Hello my name is Asami Sato, I'm in my junior year in high school and I plan to be an engineer like my Father. He owns Future Industries an auto mobile company, but that's not the only thing he does, he helps provide weapons for Amon and his army. I admire how my father always manages to give back to the community.

Amon has taken over Republic City and he plans to invade more parts of the 4 Nations, he's forces are already making progress near the Earth Kingdom. Republic City, was being ruined by a bunch of benders who used their powers for bad and not good. Amon over threw, the corrupt system at a time where my Father told me I was too young to remember. I do remember as a little girl playing with my teddy bear and a strange man heading into my Father's office touching a plant and bringing it to life.

Now I know, that that man was Amon, but it couldn't be, because I would have sworn that he water bent that water to life, which couldn't be true because he's a non-bender like my Father and I.

I never told my Father about such memory, because talking about someone being a bender could ruin their lives. Since Elementary school I was taught about how, the Fire Nation invaded a few nations, a civil war between Northern and Southern Water tribes, and a corrupt Earth Queen.

All those terrible events were caused by benders. Not non-bender but benders, want to know why? It was because non-benders didn't have the power to do those things. Before, there were signs permitting the use of bending in areas, over the years it started to get stricter. I used to have a friend who was an Earth bender but my father told me I could no longer be friends with her.

I didn't know why, but now I think I do. Being seen with a bender can get you bullied also and I guess he didn't want me to be bullied, but no one bullies someone who keeps to herself.


I run down the stair and head into the kitchen and my Father has his eyes on his newspaper.

"You were almost late for school,Sami" he says eyes still gulled to the paper. I grab a bagel

"I know Father, I'm here now" he chuckles

I grab an orange and sit and peel it at the kitchen table while I wait for my bagel to be toasted.

"Why must you be so lame and read the comics" I ask annoyed

"Humor Sami, a boss man like me needs time for humor, what are your plan for today?"

"I have a huge Chemistry test today and Bolin and I are planning to go to the record shop, after school" he looks up from his paper

"Doesn't Bumi the air bender own that shop?"

"Um yeah" I know my Father hates me going to bender owned shops but Bumi always has the best records.

"Father, what do you want me to do, the next record shop is 25 minutes away from their, and that place doesn't have varieties like Bumi's"

"We support, non-bender companies, Sami who knows how many people saw you walk into that disgusting place"

My bagel pops out of the toaster and I grab it.

"Even if they did, I doubt they will attack me, knowing my Father is such a successful businessman" I tease my Father smirks

"I am quite successful, aren't I" he says to his self

"mmHmm" I grab my things and kiss my Father on the cheek

"See you later, Father"

"Love you, no Bumi!" he calls out while I head out the door

I pick up Bolin and he takes off his collar shirt as I drive.

"Ugh Bolin, you don't have a tank top under that?" I ask keeping my eye on the road

"Oh stop, you know you can't resist my abs"

I roll my eyes as he puts on a plain forest green t shirt.

"I still don't know how, your Father doesn't know you skip school every Monday" Bolin tease

"I have secrets and I'm sure my Father has his"

"I thought you were Daddy's little girl"

"I still am"

"Then why are you lying to him?"

"Bolin, do you want to be dropped off at school!" he laughs

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

"We can't go to Bumi, you know how I my Father feels"

He nods

"Yeah my parents, hate me going there too, you know since"

"MAKO JOINED THE EQUALISTS" both Bolin and I say in unison while laughing

"Why is Mako joining Amon's Army so funny" I ask while parking my car. Bolin and I get out and sit on the bench in front of the pond.

I open my purse and take out my bagel and break it into pieces.

"Why do you keeping doing that, you never know if Pompeii is going to be here" Bolin asks

"Trust me he's here" I throw the bread in the bush and I hear it rustling and I smile as I see duck feet making it's way out of the bushes.

"Hello Pompeii" I say while breaking another piece and tossing it to him

"Why don't you get a dog, instead of having a pet duck that lives in the park" Bolin tease

"Because, My Father thinks dogs will be distracting to me and him"


"Why haven't you join the Equalists like your brother?" I ask

He sighs

"It's not my cup of tea" he says

"But you're so buff Bolin, they can use your arms and that would probably impress Opal" I tease

He blushes

"Do you really think she likes me?" he asks

Opal and I have two classes together, she doesn't really talk to me a lot but I guess I could help Bolin and make more of an effort talking to her.

"There is a chance" I say putting my arm around him

"What about my Brother, I know for a fact he likes you"

I roll my eyes "Trust me, I know" he elbows me

"C'mon, you can't tell me you don't find him attractive, how do you girls do it?" he gets up and grabs a branch and puts its on his head.

"Ohhhhh Mako, Mako, Mako,you're so buff with your arched eyebrows and muscles" I cover my mouth trying not to laugh

Bolin starts skipping in circles

"Ohhhh Mako, I wish I was wrapped around you like that red scarf you wear every day, even when it's 100 degrees out"

I laugh

"Ohhhh Mako, please take me on a date, so you can tell me about your adventures as a solider"

"I'm going to tell him, you're making fun of him"

Bolin picks up Pompeii as he quakes and stuffs him under his shirt as Pompeii squirms trying to get out

"Mako, Mako, Mako, does this dress make me look fat" I just lose to the ground trying to catch my breath from laughing so hard.

Pompeii flies from under Bolin shirt and starts biting him while Bolin runs away from him.

Bolin and I are walking with our ice cream when we see some member from a local gang.

"Just stay near me" Bolin says while we walk past them

"Damn look at that ass" one of the boys try to grab me but Bolin punches the guy

"Don't you touch her" some of his friends pull Bolin off the guy and Bolin tries to get out of their embrace

"Let him go!" I call out while throwing a hook at one of them but he makes a flare and I step back.

"Stay out of this" he says

"You can't bend here!" I yell out

"I don't give a shit, these laws mean nothing to us, they're just discriminating us" the guy Bolin hit spits out blood and balls up his fist

"Hey Tahno, this kid's brother is part of the Equalists" the guy smirks

"In that case, lets make this interesting" the guy then slams his foot to the ground and chunks of rock cover his hand and he brings his guard up.

"Stop, please let him go, I have money" I open my wallet but the guys laugh

"We don't need your money, we need justice, some Equalists arrested my Brother, and it's time for me to get even, hold him still boys"

"Please no"

"It's fine Asami, they're just cowards using their bending because they can't fight without them"

The guy smiles "Yep, that's it" he then sends a jab in his rib


The guy then sends another blow to his chin

"Please leave him alone" I call out again

"It's fine Asami I don't feel…anything, that's all you got coward"

"If you say so" he says while sending a hook to the side of his face

"Give him some more Tahno" another guy says hyping him up. My mind is racing, come on Asami do something. You took all those self defense classes, yet you're too scarred of their bending to use it. I feel so helpless and I shouldn't have to feel this way.

he's just about to hit Bolin again when an air blast pushes the bullies off of Bolin

"Leave him alone" a booming voice says I turn around and see Bumi in a fighting stance

One of the guys get up "It's Bumi, we got to go guys" they all run off

"This is not over" Tahno yells out

I run over to Bolin and he rolls on the ground clenching his stomach.

"Bolin are you okay?"

"Mmhhmm" I turn to Bumi and he's heading to his store

"Can you call for help?"

"I'm sorry, I cant" Bumi says

I'm confused

"Why, my friend needs to see a doctor" I Plead

"If they find out I used airbending I could be arrested"

"But my friend!"

"But my life" he says while heading back into his store and locking it.

I get up and look around and no one is around.

"I got to get you help Bolin" I grab his arm and put it over my shoulder

"No, Sami I'm too heavy"

"We can make it to the car, just try to carry some of your weight" I hobble to the car with Bolin.

Why did they attack us and why didn't Bumi help us, he knows us. We did nothing wrong!

I been in the waiting room for a while when Mako burst through the doors and approaches the front desk.

"Where is my brother" he ask frantic

"Mako" he turns around and runs to me and wraps his arm around me

"I'm so glad, you're safe" I return the hug and find myself crying in his shoulder

"There were too many of them, we were just walking and they attacked us, mostly Bolin he was just protecting me"

He kisses the top of my head

"It's okay, I should have been there"

"You wouldn't have stopped it, you were working"

"I promise, I will find them and kill them" he says with rage

I pull away and wipe my eyes

"They said he fractured his rib, due to the guy being a Earthbender" Mako shakes his head in disgust

"You can go see him, I couldn't because I'm not family but you" he nods

"I don't want to leave you here" he says

"Don't worry, I'm here" I turn around and see my Father and he rushes to us.

Mako bows at my Father

"Mako" he takes his attention off of him and puts it on me

"Sami, I can't believe you lied to me and put yourself at risk" I look at Mako

"You told him I was here, I trusted you"

"I'm sorry Sami, but I thought you were hurt too"

"I told you, I wasn't" he frowns

"You tend to not make things a big deal" he walks off and heads back to the front desk

"How did this happen?" my Father ask upset

"We were just walking when a group of benders started attacking us, Bolin was defending me and that why, he got hurt it was all my fault"

My Father pulls me into a hug.

"Why didn't Bumi help us?" I ask between tears

"He just left us, when we needed help, if I didn't have to carry Bolin, he might not have been as badly hurt, I HATE BENDERS!"

"Shhhh Sami" my Father says while holding me tighter.

I don't understand why this is happened

Monday Night

"Grab your stuff, I think someone knows who you're" the woman says while handing me a bag.

"I thought you, would be safe here" Mai says

This is nothing new to me, staying in someone's care for a while then being taken somewhere else. Its second nature to me. I never bring a lot of stuff with me, due to reason like these. It takes too much time carrying baggage.

Ever since Amon took over Republic City, his army has been trying to conquer other nations. When I heard about his hatred for benders. I literally wanted to kick his ass and destroy him, but what sickens me worst are people who actually agrees with him.

One of his objective other than ruling the 4 nations is capturing the Avatar. My parents always hid my identity, because Amon came to power when I was about five. That's when I bended my second element which was fire. My Father is very important in the Southern Watertribe so, he knew how crazy Amon was, and made sure he protected me, and made sure I'm safe. So I guess all these people I been staying with were doing my Father some type of favor.

What I hate the most, is when I leave I know I'm leaving my friends with a broken heart. It's hard reminding myself not to get attached to people I meet, because chances are, I will have to move on.

I still haven't mattered air yet, and it's really hard when you have to make sure you don't bend. Sure, I could try blending in with non-benders or just using one element as a bender but being the Avatar it's hard. I sometimes water bend with some similarity of fire bending. So any firebender or water bender can tell something is off with me, so to avoid that, I don't bend in public.

I grab the rest of my thing when there is a knock at the door. Mai looks at me scarred out of her mind, she hands me a piece of paper.

This is the next safe-house I look at the note as the doorbell rings again.

"It's five years old, how do I know they're to still to be trusted" I ask

"This is your only option Korra" Mai walk to the door and I keep my bedroom door a crack so I can see what's going on.

"Who is it?" Mai asks

"The police, we just want to talk"

"My husband isn't here, and I don't feel comfortable doing such" I hear a man voice laugh on the other end

"You don't have a husband" the door burst open and some soldiers with Equalists uniforms storms the house.

"You can't do this" Mai says

The man looks around and picks up a necklace, my watertribe necklace.

"You're of Fire Nation decent, why have a watertribe necklace?" he asks

"I sometimes baby sit" the Equalist smiles then slaps Mai and I lose it

"Don't touch her again" Mai hold her face

"It's fine Monica, go back to your room" she says

"Who' are you?" the Equalist asks checking me up and I'm grossed out

"Didn't you hear, my name is Monica and Mai is my cousin" he laughs

"I don't believe you" I smirk

"Sounds like a person problem"

"I found something" another man says the Equalist gets his attention off of me and head to the other man and he hands him a scroll.

One of the lost scrolls and my heart drops. Only the Avatar can read them and only the Avatar can have them.

The man gets angry and storms to Mai and grabs her by the collar

"Where did you get these?"

"I don't know" she whines

"You're lying, I bet you're the Avatar, you're a firebender"

"Yes, but that's all"

"Well we will have to see" the Equalists charges his metal glove and shocks Mai

"Stop!" I send an airblast which I wasn't expecting and the Equalist flies against the wall.

"Korra NO" Mai says on the ground

"You're a water bender that's, air" all the equalists stare at me and I get in my bending stance and starts sending air blast at them.

The guy on the ground I just sent plumping through the air gets up and charges up his glove again.

"Come get it" I say he runs towards me and I send another blast at him and his body hits the ceiling

"I always knew you were a fan of mine" I say putting my guard back up the man charges at me again and I use the water from the lose faucet and send it his way his eyes go wide hopes across the room and I move the water in the new direction then he wraps his arms around Mai

"NO!" I try to move the water away but it's too late

I watch as Mai and the Equalist get electrocuted. I turn my head away as I hear the shriek, I turn back around and look down and see Mai body flopping and twitching with her soaked body.

Tears start falling from my eye I approach her and her body stops moving bend all the water off and check her pulse and it's nothing. I killed her, she was helping me and I killed her. I hear people running up the stairs and I need to get out of here.

I head in my bedroom and grab my bag and the note and hop out of my bedroom window and climb the stair case and run down the alley.

I killed one of my friends, yes if the Equalists were there this wouldn't have happen, but if she wasn't hiding me, they wouldn't have a reason to be there.

I see some more Equalist coming my way "Up there" I say while running the Equalists thank me. As they make their way up the staircase

My tears make it look like I was just scarred running for my life, but I'm crying because running is my life.

So this is my new story, I had this idea for a while now and finally I acted on it. I have so much in store for this story.

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