Hello everyone!

I'm sorry it's been so long, you guys, and I'm sorry that this isn't a new chapter yet. I'm also sorry if you follow more than one of my stories, in which case you'll be reading this multiple times.

I'm going to start off with the good news - I'm buying a house! My boyfriend and I are in the process of closing on the cutest little house that's just over a hundred years old and sits on nearly half an acre. It's in a great location for us, with lots of space for us to spread out and a great detached garage for my boyfriend to have his glassblowing studio. I fell in love with it the moment I saw the pictures and knew it had to be ours the second we stepped inside.

The bad news, guys, is that this house is a serious fixer-upper. It needs love. Like, epically enormous shit-tons of love. Hardwood floors need to be sanded and refinished, carpet and tile ripped up and replaced, the roof needs fixing, the driveway needs to be relaid, the windows need to be replaced, the entire inside needs scrubbed and painted, among about a dozen other things. And we've got to do most of it ourselves.

We have four months to work on this house and get it up to living conditions before our current lease runs out on our apartment, and we're going to have to spend basically every waking moment outside our day jobs to do it. I also have to buy a new car - the cost to fix the air conditioning is more than my current car is even worth, AKA D'Artagnan's driving around in 100 degree weather with no AC! - which means I'll probably be working more hours at my day job in addition to playing handywoman.

Which means my writing has to take a backseat. I know I'm already flaky at best, so I really didn't want to just leave you guys hanging for six months before I suddenly popped up out of the woodwork with a flurry of new material. I honestly wouldn't expect to see anything out of me until after the new year at best, unless we manage to really power through these renovations and I get some relaxation time again. Until then, I'm not even going to try to make time to write because I need to focus on my other priorities.

I also hope to use this as an opportunity to come back fresh in six months. I almost feel burned out from trying so hard to write and it's starting to make me a little resentful of my stories - they feel like a chore rather than a treat. I want the process to feel fun again, and I really hope this forced vacation from writing will also be just the thing I need to get my inspiration and creativity back.

I hope you guys know how much I love and appreciate you, and how much it means to me that you've connected to my characters, especially Cal and Rymer. I hope you can be patient with me while I work on the next big step in my life, because I promise I'll make it worth the wait!

Thank you guys so much!

All the love,
