as Chat Noir transformed back into a normal person.

"What should I do?" Ladybug turned her back to the door, nervous.

"Uhhh, I don't know!" Ladybug felt a temptation rising to the surface. She put her hand on the doorknob.

But she didn't open it. She heard running footsteps in the hallway.

"Freeze! Put your hands where we can see them!" One of the running men yelled. Ladybug couldn't make out their faces as they were wearing bandit masks. She slowly slipped her hands in the air. She said, "I surrender."

"Ladybug! No!" Chat Noir's voice echoed in her head. Two of the men walked forward pointing their guns towards Ladybug.

"Trying to rescue your sweetheart?" One of the men said. Chat Noir tried to break free of what ever he was being held down with.

"Naww, Chat Noir, if you are ever going to save her, it might as well be now." The other man said. When both of the men weren't focused on her, she swung her right leg across and hit them in the face. Then the other three men ran towards her. She threw her yo-yo and it wrapped around their guns.

She pulled their guns out from their hands. That only made them angrier. They started running towards her. Off guard, they each took a punch to the nose. Ladybug wiped the dust of her hands.

"There we go." She said, pleased with herself.

"Ladybug! I can't transform!" Don't worry, I'll get you out of there."

"But then you'll see who I really am!"

"That doesn't matter at the moment." Ladybug turned the knob of the door and opened it.