Hey guys this is Admiral Zuikaku here, please lay off the flames and hates because this is my first fanfic, so it's obviously not gonna be great.

"On Sortie!"- People/Ship Girl talking

"On Sortie!"- People/Ship Girl thinking

51st room- New location

On an old Japanese naval base, lived a ship girl whose life is going to get harder

Zuikaku's POV

Carrier Division 51st Room

"Well this is a bad day." I said to myself. There was no one in the room except me and Kaga. When I first met her, she was different from all the other Kagas. Instead of having black hair in a side ponytail, she had grey hair in a long ponytail. She also had a bottle of sake when she appeared.

"First of all, we didn't get much steel to make Yamato. Then, a Wo- class appeared out of nowhere and just sunk two of our battleships. And Last but not the least, the admiral dies of heart attack." I said.

I said. "Why didn't we find the Wo-class earlier, Hmm Kaga-Chan?"

"It's because you didn't do a recon over the perimeter like I said you would." Kaga answered while drinking her sake bottle.

"And why would I do it? It's just a freaking expedition! "I exclaimed, putting my face near to hers.

"It's still important to use recon planes to see what's ahead of us, you bubblehead." Kaga retorted.

Out of nowhere the door opens revealing Fubuki and said" You two, head to the courtyard immediately." Then she closed the door.

"Damn, Fubuki's taking it very hard." I said.

"For once, I have to agree with you." Kaga answered.

"She's been the admiral's secretary ship since he got here." I said. "I wonder if the old, happy Fubuki will come back?"

"Well we may never know" She said." Come on, we should get there, don't want us to get an earful from the SS."

The Courtyard

Both of them get in line just in time, just before one of the 2 Big Seven Battleships Nagato speaks.

"Is everyone here? Good, we have a very big problem that needs to be fixed." Nagato said. "The admiral is dead, It'll be years before the new admiral is here maybe he won't, so who going to be our admiral?"

Everyone except Zuikaku steps back because she wasn't paying attention "Wow, just wow. And I thought that this day couldn't get worse." Zuikaku said. "I fucking get promoted to an admiral."

That concludes our first chapter. The Admiral is now off the Bridge. Bye- bye!