Hey guys! Long time no see! Cheesy greeting, I know. I hope you guys like this little plot bunny that jumped into my head a few days ago and I'd love to hear what you have to say (even if you didn't like it and you just want to tell me it sucks). Just so you know, this will be a bit different from my usual stories. I don't know where I'm going or a set plot, I'm just going wherever the story takes me, and I don't have set days for when I will be posting (though I do promise to post at least once a week).

I also wanted to let you know a couple things:

-Prisoner of Azkaban never happened. Yes, Sirius did escape but things happened that prevented him from getting to Harry.

-Because no one found out about Remus (besides Hermione), he did not quit and will be teaching at Hogwarts for their 4th year.

-Harry's situation with the Dursely's is much worst than in the book, he's in a horribly abusive house hold.

-Hermione's home situation is similar to Harry's.

-There will be mentions of abuse (obviously) and rape in this story though I haven't decided how graphic I will get. I promise to place warnings if it becomes graphic so that you can avoid those bits if that makes you uncomfortable.

-The Triwizard Tournament will take place.

-This is a Harmione fic.

Have fun in the little world I've written.



Disclaimer: This is not my sandbox no matter how much I love playing in it. This sandbox and all its inhabitants belong to the lovely J. K. Rowling.

Chpt. 1: There's No Place Like Home

Glass shatters downstairs and a sigh escapes Hermione's lips as her parent's loud voices shatter the peaceful silence she had managed to surround herself with as she slowly unpacked her trunk.

"I'm not even home an hour and they're already a it." Her voice is barely a whisper as her eyes slide cautiously to the door, silently wishing he hadn't taken the lock from her door the first time she had attempted to keep him away from her.

Softly stroking the H of the soft sweater Mrs. Weasley had sent her this year, she sets the top back into her half unpacked trunk and moves to her open window. Carefully popping out the screen and balancing it against one of the many bookshelves that line her walls, she slips out onto the roof outside her window that covers the garage of her parent's two story farm house. Hermione pulls her knees to her chest in an attempt to close the hole in her chest that opened every time she was forced to leave her safe haven.

A truck flies down her quiet street and a sickening thump snaps her chocolate gaze to the normally safe street. The truck's twilight fade into the distance but Hermione barely notices, her normally warm gaze filling with worry for the dark lump the car had hit without a care to if whatever it was had been hurt or not. Springing to her feet, Hermione quickly runs to the edge of her little roof and climbs down the grate her mother had had her father put up as a backdrop for the garden that lines the right side of their garage before sprinting toward the mass lying motionless in the street.

Tears well in her eyes as she takes in the large dog, struggling for breath as she kneels down beside him. "Don't worry buddy, I'm going to make sure you're ok."

The dog whines, his wolf pain filled eyes connecting with her gaze as she lifts the heavy dog into her arms.

"I know it hurts bud but I've got to get you somewhere safe." Her breath is labored as she struggles under the dog's weight.

The dog's head lifts as they approach her house, her parents' voices leaking out of the open window near the kitchen. He glances at the house and then back to her, a question seeming to radiate from his intelligent gaze as he opens his mouth as though he wants to make a noise.

"No." The young girl cuts off the dog before he can make a sound and her eyebrows shoot to her hairline when the dog immediately shuts his mouth as though he actually understands her. "We can't have them hearing you, they'd have you put down faster than you could bark and I don't particularly want that, do you?"

The dog snorts and shakes his head before resting it in the crook of Hermione's neck.

Her strained chuckle escapes the young girl's lips as she creeps along the side if the house by her window and into the shed next to the garage. She quietly pushes the door open with her foot and slips into the small building before gently setting the dog onto the old tarp lying in the far corner if the room. Hermione quickly moves away from the dog who watches her cautiously as she walks purposefully toward the other corner of the shed and pries up a corner of the metal wall no one would have never known was anymore loose than any other one of the walls. The dog snorts, drawing Hermione's attention back to him as she pulls a small white box from the space behind the metal wall. "You know, since you keep snuffling at me like that, I'm going to call you Snuffles." The dog seems to shoot her an incredulous look and the young girl laughs softly as she pulls the disinfectant from the small box and kneels down next the hurt creature once again. "It's your own fault, I probably would have given you a better name. If you hadn't kept looking at me so oddly... Now please try to keep quiet, this is going to sting." The dog whines softly as Hermione carefully cleans out his wounds and bandages him up. "I'll come back out after my parents go to work to check on your wounds and bring you into the house so I can take better care of you but you'll have to sleep here tonight buddy." Hermione carefully rises to her feet and places the first aid kit back behind the shed's metal wall before coming back to the animal watching her from the tarp. "I'll see you tomorrow, Snuffles." She softly scratches his he's before leaving the small building and closing the door behind her.

Sirius Black stares at the closed door long after the young girl has left him, a small smile tugging at his wolfish lips. It had been a long time since anyone had felt the need to show him kindness.

"Good morning, Snuffles." Hermione greets the dog still lying on the tarp she had placed him on the night before as she once again enters the shed. "Do you think you'll be able to walk today bud? I don't think I'd be able to carry you upstairs today, I'm a bit sore from yesterday." The young girl unconsciously rubs her side, the bottom of her shirt riding up just enough to show the dark purple bruise that hadn't been there the night before.

Snuffles rises to his feet, his eyes fixating on the mark as a growl escapes his lips.

Hermione's eyebrows shoot up, wondering why her new friend was suddenly so irritable, before her gaze follows his and she immediately pulls her shirt down. "It's nothing buddy. Don't worry about it. I've had much worse. Let's just focus on getting you upstairs and into my room so we can get you all mended up, alright?"

The dog snorts, his eyes narrowing at Hermione in what looks like disbelief. Hermione shakes her head because dogs can't look at you in disbelief. "Come on bud." She pats the side of her leg as she holds open the shed door for her new friend.

Snuffles slowly limps his way over to Hermione, stopping for a second to nuzzle her leg before exiting the shed and waiting for her to lead him the rest of the way into her house.

Hermione quickly closes the shed door before striding past the giant black dog and making her way to the back door of the house.

Snuffles limps after her, grinning up at her as he passes through the door she is holding open for him.

"Alright, bud, first things first: We've got to give you a bath," Hermione tells the dog as she closes the door.

Snuffles freezes, his smile dropping and laughter bubbles from Hermione's mouth.