A/N: Hey guys! Thanks so much for all the reviews and the love. I got a review with someone to finish Four Doors, and I am so sorry, but I have tried dozens of times to write the last chapter and I just can't. I didn't want to delete the story from fanficition, but I'm not sure it'll ever get that last chapter.

Here is the epilogue I hope you enjoy it.

4 years later

Clary's eyes winked open, seeing her husband gazing at her. She grunted softly, as she stretched her limbs before snuggling into Jace's firm body. "The kids are up." He murmured, peppering kisses to her neck.

"We should probably go take care of that." She snickered, beginning to sit up.

"They'll get us soon." He drew her into his arms, holding her body securely against his.

Ever since Jace got a local office in the suburbs, his job was strictly 10 to 4, which meant he spent most of his time at home. She loved that he was home so much because they constantly were spending time with their children. The money she won from the divorce kept them comfortable, so Jace didn't really need to work, but he said he needed something to do. He also kept his job to raise money for the kids college fund.

The door to their room creaked open, and they both closed their eyes, pretending to be asleep. Their small feet bounded into the room, as they crawled on top of the bed. "Wakie wakie!" Their youngest, James, pounced on top of them. He was barely two, which just made her heart melt.

"Mom! Dad!" Jonathan began shaking them, but they kept their eye close, trying to keep their snickers inside.

"We know you are awake!" Will groaned, lying on top of them with his limbs spread wide.

Three boys. She wondered how in the world she got so outnumbered in her own home? She shook her head at that thought, knowing that they were all handfuls, including her husband. As they grew up, they were just going to get more and more rambunctious. Jace informed her that he was a nightmare during his childhood, so she always expected the worst. There was crayon on the wall, sticky hands on the ceiling, and keys in the toilet.

"Alright, go down stairs. Let us get ready." Jace groaned, climbing out of bed.

"Yay!" The kids tumbled off the bed, running out of the room.

Clary crawled out of bed, running her fingers through her hair. Jace took her hand, tugging her into the bathroom with him, which made her smile faintly. She had been keeping something small to herself for a short while, and she figured now was a great time to tell him. His mouth tangled with hers, like it always did during their morning bathroom exchanges. He picked her up, placing her on the edge of the sink, deepening their kiss even further. Clary broke away for air, sliding her hand down his chest.

"What is it?" He panted, peppering kisses across her neck.

"I think I'm pregnant." She wove her hands into his hair, as he drew back from her. He grinned widely, passionately kissing her again. She giggled against his mouth, holding onto his hips. "I still have to take the test." She laughed, slipping off the sink. She reached in the cabinet, grabbing one of their many pregnancy tests. They had a sale once, so Clary bought like 10 of them, not that she used them a lot, but her and Jace weren't known to be careful. They knew it was stupid of them, but they hated protection.

She peed on the stick before hoping back up on the sink. Jace rubbed his hands across her thighs, as they waited with a big grin on his face. "I really hope you're pregnant again." He hummed, snickering quietly.

"You do?" She giggled, tracing her hands down his arms.

"Yeah." He kissed her lightly, moving the hair out of her face.

"You have gotten me pregnant twice in the last 4 years, which means I have been pregnant 3 times in the last 5 years." She shook her head at him.

"You haven't been pregnant in two years." He said a matter of fact like, as he crossed his arms with a faint smile across his face.

"You know what I think?" She smirked, pulling him against her. "I think you have a pregnancy kink. You get especially turned on when there is a baby inside me."

"Is that a crime?" A sly grin formed on his lips, confirming her beliefs.

"No, just interesting is all. What if I don't want to be pregnant again? What ever will you do?" She laughed sarcastically, biting her lip.

"Don't even say that?!" He exclaimed with fake worry.

"You are lucky I love being pregnant." She snorted, squeezing his hips lightly.

"Can you honestly blame me? We started dating while you were pregnant. It also makes your boobs like twice as big." He stated, as he picked up the test.

"Right." She rolled her eyes teasingly at him. "Well what does it say?" Clary peered over his hands, wondering if baby number 4 was on the way.

A/N: I hoped you guys liked it. I loved writing this, and I am super proud that I wrote so much in the last three days. You guys are amazing.

I will not be posting a new story any time soon because I changed my writing process. I now write the full story, and then I start posting. I write very out of order now. I am in the process of writing three stories. One if my rewrite of Reckless Flames, which is going to be called Reckless Flames 2.0. Then I am writing a story about a Victorian Era Gang. I have no clue what I am going to name it, but it is very fun. Then I am also writing a college AU, and this one is nowhere near complete like the other two.

If any of you want a sneak peek for any of these stories, please let me know. I would love to share a piece of it.

Also, if anyone wants to be on deck to beta for these stories, please let me know. I really want to make them perfect. I have probably a few more months until that point though.

Thanks so much for everything guys!

Please review!