Captain on the Bridge!

Hello everyone, welcome to the third chapter of "A Shipgirl for an Admiral". I'll start updating this once or more than a week ok? So don't be mad, it's just I have school and my parents are bugging me a lot, the only time I get to write chapters is in the middle of the night so it might not be very good, ok? Tell me in the reviews when you see some mistakes, I'll let you read the story now. Bye-Bye.

Disclaimer" I do not own Kantai Collection or anything related to it, just this story.

Zuikaku's POV

"So Nagato, what do I have to do first?" asked Zuikaku." We have to get you your secretary ship first, so who do you want it to be? "Nagato replied handing her a list of every shipgirl on the harbour.

"Hmm, I'll choose… Kaga-chan!" Zuikaku picked" But, why? "asked Kaga sweating." Oh don't be such a wuss, Kaga!" Zuikaku reassured her with her patented smile." Oh, I'm not going to do your paperwork for you! Got it?" Kaga replied "That smile I haven't seen that smile in ages, I'm going to do everything to make her smile like that again at least once!" Kaga thought to herself happily.

"So now that's out of the way, let's go the construction yard!" Nagato said.

Construction Yard

"So this is the Construction Yard, It's so big and loud!" Zuikaku wandered around for a bit then came back." Yes, this is a big place. This is where all of us shipgirls are made." Nagato said.

"One of the workers there approached them and said" Is this the new admiral?" she asked." Yes, yes I am." Zuikaku replied.

"I'll show you how to make a new shipgirl" the worker said" First you put it the amount of steel that you want in this, how many 400? 450? 500? "the worker asked." Ummm, I'll take 500!" Zuikaku said.

"How much bauxite do you want? I'm' afraid we only have 300 in reserve. "the worker said sheepishly" I'll put in 150, that should be good" Zuikaku replied.

"And now we wait!" Nagato said." Oh wait I almost forgot. This is the admiral's tablet, this is how you will sort us and do other kinds of stuff with it." She gave her the tablet and let her tinker with it" Wow, I never had anything like these until now." Zuikaku marvelled at the sight of the tablet.

"Hey, what's this thing?" she asked." That's the button to press when you want see the construction in progress." Nagato said." Oh, so it's only 3 hours? What is this!" "Now, now. If it's only 3 hours it's because it's a gamble you can get the all- powerful Yamato or another Fubuki, you have to bet that your luck is very good when you're building a shipgirl." The worker answered Nagato.

3 hours later

"The ship's finally done!" Zuikaku said. "Great let's go meet her!" Kaga said.

Construction Yard

"Name ship of the Taihou-class, Taihou!" the new shipgirl said." A new carrier, this'll be good for air superiority." Zuikaku said.

"You must be very hungry, let's go to the cafeteria, after you eat,I'll answer some of your questions,I can see them on your face." She said feeling hungry herself.

"Ok" Taihou said.

Well that's a wrap, see you guys later!

Captain off the Bridge!