Chapter 3:

Appearances are Deceiving

I am bad, and that is good.

Did you think I would be telling you about how I actually was kind-hearted and all that feely emotional stuff? Well, you're definitely in the wrong place for that. I'm not that weak fawn who was exactly that, at least not anymore. Living with my corrupt father, dealing with the ZPD on multiple accounts because of my gang's ways has hardened my resolve, as I like to say.

Before you all start accusing me of crimes I didn't commit, listen to me first. It might not change your mind, but hey, give me the impression that someone's listening to me, yeah?

I would love to think that my father was kind, but that would be outright lying. He won the fight to become the leader of Prowlers of the night, might I say somewhat savagely. He had came home all bloodied, still high on adrenaline from the brawl. My mother was still around then, and I remembered how she had held me close, whispering prayers for our safety. Being too young then, I didn't recognize the absence of tears that should have trailed down her pretty face, and the hate that had instead shone in her brown eyes. That was just the beginning.

Oh, stupid me. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ryder Goldeneye, second in command of POTN, former police officer, and this is my story.

I'm kinda surprised you haven't run off by now, nor thrown any rotten fruits at me yet. But I suppose you couldn't, you're just a book I write in to keep myself somewhat sane. If you could, though, I'm totally expecting you to do that.

Years ago, the Prowlers of The Night wasn't like this. It was just another club to go to, another thing you could brag about to your peers. We all had families to care about, loving warm homes to go back to each night. We were less organized as well, we didn't have the dark pitted rage that boiled in our veins now. I guessed this "club" of sorts was to protest against all the predators that live amongst our kind, and the huge threat it put on our all strongly hated them, of course, but we never did anything much less than complain.

That is, until the infamous scratch that Gideon Grey inflicted upon Judy Hopps. Well, that truly did spur us into action. All the sub leaders started hatching a plan, a very detailed one to show just how savage predators can be. I think I was about two years older than Judy at that time, which meant I wasn't allowed to attend the meetings and planning sessions. My father was very involved in it, and pretty soon it became everything he could ever think about. He would become all charged up and dark, cursing us bloody names and throwing things upon our heads, me and my mother.

Did I mention he was violent? Of course he was violent, bloody drunkard he was. After he was done with me and my "punishment", my mother, bless her soul, would take me up and lock me in my room before she tried calming my father down. I can't count exactly how many times this happened, it pretty soon became one of our daily occurrences.

Anyone with a sensible mind would be tired of dealing with my father everyday, so I guess that was why she kicked him out of the house, leaving just her and me. My childhood after that was plain and simple, what it should be.

I didn't see my father for a long time, not until after I had graduated police academy and accepted a position in Sahara Square. He didn't change that much over the years, still with that flop of dirty brown hair draped over glittering jade eye, and those gold horns that sprouted from his head, not curved, but not straight either. In a way, I guess we looked alike, only I have the caramel eyes of my mother.

He thought, after all this time, that I would be happy to see him again. He was so fragging wrong, it was shameful to even look at him try. It was pathetic, him thinking he was still needed in my life. I grew up without him, and I will still live without him.

I guess he knew that, deep down. So he came and threatened my mother, when I was at work in Sahara Square. I came home, to find her tied up and blindfolded. A note was stapled to her chest, assuring me that much more damage was going to happen if I didn't comply to him. Luckily, she wasn't hurt too much, the staple was minor enough for me to handle. But no more of that should happen, I have to protect my mother.

So I joined Prowlers Of The Night, again. It wasn't the best choice for my future and my criminal record, but it was what seemed best at that time. I could keep her safe, and my father at bay, it was a double deal.

He gave me a job, to be the head of the "Nighthowlers" operation. I guess it was kinda a welcome back gift, to congratulate me on "being myself" again. Sometimes I hate being his shadow.

It does come with its "perks". Along with the responsibility as head of the operation, I got a lamb as my little spy. She came up to my pelvis, that little puff of wool on her head just grazing my hips. I dunno why I remember that so vividly, but I guess something about her just struck me.

Dawn Bellwether wasn't just some innocent lamb. Her heart, soul, and reason to live had all been shattered by one predator. She was just as scornful as my father, and willing to do whatever to avenge herself.

Too bad she failed. Her dang little sheep butt got caught, and thrown off to jail. Father won't take her back; once you're caught, you're gone. Police would have you on their radar, and we can't have that here.

I've always got a backup plan, if Dawn did fail. She did, so it's time for take two.

Zootopia, you'll never know what hit you.

Author's note:

This is just some background on Ryder, our antagonist. He's just a gooey mess, isn't he? :)

I made a prise to never leave a story, and I'm not stopping now. I'm going to give Dawn and Leodore the ending they deserve (not together as a couple).

Thank you so much for reading, and being so supportive. I don't know how this would've gone if you guys didn't help me brainstorm :).

Ciao for now,
