To Lisa, the feels you released were quite inspiring

Judy and nick had barely made it out of the scenerio that was about to unfold, when her ears perked up and she looked at nick.
"Nick," judy looked at him intently

"No, Oh no no no! i know that look, whatever you're thinking" he looked sternly at her "Stop thinking it!"

"We have to go back!" Judy said "We can't just leave, it'll be a massacre!"
"It'll be an even bigger one if we go back!" Nick said frustratedly "Let's just go to your parents house and..."
"Nick there isn't any time!" Judy said as she started running back to Gideons back yard.
"Carrots!" Nick hissed as he followed her and they hid beneath a picnic table.
"This oversized Bison?" James yelled at Mira. "He could kill you just as easily as his kind killed Mom and Dad!"

"James, He's a cape buffalo, Not a wildebeest!" Mira yelled back

"Nick," Judy could see the weapon under James' leatherette jacket. "Do you trust me?"

"I really wish you wouldn't ask me that" Nick said as judy grabbed his paw.

"He's still a cow!" James said vehmently "And they are still dangerous!"

"He is not!" Mira defended. "You don't believe me?" James asked pulling a weapon from his coat "then let me show you what happens when you take the bull by the horns!" and he fired his weapon.

Judy and Nick came out from under the table paw in paw and Judy ran forward and jumped, bouncing off the barbecue. they went through the air and got caught in the line of fire. Nick pulled her into him in an attempt to shield her from the bullets and he felt a small pain in his shoulder.
"Jenna?" James said curiously. then he realized what happened "Jenna!" he dropped the weapon and ran forward. There was a loud shot and James collaped. 52 mammals turned to see from where the shot was fired. Gideon had been leaning out the window of the spare room with Judy's sidearm in paw. Gidion blew the steam off the weapon then was gone from the window. all eyes turned back to the now three immobile forms. the silence took over for a moment before Mira pushed out of Kgosi's embrace and made her way over to her brothers unconcious body.

"I don't understand," Mira said. "James was never like this before."

"Yes he was" Josh said "But you're his sister, he never let you see that part of him."
Chief bogo watched Mira tend to her brother then looked down toward his officers. he knelt down next to them and gently picked up Judy. her green dress was spotted with red blood drops and there were a few tears in it from the brances of the trees. Nick's nose twithed and his eyes flew open. gideon came through the back door and noticed nicks eyes were filled with rage
"Put her down." Gideon said as Nick growled at Kgosi.
"What?" kgosi asked incredulously. Nick continued to growl at the great water buffalo.

"Put her down Chief." Gideon repeted as nick's teeth showed and he looked like he would attack at any moment

"Are you off your hillbilly rocker?" Kgosi shouted "he could kill her!"

"Kgosi, Listen to him." mira said still tending to James. Kgosi slowly lowered judy to the ground and watched Nick curl himself around the rapidly devolving rabbit snarling at the buffalo. then Gideon stepped forward and stood between them.

"Nick, i need to take her." gideon said "It's to keep her safe, okay."

Nick snapped his jaws at gideon.

"You come with us. okay? but i need to take her, so that the doctor can look at her and make sure she is alright."

Nick glared at gideon for a moment then unwrapped himself from around judy. Gideon picked her up and walked in the house followed by nick on all fours. James' eyes were begining to open and he looked up to see them go inside.

"Jenna! wait stop! where are you taking her!" he muttered in a dazed state.

"I'll go with them," mira said as she walked passed Kgosi "You take care of him."

Mira followed Gideon into the house and up the stairs to the spare room in which Nick had been staying. Gideon put Judy down on the bed and nick went around to the other side and jumped up on the mattress. Mira looked at Nick for a long moment before she fount the device on the back of his skull. his growls and his anger began to subside due to fatigue and exaustion. she reached a paw toward him and he irritably growled then pulled away.

"if you want to help Judy, you need to let me help you." Mira said. Nick whimpered and laid his head on the bed. Mira took off the device and Nick turned back into his normal self.

"Judy?" he lifted his head and looked around frantically, not realizing she was right next to him. he found her primal form laying there limp in a primitve pose. "JUDY!" he picked her up and held her close. his paw found the device in the small of her back and he carefully removed it. while she was returning to her original form she still wasnt waking up.
"Gideon, got tell kgosi to bring james up here!" Mira said. gideon wasted no time as he ran out the door and down the steps.

"Judy, come back to me..." nick said as gideon came in with James and Kgosi

"Get your filthy hooves off me!" James said through the muzzel placed upon him and then he caught a glimps of Judy from the corner of his eye. "JENNA!" he struggled out of Kgosi's grip and stumbled toward the bed as nick pulled Judy away from the felonious feline.

"stay away from her!" nick shouted as Kgosi pulled James back.

"James where's the antidote?" Mira asked flatly.

"what?" James asked being caught off gaurd.

"the antidote, you brought one with you, you always came prepared." Mira said. James turned his face away and mira walked over and jerked him by the metal muzzel. "you ran to her, like dad ran to mom. now if you want to save her, we need that antidote!"

"Inside pocket." james mumbled as he glared at mira. Mira pulled 2 vials out of the inside pocket of his leather jacket. inside them one contained red liquid the other contained blue.

"which one is it!" Kgosi shouted

"Like i'd tell a fat ugly heiffer like you" James said defiantly

"Do you want her to live or not?" Gideon yelled

"James Gregory White!" aunt Panda called up the steps "You tell them that they have to mix those two things together or i'll come up there my self and be Judge Jury and executioner! then i'll let the courts handle you! Just because you're twice my size doesnt mean i cant still give you a quick clip round the ears!"

"give me the vials," nick said "Hurry up she doesnt have long!"

Mira obliged and nick took off the corks with his teeth and put the liquids in his mouth. then he kissed Judy releasing the antidote into her parted lips.

"Carrots, come back to me," nick said after breaking the kiss. "I've figured it out, but i still need your help."

Judy's ears twitched. then her nose twitched. her eyes fluttered open.

"Why do we always end up doing things the hard way?" she asked as nick held her closer and tighter.
"Jenna" James whispered through the muzzle. Judy turned at her false identity to see that James was cuffed and muzzled. "why whould you... how did you... what posessed you...?"
"Are you always this articulate, Thundercat?" judy asked with a sweet and innocent smile.

"I have never known any mammal willing to sacrifice themselves for another." James mumbled looking at her with wide eyes.
"Hi, pleased to meet you, i'm a mammal who willingly sacrifices herself for those she cares about." Judy said, with a little wave.
"even for a baffooning buffalo like him?" James asked
"I'd have done the same for you," Judy replied "Even after this."
"Alright, enough small talk!" Kgosi said gently pulling James away from Judy "we all know he has the right to remain silent."
"Jenna," james said not being pulled so easily "I just want you to know I never meant for you to get hurt"
"I know," Judy replied "Send me a letter, so i can send you some of those banana's from uncle stu's farm."

"mkay" james said as he was escourted out by chief Bogo.
the room went quiet for a moment as everyone tried to comprehend the conversation that just took place.
"you know you could just look up which cell he's in at the station, right?" Nick asked

"Yep, i know that." judy replied
"During that entire conversation, he didn't call you Judy. Not once." Nick said putting the peices together

"you notice that, when throughout a good half of our conversations, you seem to forget that i even have a name" Judy quipped

"ya'know, i think you'd make a pretty good con-artist" Nick said with a smirk as Mira came and looked judy over.
"haha, how dare you..." Judy chuckled as Nick once did so long ago.

"Sly bunny" nick said with a smile.

"She seems normal," Mira said as she stepped away "comeon, gideon, let's make sure Rogue and Leafarna aren't roughing up James too bad for ruining the reunion."

Mira and gideon left the room and Nick and Judy were now alone.
"what were you thinking?" nick asked after a moment "running into a situation like that you could have been killed! what would i have done without you!"

"But i didn't. Nick i'm alright." Judy said trying to comfort him

"You know i'm only upset because i love you." Nick said

"I know Nick." judy replied clasping her paw in his.

"good, can we get married now?" Nick said "I want to be the happiest fox alive before you become the death of me, rabbit"

"Sure" Judy said with a giggle, "only after you admit that you are a dumb fox."

"Oh with pleasure, My Bunny, i'll be the dumbest fox in the world, but i'll only be that for you." Nick nuzzled her neck

"I love you Dumb Fox"

"I love you Sly Bunny"
