Daryl looked outside the window and I creeped closer to him. My heart started to pound before a wash of familiarity washed over me, calming down my nerves. A strange feeling of rightness I had been lacking settled in. In was all so unfamiliar and comforting.

"It's okay," He said and I jumped, not realizing how inside my own head I was. "It's us," He said as he walked to the door to open it up. Four people came in. A hispanic woman, a man with ginger hair who looked like he belonged in the military, a black man with dreads, and white woman with dark hair. "Is it true?" The hispanic woman asked Daryl before she saw me. "She is here?" He nodded and pointed at me. She gasped as if she had seen a ghost. No strange feelings came to surface when I saw her like it did with Rick, Michonne or Daryl. I thought to myself that I must have not known her before so I stuck my hand out. "Beth apparently," I said not knowing what else to say. "Rosita," She said. She pointed to the military man, "That's Abraham. The other guy is Heath and the other woman is Tara." I nodded to each of them and took a seat. The four followed suit. "Is that all who are here?" I asked, hoping to not have to remember anymore names. Rosita answered,"No, sorry. A lot of us are here." With that there was another knock.

Two men came in this time, one black with a bald head and the other had long hair and a bushy beard. "This must be her,"said the black man. "I'm Father Gabriel. This," He pointed to the man with him, "is Paul. Otherwise known as Jesus." I shook both of their hands, "Beth." Both smiled. "Welcome," the man called Jesus said. The door swung open.

"She is here?!" Another woman said. This woman had grey, short hair that suggested age or stress. Considering the world we lived in, I assumed the latter. A smile erupted on her face when she saw me. A feeling of strength and friendship came up to just beneath my skin. "Beth!" She cried out of joy. I ran to her and hugged her. As we pulled apart I said, "I'm sorry, but what is your name again?" Everyone in the r.v but Daryl laughed. "Carol," she said. "My name is Carol." I smiled, the name ringing a faint bell. The door blasted open revealing a black woman. "Oh my god. It's actually you!" She said was she walked up and hugged me. The same feeling with Carol came up again. I was quickly becoming overwhelmed with a new feeling that must have been joy. Bit by bit, I felt happier and closer to whole.

We had just sat down when Michonne came back. "Rick is on his way with Glenn and Maggie. As soon as they come, we have to take off," she announced."My sister?" I asked. Michonne smiled and nodded. "Then Father Gabriel, Tara, Heath and I will get in the other car," Jesus said and the four of them left. As soon as they left Rick entered followed by an Asian man. "Beth!" He said excitedly as he hugged me. This feeling was different. It was something closer to family. Then Maggie came in. She dropped the gun that was slung over her shoulder and tear formed in her eyes as the brightest smile I had ever seen took over her face. A feeling I could only describe as home settled upon me. The feeling I had been longing for since I woke up at Negan's, maybe longer. With that tears began to form in my own eyes. I ran up and hugged her. The two of us fell on our knees. I couldn't remember a feeling as pure as sweet as the love that ran in my veins for her. Any doubt I may have had that they were lying to me was washed away. Maggie was my sister, I felt it in my bones.

The two of us got up and smiled as we looked at each other. Then laughed. Maybe it was because there was no other way to express what we were feeling. As soon as we sat down, the r.v started to move forward.

With Michonne at the wheel, Rick told everyone how they found me and how Negan tricked me into thinking I was someone else. I had never seen such rage in people's faces for another human's being then what I saw played on the faces of the people in the r.v. . "Now isn't the time for that," I piped up. Maggie who hadn't left my side looked at me with pride. "Of course," Rick said. "Let's celebrate, we have Beth back!" Everyone in the van cheered. "Can you guys tell me stories of you know, you guys?" I asked. I thought that maybe with their stories I will remember my own. Everyone started talking at once, feeding me all sorts of stories. I laughed, "Geez guys, one at a time." Rick claimed first. He told me the time of when it was just him and Carl on the road. The two weren't getting along at the time, so Carl went out to scavenge for food while he was asleep. Apparently while he was out, he found an unopened tub of chocolate pudding which like any teenage boy decided to eat all of it. And had a walker steal his shoe. Of course, Rick's retelling of the story was more humorous than it would of been at the time, but it worked all the same. I laughed, we all did. Daryl even cracked a smile.

Again, stories started to flood in. One of my favorites just about Judith and her red cups. How she loves to play with them and try to eat them. Another was all the stories about Eugene's awkwardness. Especially when he first met Tara and she turned him down telling him she was gay. These people were so strange to me. None of Negan's men ever had funny stories to tell. Within the car ride, I fell in love with every single one of those strangers. Maybe because they didn't feel that strange.

By the time we rolled into Alexandria, I was about ready to fall asleep on Maggie's shoulder. As I walked out of the r.v, my heart and head began to pound. With all those stories, letting me in, it was obvious they trusted me with everything even when they didn't know. Not a single one of them knew what I had done, had been forced to do, and yet they still trusted me. That thought alone was enough for me to nearly break down into pieces. I had a dark heart thank to my sins.

That's when Maggie tapped my shoulder. I hadn't even realized I hadn't moved. Gently she led me to what I assumed was her home and a warm bed. I looked behind me and notice Daryl. He was off to the side, by himself, and never took his eyes off me. In a normal circumstance that would of creeped me out, but after the bits and pieces I had picked up tonight, it didn't. For the first time since I awoke, I said a prayer. Just for God to keep an eye on him and hopefully heal him.