
(Amy's POV)

Just as we turn to head back, my flashlight begins to flicker.

Oh no.

And then we're plunged into complete darkness.

I quickly go to work, switching the light on and off, tapping it, trying anything to get light once again.

And then it works and the flashlight is back on again.



I shoot my head around, looking all over the room. Panic rises up in me.

"Eric this isn't funny." I say. "Eric?"


Absolutely nothing.

"ERIC!" I scream.

I'm trembling all over. Whipping my head back and forth, trying to find Eric.

But I'm alone.

I see the red liquid stir up ahead.


I run towards the red liquid and plunge my arms into it.

It's thick and sticky, but I don't let that deter me as I search around for Eric.

And then I feel something and I latch onto it.

An arm!

I pull on it with all my might and I see a head emerge, completely covered in the read goo. The arm grabs onto the ledge.

I gasp and stumble back. I fumble for the flashlight and when I find it, I shine it at the figure climbing out of the red pool before me.

That's not Eric at all.

This figure pulls itself the rest of the way out of pool and stands before me.

We stare at each other for several seconds.

Me on the ground staring up at it as it stands staring right back down at me. It has shoulder length hair that is slicked back from the red liquid. Its clothes are pinned to its body.

Her body.

I look into her eyes…

Those eyes…


Oh hell…

It's me.

I struggle to open my eyes. My whole body aches. The ground beneath me is cold. When I do manage to open my eyes, I'm staring at a ceiling with dimly lit lights. I glance around the room and notice it's mostly empty apart from a desk with an old computer and a camera in the corner with a red blinking dot.

I force myself to sit up. I look down at myself to see that I'm no longer in my own clothes. Instead I'm wearing what looks like a hospital gown.

"Eric?" My voice comes out raspy.

I'm not surprised to be answered only by silence.

I force myself to stand. My bones ache but I force myself to walk over to the only door in the room.

I test it only to find that it's locked.

I glance up at the camera in the room. I see that stupid red blinking light.

Someone's watching me.

"What do you want?" I ask the camera.

As expected, I get no response.

I try to recollect how I got there and the events leading up to it.

I stare at the figure in front of me, covered from head to toe in the red substance…blood. How is this even possible? I'm literally staring at my doppelganger.

I start to crawl backwards, never taking my eyes off the figure before me. She tilts her head at me. She begins to slowly walk towards me, each step leaving a trail of blood. I'm frozen in fear as she approaches me.

To my surprise she stops right before me and offers me her hand as if to help me up. I stare at it, still dripping with blood and then back at her. I slowly shake my head. This makes her frown. She takes a step closer and grabs my forearm. With surprising strength, she pulls me to my feet.

And then she begins to pull me towards the pool of blood.

"No." I say. I try pulling away but she has an iron grip on my arm.

"No, please no." I plead with her.

She ignores me.

I start to fight her for my arm. I hit, kick, punch, anything to try to get away from her.

"Let go!" I yell at her.

Finally she turns to me and wraps her arms around me.

I try to wiggle out of her hold with no avail.

"What are you doing?"

And then we're falling.

She's pulling me into the pool of blood.

And I can't do anything but fall with her. Together we plunge into the pool of blood. I smuggle against her as we continue to sink further but her grip on me is firm.

I'm panicking, submerged in a pool of blood, and I can't escape.

My lungs burn. If I don't get oxygen soon…

I'm going to drown…

My eyes burn as I try to see through the blood, to try to find anything to help me get this psycho off of me, but it's impossible. Blood isn't water. It is opaque and thick.

I feel myself begin to fade away.

And everything goes dark.

I glance down at myself. There's no blood on me anymore. In fact, I'm actually very clean. Probably the cleanest I've been in a very long time.

I glance around the room again. My eyes lock on the computer in the room. I walk towards it. Beside it is a floppy disk. I picked it up and read the title that was roughly scribbled on it.

The Lazarus Experiment

I glance back towards the blinking camera then back at the floppy disk.

I insert the disk into the slot beneath the monitor and switch the computer on. The screen flashes on and then reveals a series of files with different dates that range from 1983 to 1993.

I take the mouse and click on the first date, 09/14/1983, and a video with an older man in a lab coat and large glasses pops up.

"My name is Dr. Stephen Caine. It is September 14th, 1983. Today we were given the go ahead to begin the Lazarus Experiment. As of now, what I'll be revealing is extremely classified."

"The Lazarus Experiment is designed to be similar to the recreation of dinosaurs except instead of dinosaurs, we are attempting to recreate human life using DNA already discovered on Isla Sorna. The DNA found leads us to believe that a group of indigenous people resided here on the island at some point. Further research will better narrow down a more accurate timeframe of when these people existed and what happened to them since."

I exit out of the video and click on one of the files in the middle.

"This is Dr. Stephen Caine. It is March 9th, 1989. The Lazarus Experiment isn't quite going as predicted. We thought we could recreate human life just as we recreated dinosaurs but it would appear we have created something entirely different."

The camera pans around to several glass containers that contain creatures inside of them. They look sort of like human embryos…except…they are an inky black color…and their eyes are nothing but white.

Holy shit…did Ingen actually…create the shadow people?

I quickly exit the video and clicked on another one of the middle files.

Dr. Caine pops up. He looks paler than the last video. "This is Dr. Stephen Caine. It is November 19th, 1992. Today we've discovered something…uh underground. It would seem we've discovered some sort of…burial…or catacomb of sorts."

Dr. Caine goes silent for several moments and rubs his hand over his mouth.

"It would appear that the group of indigenous people that lived here before performed…human sacrifices in mass quantities for hundreds of years…maybe even thousands. We won't know for sure until we begin to run some tests on the some of remains found. However, there is something else."

Dr. Caine gulps and glances around nervously.

"Since discovering the underground burial site, the subjects of the Lazarus Experiment have been behaving strangely."

The camera pans around to holding cells that are made of glass. Inside them were the very things we've come to know as the shadow people. On camera they are standing perfectly still. They all appear to be staring directly at the Dr. Caine.

The camera pans back to Dr. Caine who appears to be disturbed by what is occurring. When he notices the camera is back on him he begins to speak again.

"We believe our discovery of the burial site triggered something in the subjects. I've never witnessed anything like this in my entire life."

I exit out of that video, a sickening feeling rising up inside me. Ingen did create the shadow people. But it doesn't look like any of it went the way it was supposed to. I move the mouse so that it is hovering over the last video. Part of me doesn't want to click on it. I have a very bad feeling about what I'm about to see.

But I clicked on it anyway.

This time Dr. Caine was holding the camera himself and he didn't introduce himself like he did every video before. He looked pale and breathing heavily.

He looked terrified.

"We've made a terrible mistake." It looks like he's walking and talking. "The subjects escaped…and they've been hunting us. It's been a massacre."

I see a puddle of blood that Dr. Caine had to walk around. On top of it lie the remains of a person. All that appeared to be left was muscle and bone. I hear a scream in the background before it was abruptly cut off by something. Dr. Caine enters what looks like a supply closet and shuts the door.

"We should have never done this. We should have never tried to recreate humans. We should have never even recreated dinosaurs. Every time man has tried to play God, it has gone terribly wrong." Dr. Caine starts sobbing. "I am terribly sorry. If anyone finds this, please tell my family I love them. Please tell Carol –

He's cut off by something breaking the door down. He looks one last time at the camera.

"I'm sorry."

The camera falls to the ground. I can no longer see Dr. Caine but I can hear him. He's screaming. I watch in horror as blood seeps into the lens of the camera. Dr. Caine's voice is finally cut off after what feels like minutes and I know he's dead.

The camera cuts off and I take a step back from the screen. I realize my entire body is trembling. I crumble to the ground and start sobbing.

I don't know where I am.

I don't know what happened to Eric.

I've been kidnapped.

And I'm locked away in a room with footage that has been taken directly out of a nightmare.

I notice the computer screen turn black. I glance up and see bright green text appearing on it as if someone is typing. I slowly stand up to get a closer work at the computer screen. I'm a bit stunned when I read what it says.

Help me.


A/N: Hey everyone! You're probably thinking "what the heck, it's over?" Yes and no. This is the end of part one. I wanted to conclude this part of the story and it will make more sense why when I start uploading part two. Despite the end of this part, I will be continue updating on here instead of putting part two in a separate place. I feel like that would make it easier for everyone already following this story. I'm already several chapters into part two so you will not have to wait too long before I start uploading chapters again. I'm going to try to complete the entirety of part two before updating again so I don't end up putting this story on hold for a long period of time again and leave you guys hanging. I want to thank everyone for the kind reviews. They have really helped me in continuing this story. It's pretty crazy that the idea of this story came to me back in 2010. It's been an entire decade! However, I was pretty young when I started writing the first time around and decided to recreate it in 2016. It's honestly insane how far it's come. Thank you to everyone, especially those who have stuck with this story from the beginning!