Author's Note: Hello, hello. So I finally watched Batman VS Superman movie and it was bloody awesome. But except for the fact that they made Batman a little too violent…HE DOESN'T KILL! *Ahem* So because of the movie…it led me to this! I thought it would be a great idea to make a novel about the movie—I know it's going to be a challenge and all but I want to take it :) I also appreciate constructive criticism as well so if you don't see anything that you don't like feel free to shout it out. With that, let's get started. NOTE: I do NOT own the summary!


Bold: Narrating

Italics: Flashback

Summary: Fearing the actions of a god-like Super Hero left unchecked, Gotham City's own formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis' most revered, modern-day savior, while the world wrestles with what sort of hero it really needs. And with Batman and Superman at war with one another, a new threat quickly arises, putting mankind in greater danger than it's ever known before.


Prologue: The Beginning

"There was a time above…a time before…there were perfect things…"

There were people walking across the grass; few of them were holding what it seemed two funeral stones. All of the people dressed in black to pay their respects to the deceased.

At the front of the line, there were two people; an elder man and a small boy who looked bitter and devastated.

"Diamond absolutes…but things fall."

The people had reached their destination to what it seemed a medium-sized funeral house.

"Things on Earth… and the thing that falls…"

Just as they were reaching to the house, the boy at the front made a dash, not wanting to go any further. He ignored the call of his name and he kept on running, trying to forget everything what had happened.

"Had fallen."

As he ran through the woods, a flashback came…

A flashback which he did not wanted to remember.

There were three people who were looking happy as they got out from what it seemed a movie theatre. They were just smiling and laughing. As though nothing in the world matters.

The small boy with brown hair smiled from ear to ear as he was happily walking with his parents.

The boy continued to run through the woods, getting deeper and deeper into it. He winced when the flashback continued.

The happy family continued to walk down the street, going home. Little did they know, however, was that there was a figure that was hiding in the shadow. And when the time came, the intruder made its appearance just when the happy family came closer.

And when all of them met, the intruder raised the gun and the father instantly pulled his wife and son back so that he was in the front.

Feeling the threatening tears, the boy kept on running and running as the flashback became more painful. Because his vision was starting to get blurry, the boy tripped, falling to the ground.

Nevertheless, he ignored the stinging pain (which he probably skinned his skin) and resumed running.

The boy stared at the killer with wide eyes; his heart beating rapidly against his rib cage. He was scared that's for sure. And he wondered why there wasn't anyone to help them.

And without so much of a thought, the killer released the trigger just as the father made a move. The bullet shot at the father's chest, causing him fall to the ground and there were screaming.

The screams came from the boy and the wife who watched the father fall.

Not paying attention, the boy fell into what it seemed a covered hole. The boy continued to fall but to him, the fall felt like a never ending fall.

He kept on falling and falling…

The bullet fell to the ground but it wasn't too soon where the wife ran towards the killer with a hatred and scared look. Hatred for him killing her husband but scared for her own son's safety.

As she moved towards the man, her pearl necklace also moved from her movements. Seeing this chance, the man made the gun be underneath the necklace so that the weapon was targeted at her head.

The woman froze, her eyes widened with fear and the son watched the scene, being helpless.

He wanted to help but he felt helpless.

Helpless to do anything.

The boy continued to plunge and his face bore nothing but with depressed.

And just like that, the man released the trigger and the bullet shot at the woman. Because of the pull, it broke the necklace and the woman fell next to her husband. The boy screamed with fear and despair as he just witnessed his two most beloved parents dead.

At last, the boy fell to the bottom of the hole with a hard thud and all he could was to wail with despair, hating the horrid flashback.

When the woman fell to the ground, so did the pearls that bounced away.

The boy still screamed, crying out for his parents, hoping that this was just some cruel dream but it wasn't…

And he knew that.

Everything that happened so far was real.

And without having so much of a thought, the killer ran away, leaving the boy with his dead parents.

With a raspy breath, the father just managed to move his hand towards his almost dead wife.

With a weak voice, the father spoke out her name. "Martha."

And then, the eyes widened, indicating that their life was gone.

They were dead.

Trying to get himself in order, the boy started to pull himself up and he turned around to face the open hole. But because of the light being too bright, the young kid held up his hand in front of his face to cover from the bright light.

And then, tearing his gaze away from the light, he brought attention to a small opening hole since he thought he had heard a sound.

He was right.

In the hole, it was filled with bats that gave out a screech and the boy widened his eyes as he saw just how many there were. And then, the noise went quite.

The bats suddenly flew from their spot and the boy placed his hands in front of his face, acting for a shield.

He started to panic and he began to wave his hands around, hoping to get rid of them. However, he suddenly paused as he looked up.

That was odd.

Instead of attacking him like he thought they were, the bats were continuing to fly around him in circles. Feeling less scared, the boy dropped his hands down, realizing that they weren't going to hurt him and he suddenly felt a strong connection with these bats.

And then, just when things started to get a little weirder, Bruce started to fly off the ground. He widened his eyes with shock as he comprehended that this wasn't normal.

It wasn't normal at all.

It was strange sensation that the bats were helping him. He didn't know why but he liked it. The feeling of floating from the bats.

As though the bats had some super strength, they resumed to levitate the boy so that he could be out of the hole.

"In dream, it took me to the light. A beautiful light."

Author's Note: And cut! I think this is a good way to stop. Even though, it's a bit short but it's kind of expected for a prologue to be short—well, usually it is short. Anywho, I hope I got all the words right and I hope you all enjoy it. Well, I guess I'll see you next time. Toodles!