ANAS POV. Four months later.

"Christian! Oh my God put me down!" I laugh and scream at the same time but all he does is go about his business with me flung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Christian?...Christian?...OK!...I'm sorry, OK? It was idiotic of me to go out on my own and I'm sorry I did it. You were right. I do need security"

He has been mad at me all morning. It all started when I informed him that now that Jack Hyde is behind bars that I would not need Sawyer anymore. He told me that I had to have security and just to spite him I left the apartment without telling anyone and went shopping on my own. It was stupid really but I wanted to prove a point that I did not need a hulking 6'3 beast of a man following me. Turns out I did need him because the paparazzi swarmed me in Starbucks. I had to hide out in the bathroom and then call Sawyer to come get me.

As soon as I got back to Escala and Christian saw that I was OK he pointed at me, shook his head and then walked away. I know that he was mad at me and disappointed so I tried to say sorry but he ignored me. I started following him from room to room and after almost twenty minutes he threw me over his shoulder and then just carried on about his business. He has made a phone call. Made himself a coffee and even took a pee with me over his shoulder.

Christian grips my hips and then slowly lets me slide down his body but he keeps hold of me by my shoulders.

"What you did today scared me, Anastasia. After what that crazy fucker put us through I thought you would have more sense than to run off unprotected. I love you. If anything happened to you it would end me! Do you understand that?"

"Yes, I understand and I'm sorry. I just thought with Hyde gone that it would be OK now"

"Baby, Hyde is just one of many crazy fuckers that are going to come at us. I have a lot of enemy's and unfortunately you inherited them when you agreed to marry me" he tells me softly as he touches my wedding ring.

Christian proposed to three months ago and we were married a month later at his parents house. We went on an amazing honeymoon across Europe and we have been back for about a month now.

Just before we got married, I started having threatening letters sent to me. I gave them straight to Christian and it was less than a day later that Welch discovered it was Jack Hyde. He went on a vendetta against myself and Christian and it ended up with him waving a gun at Christian outside of Grey House. Taylor pulled his gun and told Hyde to drop it but when he aimed it at Christian and pulled the trigger, Taylor shot him. Thank God the bullet from Jacks gun missed Christian by about a foot.

The police were called and Hyde was charged with attempted murder, stalking, harassment and a slew of other things. Yesterday was his sentencing and the judge gave him life with a minimum term of 35 years before he is able to apply for parole.

It's not only Hyde that is now behind bars. Elena Lincoln is also rotting away inside. I met her for the first time just before my wedding. She had been trying to contact Christian for months at that point but he ignored her calls and emails. He told me that when I told him about Stephen Morton he realized what type of monster Elena was. He had his team wipe everything about him from her computers and then he started putting together a plan to get her thrown in jail. The statue of limitations had ran out on Christian but he managed to find enough evidence on her for tax evasion and money laundering on her to put her away for years but what really hammered the final nail in her coffin was when the police found evidence of her blackmailing the Senator. Apparently he liked BDSM and Elena provided him with submissive's but then she started blackmailing him with the information. The senator ended up killing himself and Elena was handed a further 25 years onto her sentence because she was the blame for his death.

I have encouraged Christian to tell his parents about what she did but he is convinced his mother would blame herself as it was her that made him go to Elena's as a teenager and do yard work. I know one day he will tell them but for now all of Elena's mail is monitored so there is little to no chance that Elena can reveal any of Christians secrets so he feels comfortable to just get on with his life and put that evil witch behind him.

"I'm really sorry for making you worry. I'm just stubborn and I promise not to ditch security anymore" I hold my pinky finger out to him and he laughs as we pinky promise.

"Do we get to have make up sex now?"

"I don't know. I'm pretty mad at you for walking around with me on your shoulder for the last ten minutes. Why did you do that anyway?"

"It was either that or throw you to the floor and fuck the life from you. The more you bugged me the more turned on I became so I thought it was best for you to be over my shoulder so I would not be tempted to punishment fuck you. I never want to do that again" The memory of the handcuffs on our honeymoon come to mind and I know he is still eaten up by that. I enjoyed it. Not the hickeys afterward but the actual sex was the hottest we have ever had.

"You know that was the hottest sex I have ever had, right?"


"On the Fair Lady. When you used the handcuffs and really, really fucked me? That was the hardest I've ever come" I shrug.

"You liked that?"

"Yep. And now you won't do it anymore. I'm not on board with you giving me hickeys but If you want to take me to the bedroom and fuck my brains out, I wont obej.."

Before I can even finish what I am saying I am once again over his shoulder and he is making a beeline for the bedroom.

Ana-1 Christian-0


I walk into our bedroom and find my husband sat on the bed looking into space. I sit next to him and gently rub his back.

"Are you OK, Christian? You have been awfully quite since you got home. Everything OK at work?"

"Yeah everything is fine" He sighs.

"Well clearly something is wrong. You look like someone just told you your puppy died"

"Well...I want to ask you something but I'm not sure how you're going to react"

I scoot back on the bed and then sit Indian style and gesture for him to do the same. He sits in front of me and then takes both my hands in his own.

"You can ask me anything you want to, Christian. You won't know how I react until you ask me. Remember the butt sex conversation?" he laughs and then leans forward and kisses me softly.

"I never dreamed you would say yes. I thought I would have to work on you for months or even years before you gave up that ass. Never thought you would pull a butt plug out of your closet and say OK there and then"

"See? I shocked you then and I might shock you now. Ask me what you want to ask"

"OK...I want you to skip your shot next week so we can start trying for a baby"


"I want you to skip your shot next week because I want to have a baby with you" he tells me calmly like he hasn't just knocked my socks off. I didn't think he even liked kids!

"Where has this come from? You have never mentioned having kids before? Not once. I mean, I always saw us having kids but not for like ten years or so"

"TEN YEARS! Why do you want to wait that long? I'll be almost 40! I want a kid while I am still able to throw a ball to him"

"Why do you suddenly want a baby? What put this thought in your head?"

"Andrea's husband brought their son in with him today while he dropped Andrea her lunch. My office door was open and he just toddled in. Andrea walked in and apologized but I said it was fine. He walked over to me and put his chubby little arms up for me to pick him up. I walked around with him fro almost an hour showing him the view and then the new aquarium Ros has in her office. He loved that and kept saying "Nemo" over and over and pointed at this little orange fish. Ros said that a son suited me and that I should get to work on one of my own with you. I gave Tommy back to Andrea and then I sat in my office for three hours coming up with a pro and con list for having a baby. The only con I could come up with was the fact that a baby seat would not fit into our R8's. I want to see what our love could make. Just think about it. A little boy who looks just like me but has your stubborn streak. Or a little girl who looks like you but has my temper...I never thought I could love until you came a long and now I have so much love in my heart that I just want to use it on a little baby. Our little baby"

Wow. How do you respond to your husnband pouring his heart out about wanting to have a baby with you? I thought we would wait years to have a baby but I do a quick pro con list on my own head and he is right. The only con is the car. We have the money, the stability and all the love in the world to give to a child...so why not now?


"OK?...OK, what?"

"I mean, Ok, lets have baby"

"Really? Do you really mean that? I only want you to do this if you're 100% sure, Ana. I don't want you to do this just because I want it"

"I promise you, I want this. Hearing you talk about our future little boy and girl and wanting us to have a family...I think I just fell in love with you all over again Christian Grey"

"I love you too, Baby" He leans forward and kisses me gently.

"Now. Lets work on that baby"

"Christian, my shot is still in effect"

"Then we should practice for when the fucker runs out" He says and then he launches himself at me.


"Why didn't we do this five years ago?" I moan and stretch out my limbs under the blazing sun.

"Because you were on your "Lets knock Ana up again" kick" My wife tells me sarcastically.

"Oh, yeah. That" I cant help but chuckle at her reply.

When we agreed to start a family a few months into our marriage I thought it would take months. The next week when Ana went for her check up with Dr Green to discuss skipping her shot, we had the shock of our lives when we were told that Ana was pregnant! Two months pregnant to be in fact. With Twins!

We were both surprised but very excited. When Teddy and Phoebe were born I fell in love with them instantly. Watching them grow and learn new things was my favorite past time. When the twins turned four we started trying for another baby and a year later we welcomed our second little girl Maggie-Rose.

I love our three children but its nice to spend some quality time with my wife without being interrupted by the little intruders. They are all spending the week with my parents while Ana and I take a much needed vacation in the Caribbean.

"Do you think the kids are missing us?"

"Christian, the kids are having the time of their lives with your parents. I know you miss them but try to relax and enjoy yourself"

"I am enjoying myself. I would be enjoying myself even more if I were buried in you"

"What's stopping you?" She grins over the rim of her sunglasses.

"Ana, we are on a beach with people walking all around us but just wait until I get you back to the hotel"

She gets up from her lounger and then lays herself down on top of me so we are chest to chest.

"Do you know what I was just thinking about?"

"What would that be Mrs Grey"

"I was thinking about when we first met. When I came back to Georgia and I asked you to show me how bad it could get. You didn't hit me and I always wondered why?"

I think back to that morning all those years ago. I had a voice screaming in my head not to do it. I could never hit Ana with a belt.

"I had this voice telling me that If I hit you then we would be over. It was like this voice was screaming at me not to do it. If I had hit you, what do you think you would have done?"

She rest her chin on her hands and stares me in the eye.

"I'm not 100% sure but I doubt I would have handled it well. More than likely I would have thought I was not what you needed and I would have left"

"I think that's why I stopped. The risk of you leaving was to great. I never want you to leave"

"Well here we are ten years later and we have never spent the night apart in anger. We have three beautiful children and a marriage that is perfect. I don't think I will be leaving any time soon" She smiles and then kisses my chest in my once forbidden zone.

"I am glad to hear that, Baby. Now, why don't we get the hell off this beach and get back to our room so we can fuck our brains out?"

"You say the most romantic things to me" She giggles "But before we leave this beach I need to tell you something"

"What would that be?"

"Remember about two months ago when we were in New York and the kids were playing up and I was so frazzled I forgot to take my pill and when I told you, you said that you were sure that skipping it one night would not get us pregnant?...Well guess what?" I sit up really fast so we are face to face,

"You're pregnant? For real?"

"For real. I went to Dr Green before we flew out here and she confirmed it. That night in New York after you helped me get the kids to bed, you poured me a glass of wine and we sat on our balcony just talking and then you told me you loved me and made love to me under the stars. We made a baby that night"

"I'm so happy! I wanted another baby but didn't want to bring it up because of what you did to me when you were having Maggie" I wince when I think of when she had my balls in a death grip and told me I was never to touch her sexually ever again. That lasted about six weeks and one hour.

"I'm happy too. And I am sorry I almost ripped your balls off in the delivery room. I promise not to do that to you again" She laughs.

"I love you so much, Anastasia"

"I love you too, Christian"

I kiss her slow and long and send up a prayer to which ever power told me not to use that belt that day.

I'm not sure where Ana and I would have ended up if I had used it but I know one thing. This right here. On this beach with my wife is where I am supposed to be.

Life is good.

Really good.