I do not own Skip Beat!


Rick Moris didn't know where he was.

Everything was so dark.

He couldn't see a thing but he could hear voices, lots of voices and he could feel unfortunately because he was suddenly smothered in something he hoped was slime.

Rick had been walking home one day when someone came up to him and hit him at the back of his head with was he assumed was a metal bat, the funny thing was, he was reading the first ever manga that his friend had managed to rope him into reading and couldn't stop laughing before everything went dark.

And it remained dark before he felt himself moving.

A horrible thought came to mind as he experienced his own birth, luckily he couldn't see the horror in front of his own eyes but he still felt it.

Did he just die?

Rick, didn't really have anything to miss.

He was an orphan and was also a well-known net who spent all his money on video games and the internet.

He know his life sucked and those who he had walked passed on the street on a day by day bases, told him that with their eyes full of disgust so he wasn't really all that upsets about his death.

Had some god out there, giving him a better life with parents who loved him and perhaps good luck's so he would end up dying a virgin once again?

Something in the back of his mind, told him he was born into a family that everyone should do their best to avoid at all cost.

"Congratulation, Mr and Mrs Fuwa. You've giving birth to twins!" Someone said in Japanese and Rick felt like the world was ending.

First, he was apparently a twin and the name 'Fuwa' struck him as that prick from the Manga he was reading just before he died.

"What would you like to call them?" The same voice asked.

"This one on the left, will be Fuwa Shōtarō" A man voice said.

"And this one on the right, will be Fuwa Naoaki" A woman voice said.

He's been reborn as Fuwa Shōtarō twin brother!?


He let out an ear piercing screaming followed by another baby scream.

He had hoped this was all a bad dream, that he was not the apparent brother to the person who made everyone life a living hell and had ruined one special girl life.

He had hoped that after a few days that his sight would clear up and he would see that he was just born into a normal Japanese family who just happened to share the name and have one baby named after a singer.

Except for his sight didn't get better.

After a few days, he was faced with a cold hard truth.

Naoaki Fuwa had he been born blind.

He was born blind!

Rick didn't know what was scarier.

His inability to see or the fact that he was Sho Fuwa twin brother.

His new parents must have sensed that something was seriously wrong with one of their children because he could hear them talking about taking him outside the country to see a doctor so that, if it does turn out, that there was something wrong with him, then they didn't want the neighbours to know about it.

One day he was picked up and wrapped in something warm before being moved into what he assumed was a baby seat.

He had no idea how long they were driving but something told him, that the Fuwa family wouldn't be so accepting of the fact that one of their child was born blind and he was unfortunately right.

" Ma'am. I think your child is blind" a male voice declared after performing some tests.

"WHAT!?" The woman screeched, Rick immediately felt something in front of him, moving about but he still could not see it.

There was a long pause.

"I don't want it" the woman finally spoke.

"What?" The man said.

"You heard me, I don't want it" The woman repeated. "That child will be nothing but a burden to the family. He will never be useful, the only thing he would be useful for is eating up all our long hard earned money!"

"B-but Ma'am. You can't be serious!" The man said. "He is your child; he needs you"

"I don't care!" The woman said. " Without his eyes, he will never amount to much, he would never be normal!"

"But Ma'am" the man said, he could hear the disbelief in the man voice. "There is a chance for him to see, like everybody else with the right operation and medication which your family can afford when he is an adult."

"And why should we pay such an amount and take a good chunk of our yearly profit just to 'heal' him?" The woman said and he shut his eyes, it hurt so much hearing the voice of absolute rejection. " put that thing in an orphanage as far away from my normal family. I don't want my one remaining child getting infected and becoming blind too!"

"But Ma'am, being blind isn't contagious." the man said, trying to make her see reason.

" I don't care what you say." the woman said, "I want that thing, as far away from me and my good, perfect family as possible! " And then she left and he realised he was still in the doctor's arms who, by his body language seemed stunned but he didn't care, the feeling of abandonment was eating away at his chest.

"Damn it, what is wrong with that woman?" the man said before saying " the whole family seemed to be made out of nut jobs. I don't think she will be coming back."

Rick couldn't see the absolute heart break in the man eyes when the doctor looked at the month old baby in his arms.

"Damn it, she gave me nothing to contact her with and that means you're stuck here kid" the man said, sighing. " I can't take care of you but I know a family that has always wanted a baby and is financially stable. Aren't you glad you won't have to grow up in such a family as terrible as were ever that woman came from" trying to lighten the situation despite what just happened. They both know that woman was never coming back.

"Their overseas in Spain and they are truly lovely people" The man said, " I'll contact them tomorrow. It looks like you'll be staying with me for a couple days. That woman will get her wish, you'll be as far away from her family as possible."

And thus began his days of abandonment.

The man was called Jin Bendicked and he was really nice, being a doctor he had experience with dealing with any age group including babies which was comforting to know.

Rick had stayed with the man for a couple of days before a man and woman came through the door.

The scent of perfume and cologne was faint in the air.

"So where is the darling?" a feminine voice asked in Spanish, the sound of high heels hitting the floor was heard before he was spotted and soft hands picked him up.

"Look at him" the woman cooed. "He's so adorable"

"I don't know why anyone would abandon a child like this even if he's blind" A male voice said who was clearly not Jin.

The reminder of his lack of vision made him shift uneasy, he had never felt so helpless and vulnerable and completely dependent on Jin in both of his lives.

Many of times, he would go to sleep and wake to see if this was all a bad dream but it was always real.

"So will you take him?" Jin asked with hope.

"What kind of question is that?" The male voice said, in good enough Japanese "Of course we'll take him!" and Rick was thankful that the man didn't call him an 'it'.

"So does the little guy have a name?" The male asked.

"The mother never said, she didn't even leave her name" Jin said in distaste. "As soon as she found out the baby was blind, she abandoned him" getting gasps of shock from the pair.

"What kind of monster is that!?" The woman said, outraged. "Were taking this child with us, aren't we, William?" daring her husband to object.

"O-Of course, honey" the man stuttered.

"Great" Rick could feel Jin smile from here. " Just sign some papers to say, you've officially adopted the child."

Both adults rushed to sign the papers.

Within an hour later, Rick found himself on the move in the arms of his new parents feeling safe.

For a short while he forgot his situation and gave into his childish needs and allowed himself the feeling of comfort as he drifted into the land of his dreams.

They had named him, Arlo Finxs.

Straight off the bat, he know that his new parents were loving people and they went out of their way to try and make sure his life was easier.

They would go on walks and take time out of their schedule's to care for him, although he was left with the maids a lot of the time.

He didn't try to dumb himself down to be like other kids and his parents noticed his awareness that was years above his age.

They had him take an IQ test without him knowing until he happened to come across them discussing the test results when they thought he was in bed.

It was clear to them that his IQ was way too high for him to be around his own age group.

They hired a private tutor for him, the man sung praises of him when they finished a lesson.

Arlo couldn't see them but he could guess what they were thinking, his adopted parents must be laughing about how, he had been foolishly given up, when he was such a special little boy.

Arlo found out although, he couldn't use his eyes, his other senses where enhanced to fill in the gap such as his touch and hearing.

But he still wanted to see.

That's when he discovered music.

The family had a grand piano in the middle of the living room and one day, he decided to get up on the seat and try to play even though he had zero skills.

He struck one cord.

The sound coming from the key sent a wave towards him, bouncing off of any object and for a second he could see it.

He was shocked and tried striking another key.

The same thing happened.

Both his parents were woken up to the sound of him shouting about how he could see.

They were sceptical at first before he went through a series of test and he repeated his action and was able to point out objects in the room much to their amazement and his happiness.

They called Doctor Jin, about this discovery and he too was amazed by his method of seeing things.

It was like how a bat sends out a sound wave to see.

He couldn't see unless he was the one making the sound and soon music became a part of his everyday life.

His parents hired an instructor to help him and he would be found at the piano, twenty-four seven, eventually the clutter of sound started to sound like music.

At the age of seven, he was entered into a talent competition for children.

He know he could play but he had no idea how well until when he came across other children whose parents were convinced that their child were the next musical prodigy.

He had to cringe as he heard the clatter of noise and cheers from delusional parents after one after another even he could sense that the audience distaste.

Eventually he was called up onto the stage and immediately he felt stares on him as he was guided up the steps and lead to the piano.

He ignored the stares on his back before he took a deep breath and began playing.

To him, it was just him and the piano, he had entered his own little world, the soft melody filled the building and entranced the small sized audience.

The music ended way to quickly for his liking and he had just managed to stop himself from playing on an endless loop.

He turned around when he heard the sound of clapping and even though he couldn't see, he got the feeling like he was giving a standing ovation, his cheeks colours despite his brain telling it not too and he was thankfully guided off the stage by his mother who whispered words of pride making him swell up.

The acts that followed tried their very best but they were all just kids however some were talented but too young to have their talent bloom.

Without him knowing it, he had won the mini competition and was invited to the national competition.

It was at that point he realised that Sho, wasn't the only one who had inherited the gift of music from the moment he was born and had eagerly agreed to participate.

Arlo wasn't doing this for the money and fame, he was doing what he loved and didn't care that he was competition.

Without him knowing it, he began climbing the ranks and before he realised it, he was gaining a name in the music industry, he found himself battling against even adults and gaining connection's.

He was nominated for several awards in the music department and Spain soon know the name Arlo Finxs, a musical prodigy.

Although his talent wasn't limited to just the piano, he could play ten different instruments including the drums.

By the time, he was 18, he was considered a world class musician, always seen near a musical instrument and music sheets on the floor that had dots on them instead of letters.

Arlo could have chuckled at the image of Sho Fuwa finding out that not only does he have a brother but that person was better than him as far as the world was concerned.

Arlo suddenly heard the phone ring but his parents were at work and the maids had been given the day off.

He sighed and located his stick and began to tap a tune with it to help him locate the phone using the sound waves.

He reached the phone and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" He said in Spanish.

There was a pause at the other end.

"...Is this Arlo Finxs?" The voice of a male said, in a heavy accented Spanish.

"Yes, who's calling?" He said.

"This is Lory Takarada from Lory Magical Entertainment"

And scene!

Finally, this one-shot is done! It's been sitting on my phone for two months! Please tell me what you think of this. Review!