Over the next few weeks, Hermione had been receiving strange notes. They would appear in random places, such as a book she had been reading, or would be dropped off by some first year, mostly ones she had never even seen before. At first, she had ignored them, thinking that it was some kind of joke. However, when she continuously received them over several weeks, her curiosity was peaked. She had just received another one, and opened it up.

Dearest Hermione, you shine so brightly. When I see you in the hall, I start to fall. Head over heels, like the floor is covered in banana peels.

All of the notes were similar; written in boyish handwriting, by a dimwit, with no idea how to write decent poetry. She supposed that the notes were endearing, but they were dumb. She was not going to be romantically interested in anyone who was so obviously a dolt. Regardless, she still pondered at the author of the notes she was receiving, and came to no conclusions.

She had deducted that it couldn't be Harry or Ron, as she knew both of their handwriting and it looked like neither of them had written it. She was also sure that neither of them could be so corny. She tried to think of other students that she knew, but was unable to think of any that fit the description well who she believed would actually like her.

When she grew tired of thinking on such a trivial matter, Hermione decided to go to the library to do some reading. However, when she arrived, the library was far too crowded to have any peace of mind. The visiting schools had been allowed use of the Hogwarts library during their stay and had apparently chosen this day to take advantage of their privileges. Hermione, frustrated, left the library and decided that she would go to the Great Hall, where the Goblet of Fire was being kept on display for any witches or wizards that wanted to enter the Triwizard Tournament. After the initial excitement had died down, the Great Hall remained fairly empty save for a few students who, like Hermione, were searching for peace and some who were debating whether or not to enter the Tournament. It was Thursday, Halloween, and this was the last chance to enter before the champions were chosen.

While Hermione was reading, she was interrupted by the sound of heavy boots clomping on the floor. She looked up, and watched as Viktor Krum confidently dropped his name into the Goblet of Fire. As he turned around, she made eye contact with him, which held awkwardly until he had walked past where she was sitting and was no longer in his line of sight. Although she thought it was strange, Hermione went back to her reading, thinking little of what had just occurred.

When Hermione next looked at the clock, she started gathering her things so she could go meet Ginny after class so she could help her with one of the latest things she had learned in Charms. As she was packing her things into her bag, her eyes fell on the last note that she had received. Incredulous, she thought back to the awkward look she shared with Viktor Krum and had a sudden thought.

He couldn't honestly be the one sending me these notes…could he? He's famous for heaven's sake! He could have any girl in this school. There's no reason for him to like me. I've never even talked to him! But…could it be? Is he my secret admirer? He is a quidditch player, after all. He probably isn't all that bright. He looks awfully tough, but maybe he is a corny romantic under that hard exterior. Not that I would be interested anyway. I couldn't possibly have any connection with someone like him.

Hermione was happy to have some kind of clue as to who might be writing her these notes. Although she wasn't certain that it was him, Viktor Krum did seem like a likely candidate, especially considering the way he stared at her as he left the room. Hermione hurried to meet Ginny in the Gryffindor common room so that she could finally tell her only girlfriend about her secret admirer and who she believes it is.

"No way!" Ginny exclaimed excitedly as they entered their dormitory.

"I think so," Hermione stated, matter-of-factly. Ginny was ecstatic; her best friend was being admired by a celebrity. Not just any celebrity, but the seeker for the Bulgarians, who played at the Quidditch World Cup that year. "He's quite a dolt, as you can see by the notes he's left me."

Ginny picked one out of the stack Hermione had on her nightstand and read out loud:

Roses are red, your eyes are brown. There is so much I wish to tell you, but you always put me down.

"Definitely a dolt. But he seems romantic, at least," Ginny attempted to persuade her best friend. "He could make a good boyfriend." Hermione shook her head in distaste.

"I doubt it. I care too much about intelligence." Hermione stuck her nose up in the air, aware that she was being snarky but too tenacious to care. Ginny was still reading Hermione's love notes so Hermione snatched them from her and stashed them in her drawer. "Aren't I supposed to be helping you with charms or something?" Hermione asked. Ginny laughed but conceded when she saw her friend's flushed cheeks. The two girls started their work, which continued into the afternoon.

Draco had devised the perfect plan. He was going to get Granger in trouble and hurt her perfect reputation. The champions would be chosen tonight, and he would use it to his advantage.

In the Great Hall that night, the Slytherins ate and waited anxiously for the Triwizard champions to be revealed. Everyone was (somehow) shocked when the Goblet of Fire spat out not three names, but four: Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory, and (none other than) Harry Potter. When Malfoy heard Potter's name shouted uncertainly from Dumbledore's mouth, he rolled his eyes in disgust. Malfoy thought bitterly, Of course Potter found a way around the age line. Dumbledore probably entered that twit himself. This made Malfoy even more adamant to execute his prank. Now that he knew who the champions were, it was time to set his plan in motion. Malfoy signaled to Crabbe and Goyle, and the three mischievous boys left dinner early to go set their traps.

Hermione, Ginny, and Ron walked back to the dormitory excitedly.

"Can you believe Harry's name got drawn? How in bloody hell did he do that?" Ron asked, disbelief in his voice.

"You don't really think Harry got his name in, do you?" Ginny asked in defense of her crush. Hermione nodded her head in agreement. Suddenly, a first year stepped in front of the trio, looking at Hermione expectantly.

He handed her a piece of parchment, which she quickly tucked into the pocket of her robes. Ron looked at her questioningly, but walked on to the dorm without asking any questions. When Hermione and Ginny made it back to the dormitory, they sat on her bed and pulled out the newest note.

Hermione read over it one time, and then looked at Ginny with uncertainty. The red-headed witch, too anxious to wait any longer, took the note from Hermione's hands and read it out loud:

"You're so smart; so beautiful that you're practically a work of art. I see you in the library; what is it that you read? At the height of the moon, would you meet me beneath the typhoon? Tell me what you read; what are your dreams?

"What on earth does that mean?" Ginny asked Hermione. "Obviously, he wants you to meet him at midnight. What does 'beneath the typhoon' mean?"

Hermione looked back at Ginny with doubt. "I think I might know, but that doesn't mean I should go."

"Oh, come on!" Ginny pleaded. "Your secret admirer wants you to meet him at midnight. He wants to talk about your dreams," Ginny seemed like she wanted to go more than Hermione did. "Where does he want you to meet him?"

"There's a painting of a typhoon in the library. If the seat is open, I usually sit beneath it because it's private." Ginny squealed in excitement. Apparently, this meant that Hermione should definitely go. "But what if we get caught? If he wants to meet with me, he should do so at a time that is appropriate for a young lady: during the day." Hermione stated with confidence.

The red-headed witch pleaded with her brunette best friend. "But meeting at midnight is so romantic," Ginny insisted. Hermione shook her head defiantly, but Ginny was not deterred. "Come on, Hermione. I know you have to be curious. I certainly would be."

Hermione conceded that she was curious, but was still not convinced that she should go and meet this stranger at midnight in the library.

"Hermione," Ginny said to her best friend, with a serious look on her face. "One day, you're going to be a regular, boring housewife with no life and you're going to need these days to look back on and feel joy. You need to make memories that can make you happy. What if you meet your soul mate tonight?" Hermione looked at her friend, irritation on her face. Ginny tried harder. "Even worse; what if you stay here tonight and miss out on meeting your soul mate?" Ginny looked at her intelligent best friend with horror on her face.

Hermione laughed at her friend and looked away. "Well…" Ginny looked at Hermione with pleading eyes. "I guess it couldn't hurt," Hermione finished. Ginny did a happy dance and went back to her bed, satisfied.

At 5 minutes until midnight, Malfoy approached Professor McGonagall's office and knocked harshly. The older professor swung the door open, and looked down at Malfoy expectantly. Having seen this particular sight before, McGonagall rolled her eyes and asked Malfoy bluntly, "Shouldn't you be in bed? What is it that you need, Mr. Malfoy?"

"I'm sorry, Professor," Malfoy said hurriedly. "I heard a rumor that one of the Gryffindor students was sneaking into the library tonight for some kind of rendezvous." McGonagall looked at Malfoy with piercing eyes, then grabbed him by the arm and lead him towards the library. Malfoy was excited to see what he would find in the library when they arrived. He tried to smother his laugh when he pictured Hermione standing in the library, with only her robes and undergarments on.

However, when the odd pair entered the library quietly, they looked down each aisle until they saw a breathless Hermione reading a book in the chair beneath a painting of a typhoon.

Professor McGonagall looked on in shock. "Mrs. Granger! What are you doing out of your dormitory at this time of night?" Hermione jumped in shock and stared at McGonagall, speechless. She shook her head, wordlessly. "I expect more of you, Mrs. Granger. Ten points from Gryffindor." Hermione hung her head in shame. "As for you, Mr. Malfoy, ten points from Slytherin." Malfoy was unperturbed. Ten points was worth seeing Hermione's face when McGonagall came around the corner and not a dreamy wizard come to claim her as his soul mate. Hermione, however, looked up quickly when she heard Malfoy's name. They made eye contact, and Malfoy winked at her. Enraged, Hermione hung her head once again to hide her expression from her professor. "Both of you should know better than to be out this late. However, since you both want to disobey rules, you can both deal with detention for the next month." At this, both fourth-years looked at McGonagall in disbelief.

"A whole month!" Malfoy argued, "That's ridiculous. That's child abuse. I'll tell my father about this!" Hermione said nothing, just kept her face hidden from view. The old professor was unbothered by Malfoy's threats, and escorted both students back to their respective dormitories. She let them both know to report in front of Hagrid's hut the following night, and every night for a month unless given further instruction.

When Hermione arrived back at her dorm, Ginny was waiting up excitedly. When she saw Hermione's downturned face, however, she was confused.

"What happened, Hermione?" The redhead asked her best friend. "Did you meet him?"

"Oh, I met him, alright," Hermione said angrily. Ginny looked at her friend, concerned. "It was Malfoy," she said shortly.

"Malfoy!" Ginny said, shocked. "He really likes you?"

"Of course not!" Hermione told her friend. "He was tricking me. He got McGonagall to come with him to get me in trouble. Now I have detention with him for an entire month." Hermione shook her head, feeling sad. "I should have known better…I never should have gone to meet my fake admirer."

Ginny felt compassion for her friend, who was so obviously sad that she didn't have a real admirer. "What a pig," Ginny said in reference to the blonde wizard who had tricked her best friend. Hermione blew out the candle next to her bed and laid down.

"If you want to talk about it, I'm here, Hermione," Ginny said supportively.

"I don't really want to talk about it," Hermione said as she rolled over to face the other direction. She did not want her friend to know how much she was truly hurting from this experience. Although she told herself she wasn't interested in any secret admirer who was dimwitted enough to write those notes, she was still hurt after finding out it had been a joke the entire time.

The truth was, Hermione was lonely. Even Ginny had found guys, but Hermione was still alone with her books. I guess I should just accept the way things are… Hermione thought sadly as she drifted off into a restless sleep.

When Draco got back to his dormitory, Crabbe and Goyle were waiting patiently for their ringleader. "It was a success," he told them with a smirk. His smirk fell when he thought about his punishment. "But McGonagall gave me a month's detention with Granger. Can you believe it?" Crabbe and Goyle shook their heads and agreed when Malfoy suggested she was senile.

Malfoy went to bed, trying to think of ways to tell his parents that he would be in detention for a month because he was out of bed past curfew. Otherwise, Malfoy slept soundly, unperturbed by the damage he had done to the mudblood, Hermione.