Waking up

I hate mondays. Every monday morning is the same, I wake up far too slowly, usually not even noticing my alarms. Yes, alarms, I have several set up throughout my bedroom to force myself to get up. Strangely enough, I don't hear any of them now. But still, opening my eyes would be too great a challenge.

I can remember last night, I had been reading, some of those fantasy books that I feel ashamed of, even if they are insanely popular. I really like those, and this actually was my third time going through that tower of books, and the series isn't even finished yet, if it ever will be. I had a dream about it, but it's really unclear what it was exactly.

I open my eyes and now I know that something is wrong. My bed is just a cheap double one, and not one of those fancy ones with curtains. But my girlfriend also doesn't have something like that. Immediately I feel worried, trying to recall if I by any chance did anything strange last night to end up somewhere else. I really don't want that. I don't want to lose my girlfriend over a one night stand with someone I don't even remember. I really don't know.

I rub my eyes, which feels wrong. I don't have such cheekbones. I let my fingers slide over the rest of my face, and then I feel it. Curls. I never had the slightest curl in my hair, and there is no one lying with me. Briefly I wonder if it could be a wig, from some party where I got far too drunk, but the hair starts right at my skin.

There is only one way to solve this. I pull the sheets aside, and see myself. This is really wrong. Not least because I always was a bit flatter than this. What has happened to me? Am I even me? Why can I see everything clearly without my glasses? I don't know but this has to be a dream, and not one that I like. But as far as I recall, I never really did think all that much in my dreams.

I try to figure out what has happened when I hear a voice: "Milady? Are you awake?"

Who on earth calls me that? Except as a joke perhaps. Not sounding like that. Somehow I know the voice, it belongs to Mona, who I remember to be a maid. My maid, according to my mind. That is odd, I'm not someone with a maid, apart from that one time. But why do I recall all this? I don't know anyone with that name, even if she has been with me for years, apparently.

The curtains are pulled open, and I see the young woman, just like in my memory. I briefly forget about the sheets, but as soon as I remember, I pull them up again, feeling ashamed. "Milady, I'm very sorry, but you must get dressed for your wedding."

A wedding? What sort of rubish is that? I'm not going to get married, especially if I don't know the bride. Is this a joke? If so, I am going to kill my friends. But only after figuring out how they did it. I mumble that I need a few more moments when Mona suddenly pulls my sheets away, right from my hands. I blush as I try to cover myself with my hands. I'm not overly prudish, but I don't know this woman, even if I do know her. It's just too confusing.

"Milady, there is no need to hide yourself. Especially from me, I've seen you grow into the woman that you are now. And you are beautiful, there is no need to worry if your husband will have you."

Husband? As in, a man? No. That's not going to happen. I've had enough of this, more than enough. This is no joke anymore. "No.", I state.

"How do you mean milady?", she looks confused, which confuses me in turn. Something gnaws at me. What if this is not a joke? What if this is somehow real?

" No", I persist. "I am not going to get married. Not today. Not ever."

I see the colour drain from her face. "B-but, milady, your father promised it. And your brother too. And you always wanted this, since you was little, to be the queen."

Of course I wanted to be a queen, but not with a king. No, with another queen, who would of course be beautiful. But that always was one of those fantasies, just like receiving a Hogwarts letter or being a powerful vampire. The things everyone fantasises about. And what does my dad have to do with me being married? I know, he would be there, just like the rest of the family, but then again, he doesn't decide for me. Not even in his church.

This has to be the most vivid dream I ever had, and I'm some sort of medieval princess. I want to wake up from this nightmare, but of course, I don't. I remain here, with some strange yet known woman looking at me. I sigh. It doesn't look like I have any effect on her with my words.

I say nothing, but Mona continues: "Your bath is ready milady."

That sounds tempting, I have always loved baths despite not having one in my current house. And my parents never let me really bathe. But my ex did, when she wasn't there I sometimes just sat there, with a book in the warm water. At least this dream has some good parts.

Slowly I get up, feeling dizzy. Somehow I am shorter than I used to be. I am in a castle of sorts, just like I expected. The stone walls are covered in tapestries, covered in flowery patterns. They are really nice, but Mona drags me by the hand, through an open door, into the presence of a pair of other women, who are also familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

And I see something else, a mirror, right there at the wall. It doesn't look good, worse than the cheap mirror on my wardrobe, which is odd. I had expected a princess to have something a lot better. I mean, I am a princess right?

I step forwards, blushing so hard that I think that the whole castle might catch fire. I'm just not used to being naked between several fully dressed strangers. I walk slowly towards the bath, still looking at the mirror. I see someone new, she is really pretty, with long brown curls, a round face, and a body to kill for. I blink, and she does the same. It strikes me, this is me, and I know the face. I know it all too well. "I am Margaery Tyrell!"