Mortal Sin

3: Frieza Goes to School

Frieza strolled into the school that Kojiro had directed him to. On the way, Frieza had been most pleased to discover that he still possessed a slight ability to sense the ki of the people around him. That would make his mission to track down Vegeta, Goku and that boy much easier. With time, he would utilise Kojiro's body to the same extent that he could use his own.

"Morning, Safri. Going for a new look are we?" a voice greeted.

Sensing that this greeting was directed to him, Frieza turned to see a bulky young man grinning cruelly. Who is this boy? Frieza inwardly asked Kojiro.

His name is Malib. He's just a big bully who likes to pick on me, Kojiro answered. He was curious as to why Frieza was interested at all.

Perhaps now is the time to show you how I can benefit and help you, my young friend. Frieza grinned at Malib.

"Nice to see you, Malib," he returned the greeting. "Was there something in particular that you wanted to know?"

"I just heard that you've been stepping on my grounds," the bully answered. "A little bird told me that yesterday you tried to ask Bra out. I also know that she denied you, naturally. But still…you need to learn your place. Hot chicks like Bra don't go for geeks, especially when they're as try-hard as you." Malib crunched his knuckles, making his intentions more than clear.

Inside his new body, Frieza felt immense panic radiating from Kojiro's trapped soul. Now, watch, he said to the boy, as I demonstrate how lucky you are to have met me.

With close to lightening speed, Frieza ducked the punch that Malib had directed at him, and responded with one of his own. Frieza's punch found its target, connecting heavily with Malib's stomach. The larger body went flying several metres before coming to a fast halt against a brick wall.

After a moment of awed silence, the other humans that had been scattered around, prepared to watch Malib slaughter Kojiro, started to clap.

"Good hit, Safri!" one voice cried.

"That was amazing, Kojiro!" another one chimed.

If Kojiro had had control of his own body, he would have smiled. He had never had his fellow classmates congratulate him. But as it was, he did not have control of his body, though he had the distinct feeling that Frieza was smirking anyway.

"You…you're a freak," Malib stammered, from his prostrate position.

"Perhaps now you will learn not to step on my grounds," Frieza sneered. "Hot chicks like Bra don't go for weak losers like you." And with that, Frieza strode away.

As he did, he inwardly asked Kojiro, Who is this Bra girl?

An unbelievably beautiful girl that I'm in love with, Kojiro answered. I can't believe you flattened Malib. That was amazing!

That's only the beginning of my power. Perhaps I shall have to speak to 'Bra' also. Frieza left Kojiro to think about the possibilities that could have.

*   *   *   *   *   *

"You did WHAT!?" Uub cried. He, Bra and Pan were sitting in their first class, waiting for the teacher – and several late students – to arrive.

"She asked Goten to the Springtime Ball," Pan sighed.

Bra smiled triumphantly. "I hope that the two of you aren't going to back out of our little pact. It would be such as shame if I was the only one of us who had the guts…"

"Oh, don't you worry!" Uub snapped. Bra's taunting had worked exactly how she had planned. "I'm going to ask Marron tonight!"

"I'm gonna ask Trunks tonight, too!" Pan added, not wishing to be left out.

"Good to hear," said Bra. She sat back in her seat, to see the same geeky guy that had ask her out the previous day walk into the room. But something was very, very different. It started with his appearance. His glasses were gone, and he was wearing some very tight leather clothes. Against her better judgement, Bra found herself checking him out.

It wasn't just his appearance that was different. Even with her limited training, Bra could sense great power radiating from the geek. Power that she was sure had not been there before. Something was very strange about this boy.

Bra was not the only one had noticed. Uub leant over and whispered to both girls, "Is it just me, or are you guys getting some real bad vibes from that guy? Who is he?"

"Umm…K-something," Bra answered, searching her memory of the previous day. "Kojiro! That's it."

"Hmmm, weird."

Frieza himself had already noticed the three powerful beings in the room. Two of them had a certain familiarity about them. Saiya-jins! he hissed. After another second, he had pinpointed just who it came from. Female Saiya-jins! But how…?

Boy – who are those two girls? he demanded, his eyes focused on Pan and Bra.

T-that's Bra – the girl I told you about before. And the black-haired girl is her friend Pan, Kojiro timidly answered. Why did Frieza want to know who they were?

With a smirk, Frieza walked over to where Bra, Pan and Uub were sitting. "Howdy, people. How are you today?"

"Fine, thanks," Pan answered stiffly.

"You look different," Bra stated.

She remembered me! Kojiro cried, and Frieza realised that he hadn't switched off his roommate. Although he was irritated, Frieza thought it might be more beneficial to allow Kojiro to speak.

"Do you like it?" Frieza asked, in his most seductive voice.


"Bra, what are you doing?" Uub hissed.

"He's kinda cute," Bra whispered in reply. "Plus, I want to find out what's going on. And this is the only way I know how." She smirked, then spoke aloud. "Shove over, Uub, so Kojiro can sit down."

Even though Frieza had control of his body, Kojiro felt his heart flutter. Bra was talking to him! She was acknowledging his existence. Kojiro smiled – well, as much as a soul without a body could smile.

Frieza also smiled. If these girls were Saiya-jins, then they could lead him to the three that he had come in search for. This will be easy.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Sorry, it's only a short chapter. And sorry it took so long too! . I had a major case of writer's block. Should have another chapter out soon…but make sure you tell me what you think of this one!

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